Monday, September 30, 2019

Photo-Op #249 - Madam

Sintiklia - Eliza Hair

Idealia - Athis Earrings

Idealia - Emily Lingerie

Idealia - Lizy Shoes

Idealia - Nael Collar

Moon Amore - Caged Soul - Mecha Gloves

Moon Elixir x Muse - Miss Independent Robe


Rezz Room - Imperial Doberman Animesh

Shots taken at Backdrop City

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Photo-Op #248 - A Life of Luxury Looks Like This

Trudee Is Wearing

Sinktilia - Eun Hair

Allure Couture - Bella Nouveau Noir Dress


Fourth Wall -  Woodlands Deer Frame

Foxwood - Fleur Curtain

Foxwood - Petit Pom Lay - Cream and Dark version

Kalopsia - Junie's Pouf

Lisp - Faded Summer Rug- Cafe Cream Darker

Mudhoney - Liza Set - Black Heels, Bra, Panties

Mudhoney - GACHA - Photo-room # 5 (interior)

Raindale - Liosmoine lounge chair (PG)

Raindale - Bonclair Set -  Hanging Rack w/ Clothes, Mannequin w/ Dress, Shoeboxes, Shoebox 1 & 2

Refuge - Cosmo Lighting Gold

Refuge - Sophie Bed Adult

SAYO - Crystalline Pendant Lamp - Brass

Unkindness - Living Gold GACHA -  Black Mirror, Black Ottoman,

Unkindness - Rummage GACHA -  Gold Wire Floor Vase

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Photo-Op # 247 Sensable Looks

Buesy - Vida Hair (modified look)

Romazin - GACHA - Alia - Belt
Romazin - Alan - Choker (gift)

Shanghai - Brice earrings

Dress 1 - GGVG - Blue Beaded Emily Gown

Dress 2 - Azul Siobhan Gown

Dress 3 Virtue - Nina Dress

IM Collection - Jackie-O Heels

Muneira - Szewron Flora Dress

Mosquito's Way - Betty Shoes

* 2nd Chance is a sale event providing items at 50% off tag from their original prices during the event only

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Photo-Op #246 - Celestial Rest


Figure 8 - Classic Contemporary Chair  Gold (Black)

Figure 8 - Les Chandelier Gold 

Foxwood - Petit Pom - Bed - Light

Foxwood - Petit Pom - Bowls - Light

LovelyAlien - ShatteredCrystals 

Madras - Namo Rug

MishMish - Moonlight Fox

Mudhoney - Elara Bed, Drapes, Mirror

Mudhoney - Meera Console

MudHoney - GACHA - Photo Room 5

Myrrhine -  Victorine GACHA - Suitcases 1

Raindale - Darlow room divider 1

Refuge - Luna Collection GACHA - Blue Floor Candles, Gold Starburst, Hanging Candles,
Moon Dust, Moon Mirror, Stringed Lights
@ Arcade Sept 1 - Sept 30

Refuge - Selene Ottoman Blue/G (PG)

Sayo - Gothic Fireplace w/ Candles

Unkindness - Celestial Nook Set - Book Set, Shelf Dbl Navy

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Photo-Op # 245 - Floral Wedding


Ersch - Meedna Headband and Choker

Kib Designs - Elize Bridesmaid Gown

Lagyo - White Doodle Mask
Lagyo - Doodle Butterfly

Romazin - Augustina Earrings & Necklace

Shanghai - Salome Silver Bracelets


Sonder - Jewel Dress - Sapphire


Lode - Matthiola Plant Basket

Simply Shelby - Bird Cage Gazebo w/ Wildflowers

Simply Shelby - Pineapple Patio Set
@  Trunk Show - Aug. 19 - Sept. 18

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Photo-Op #244 - The Sword and The Fairy Queen

Trudee is wearing

Magika - Friday Hair
Idealia - Morgana Necklace
Lovely Alien - Hive Eyes
Lovely Alien - Shimmer Wings
Lovely Alien - Essence Forehead Gem
Romazin - Set Alinda
Asteroidbox - Erotes Cuffs


Raindale - Emeloth - Gazebo (moss), Sword In The Stone
Raindale - Magelight Lantern and Lamp

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...