Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Photo-Op #253 - Ravenous Beautiful

Olive - Aura Hair

Lovely Alien - Hive Eyes

Nar Mattaru - Banshee Eyeshadows
Idealia - Corina Collar

Idealia - Athis Earrings

Inu-ya - Black Wings

Pink Acid - Royalty Kingdom - Ravenne Mask RARE

Guguvaga - Witch Gown Harmony


Anc. - Feather Chips 

Photo-Op # 252 - Graveyard Party

Armonia Decor - Happy Halloween Set - Table - Black

BunBun & Dream - HalloweenParty - Lollipops Classy (not available)

BunBun & Dream - HalloweenParty - Cauldron Punch RARE (not available)

BunBun & Dream - HalloweenParty - Pumpkin Pie (not available)

BunBun & Dream- HalloweenParty - Donuts Traditional (not available)

Half-Deer - Deadwood Trees

Mudhoney - Ghosts & Lanterns - Spooky Ghost

Raindale - Nevermire Gravestone - Bat, Pumpkin, Skull
@ Arcade Oct 8 - 31

Refuge - Halloween Cookies

Refuge - Pumpkin Soup

SynCo - Star Foil Balloons (gift @ Trick or Treat Lane)

Unkindness - Grave Party Cake 3 Tier -Trick

Unkindness - Gothic Cemetery Set - Fence, Fence Entry, Fence Post

Unkindness - Spook'ems GACHA - Ghost Witch

Unkindness - Spook 'ems Ghost Lantern VIP item

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Photo-Op #251 - Glamming It Up 2nd Chance Style Look Part 1

A&Y - Cyber Queen Rebirth Hair

Antinatural [Cureless and Anxiety Collab]- Deathracer GACHA - Driving Gloves

Antinatural  - Deathracer GACHA - Grinner Bot Companion

Azul - Basia Dress
@ 2nd Chance Sale Event Oct 8 - 28

Cerberus Xing & Sole - ChemiColl GACHA - Black Pauldrons

The Forge - Dogmeat's Welding Goggles

Vrsion - SLS12 GACHA - Mask w/Horn RARE


 Antinatural - Deathracer GACHA - Death Storage RARE (backdrop)

Look # 2

The Mad Hattery - Spider Hat

Sintiklia - Eliza Hair (Bangs added also Sintiklia)

Sintiklia - Mirror Lipstick (Genus)

Idealia - Vania GACHA Set - Earrings, Necklace 1 (ULTRA RARE), Necklace
@ Gachaland Oct 1-31

Sonia-Edge - Victoria Spider Dress
@ 2nd Chance Sale Event Oct 8 - 28

Aii - Mortal Harvest Mantle w/ Egosumaii


Indigo - Close Up Poses
@ 2nd Chance Sale Event Oct 8 - 28


Empowered - House of Death Backdrop

Monday, October 7, 2019

Photo-Op #250 - So Many Sensational Looks, So Little Time

Doux - Jenna Hair

Look 1

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Rebel Soul Outfit

Idealia - Corina Collar (unrigged)

Zenith - Secret Agent GACHA - Cap, Golden Gun, Jacket with Gun RARE

Reign - Tianna Heels

Look 2

Sonia-Edge - Victoria Dress

Sonia Edge- Roma Fur Stole

Idealia - Athis Earrings

Versov - Diselov Eyewear

Kibitz - Rhea's Necklace

Kibitz - Cleo Bracelets


Azul - Shelby Dress

Ersch - Goddess Gacha - Crown, Earrings, Collar, Red Choker

Moon Amore - Ethereal Time GACHA - Chronos Arms RARE

Romazin - Gina Garter

Look 4

Lizaah - Raziela Outfit
Fortuna - Idole Earrings

Idealia - Corina Collar (unrigged, used as bracelets)

Idealia - Lizy Heels


Bearded Guy - Burn Down Set - Cuba, Deposito, Fantasia
Bearded Guy - Bad Switch Set - Fear Skull

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...