Doux - Lucy Hairstyle
Limerence - Bonnie hair - Head part (unrigged)
The Secret Garden - Iris Mesh Head - F Tone Skin
Petrichor - Amalthea Single Horn (brown)
Petrichor - Fluana Tail
Petrichor - Kalari Vors Skin Markings
@ Fantasy Faire
Carpe Noctem - Planetary - (rotating earrings)
Pink Fuel - Yum Bubblegum (oldie but a goodie)
Random Matter x Bonbon - Star Girl - Freckles (gold)
Nefekalum - Eostre Tattoo (chest - blue)
@ Fantasy Faire 2021 - Somniatoris Arx Region April 22 - May 9
Demicorm - Natsumi Kimono - #7
Demicorn - Angelic Bag - 1
@ Gacha Garden May 1 - May 31
E.Marie - Chrome Nails
B.D.R. - Katina Swimsuit Maitreya Lara
@ The Initium Event April 18 - May 10
Ryoku - Despair shadow Tattoo (purple)
@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28
!13ACT - Body Hearts (Legacy) #NeonPink
- Main Poses -
Insomnia Angel - Fingerplay
- Background/Decor -
!13ACT - Witche's potion - LILAC (gold)
3rd Eye - Arcane Hymn Key 5 - ( Realm ) Bronze (each key has a cute music box tune!)
3rd Eye_ Arcane Hymn ( Candles & Vine )
@ Gacha Garden May 1 - May 31
Ambix - Lava Lamp (blue)
@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28
Dahlia - Conjure - Energy Point Crystals - Aura Quartz Green
Dust Bunny - Lunar Craft - Cape Stand
Figure 8 - Industrial Chandelier Gold ( combined with Soy's light)
Foxcity - Ballroom Photo Booth - INTERIOR**
Half-Deer - Cauldron of the Stars - Aquamarine - Blue Stars
Half-Deer - Candy Galaxy - Celestial Cat (lay) RARE
Half-Deer - Patch of Galaxy - Blue (medium A)
Ionic - Interdimensional Portal - RARE - BACK WALL**
Krescendo - Celestial - Mirror
Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Bath - RARE
Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Bathbombs
Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Bottle Shelf
Krescendo -Witchy Washy - Clutter Shelf
Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Sink - RARE
@ Epiphany
Krescendo - Moonchild - Chair - RARE
Krescendo - Moonchild - Table
Makokoi - Chess - Galaxies & Stars Set
Moss&Mink - Ornate Divider (Black)
MoonRabbit - StingRabbit (animesh) RARE #4
@ Epiphany
Soy - Fiber Optic Color Changing Light [Table Lamp] (flipped it and reversed it with Figure8's Chandelier)
Unkindness - Sea Life Bubbles v4
Yugen - Bubble Buddies - Pepe