Friday, May 28, 2021

Photo-Op #416 - Mercy Slayer

 - Wearing -

Monso - Choi Hair 

 Pendulum - Artemis (headwear) 

Nefekalum - The Veil

Fika - Lernaean Hydra 

@ Pandora Fair - May 11-31

cinphul - Rhkkd Crown and Collar  (in-store for 60Lweekend May 28-30)

cinphul - A7mar Knife (dual hands)

cinphul - STQ - Armor and Boots Set

Human Glitch -  Nchrgx (upper body)

- Background and Creatures -

Clover - Hauntbeing

cinphul - Azrexok Center and Pillar

Monday, May 24, 2021

Photo-Op #415 - War Changes You 3 - Total Decimation

 - Outfit 1 - 

Wicca's Originals - Carvis Bindi

@ The Warehouse Sale May 23 - June 18

RaonHausen - Rebel Lipstick

This Is Wrong - Runor Makeup 

This Is Wrong - Fray Tattoo (body)

Static - Draped Fetters (thick chains neck and arm)

Quills & Curiosities - Wreath of Barbs Set - Halo and Rune Shackles

Coming soon to Necrosis May 28 - June 11th

Noble Creations - The Seer - Breast Plate (exclusive)

Noble Creations - The Seer - Suit (Black & Gold) RARE

Noble Creations - The Seer - White Veil RARE

@ Gacha Garden May1- May31

Rowne - Timoxa Tribal Skirt 

- Outfit 2 -

Monso -  Ikki Hair 

Garmonbozia - Sensations - One Eye (black)

Infiniti - The Dark Knight Armor Gacha Set

Gacha Garden May1- May31

Reliquary - Soldier Helmet- Tri-dot (gold)

Reliquary -  Errant Shield (texture change)

@ The Warehouse Sale May 23 - June 18

LuluB - Exterior Halo (ice)

@ Cyberpunk Faire May 1-31

- Background/Decor - 

Clover - Fairy island

@ Enchantment  May 8 -31

Fantastical Notion - Astral Portal (sky)

Figure 8 - Vineyard Pergola Set 

HPMD -  Shrub03 - summer c/curve

Raindale - Tanglewood Mushrooms (beige)

Enchantment  May 8 -31

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Photo-Op # 414 - Cyberstar Indeed!

- Wearing -

Zibska - Clio Headpiece 

@ Prime Punk  May 12 - May 20 then at mainstore

Lilithium - Kiss My Curl Hairbase

Shanghai - Empress Shoulder RARE (pads - black)

Zoom - Fashiog Glasses

Zoom - Giant Chains Earrings

Hache - Pop Jumpsuit

Solares - Boombox Hammer  - Danger

Oh My Nya - Need my space Orbs

The Orsy Event May 9 - May23

Fika - Cyberdoll Legs

- Background/Decor -

BackBone  - Chill Corner - All We Have is Now Neon Sign - Pink

BackBone Chill Corner - Buddy Bill

BackBone Chill Corner - Buddy Bob

Black Sand - GACHA - Jelly Sofa 

Hilted - Neon Vapors - Car

Stranger Than Fiction - Outrun Platform/Backdrop

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

Krescendo - Cyberstar Gamer Set

@ Man Cave Event 

Nomad - Retro Portable TV

Nomad -  Space Age Clock 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Photo-Op #413- Madame

- Wearing -

Nylon Outfitter's - Veronica Style 
@ Collarbor88

Zibska - Elodie Hat

Rawr - Zillionaire Choker

Raonhausen - Rebel HD Lips

Brilliancia - Naomi Dress 

Ryvolter -Trixi Shoulder Fur Coat 

A Breakfast Convo - Chunky Belt

Livia - Gold Struck MixItPro Nails

Reign - Jaclyn Heels 

La Perla - Nikki Mask # 4
La Perla - Nikki Riding Crop # 5

Photoshoot - Fembot - Bento Pose Pack

- Background & Decor -

Foxes - Urban Fallout - Hound - White RARE

Tropix - The Castle Stair Backdrop

Monday, May 17, 2021

Photo-Op #412 - A Diva's Recording Studio

- Wearing -

Zibska - Adva Headpiece

Zibska - Adva Shoulder Pieces

Zibska - Guise Mask

Lepunk - Yve Eyeshadow 

The Orsy Event May 9 - May23

Doux - Prudence Hair

Garmonbozia - Macabra Crown

Garmonbozia - Harumi Fan - Metal

Random Matter - Drusilla Earrings 

Avanti - Selyna Choker

Kunglers - Atlanta Anemone Ring

Kunglers - Cleuza Necklace 

Nefekalum - Algiz Tattoo (face)

Nefekalum - Eostre (gold, chest)

Livia - Goldstruck - MixItPro Nails 

The Orsy Event May 9 - May23

Gulabi - Sitara Top 

Salem - Rowan Skirt 

Eternus - Leila Coat 

Grima -  Giovanna Fishnet Gloves 

Renegade - Heather  (pumps/boots)

Majesty -  Round Bag 

- Background - 

Abedul - Silk Curtains 

Cureless+Home - La Marquise Bust Statue 

Fancy Decor - Marbled Tea Set 

Krescendo - Magic Mic 

Krescendo - Seduction Seat 

Krescendo - Seduction Table 

Majesty - Lucite Floral Arrangement - Eau de Parfum Deco

Minimal - Velvet Circular Table

Nomad - Fringe Chandelier - Gold

The Sinner - V wall - Sunrise

@ The Orsy Event May 9 - May23

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Photo-Op # 411 - Electra Demonica


- Wearing - 

Lilithium - Kiss Kiss (eye tattoo)

Birth - Glimmer Eyes 

This is Wrong - Thor Animated Makeup
@ Access 

Dappa - Hax Tattoo (chest)
@ Cyber Punk Fair 

Cerberus Xing - Sceleratis Ears 

Clover - Demon Jaws 

cinphul - Diode Scream (group gift) 

Quills & Curiosities - A Touch of Darkness Wings

Eternus - Leila Coat 

LuLu - Dita - LaceCorset -Onyx - RARE - 3
LuLu - Dita -  Nippy Tassel - Onyx - 5
LuLu - Dita - Thong - Onyx - 9
LuLu - Dita -  Garter - Onyx - 17

Hero - Angel&Demon - Demon's Horns
Hero - Angel&Demon - Demon's Boots
Hero - Angel&Demon - Demon's Tail (bento)
Hero - Angel&Demon - Demon's Sleeve

Wyrd - Runa Blot Skin

Rawr - Six String Axe 

Static - Thunder Goddess's Bolts (animated)

Beautiful Dirty Rich - React Fishnets 

- Backdrop/Decor -

Alchemy - Hell Hound - Crimson

cinphul -  Diode Scream ( used as decor)

Cubic Cherry - Sion - Tileable Backdrop

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Photo-Op - #410 - Out Of This World Spa Day





Doux - Lucy Hairstyle 

Limerence - Bonnie hair - Head part (unrigged)

The Secret Garden - Iris Mesh Head - F Tone Skin

Petrichor - Amalthea Single Horn (brown)

Petrichor - Fluana Tail

Petrichor - Kalari Vors Skin Markings

@ Fantasy Faire

Carpe Noctem - Planetary - (rotating earrings)

Pink Fuel - Yum Bubblegum (oldie but a goodie)

Random Matter x Bonbon - Star Girl - Freckles (gold)

Nefekalum  - Eostre Tattoo (chest - blue)

Fantasy Faire 2021 - Somniatoris Arx Region April 22 - May 9 

Demicorm - Natsumi Kimono - #7 

Demicorn - Angelic Bag - 1

@ Gacha Garden May 1 - May 31

E.Marie - Chrome Nails 

B.D.R. - Katina Swimsuit Maitreya Lara

@ The Initium Event April 18 - May 10


Ryoku -  Despair shadow Tattoo (purple)

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

!13ACT - Body Hearts (Legacy) #NeonPink

- Main Poses -

Insomnia Angel - Fingerplay 

- Background/Decor - 

!13ACT - Witche's potion - LILAC (gold)

3rd Eye - Arcane Hymn Key 5 - ( Realm ) Bronze (each key has a cute music box tune!)

3rd Eye_ Arcane Hymn  ( Candles & Vine )

 @ Gacha Garden May 1 - May 31

Ambix - Lava Lamp (blue)

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

Dahlia - Conjure - Energy Point Crystals - Aura Quartz Green

Dust Bunny - Lunar Craft - Cape Stand

Figure 8 - Industrial Chandelier Gold ( combined with Soy's light)

Foxcity - Ballroom Photo Booth - INTERIOR**

Half-Deer - Cauldron of the Stars - Aquamarine - Blue Stars

Half-Deer -  Candy Galaxy - Celestial Cat (lay) RARE

Half-Deer -  Patch of Galaxy - Blue (medium A)

Ionic - Interdimensional Portal - RARE - BACK WALL**

Krescendo - Celestial - Mirror

Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Bath - RARE

Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Bathbombs

Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Bottle Shelf

Krescendo -Witchy Washy - Clutter Shelf

Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Sink - RARE

@ Epiphany

Krescendo - Moonchild - Chair - RARE

Krescendo - Moonchild - Table

Makokoi - Chess - Galaxies & Stars Set

Moss&Mink - Ornate Divider (Black)

MoonRabbit - StingRabbit (animesh) RARE #4

@ Epiphany

Soy - Fiber Optic Color Changing Light [Table Lamp] (flipped it and reversed it with Figure8's Chandelier)

Unkindness - Sea Life Bubbles v4

Yugen - Bubble Buddies - Pepe

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Photoshop #409 - Chocobo Herder


- Wearing -

Artifact - Fat Chicken Mask

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

N.A.P - Page Keeper - Black/Yellow Tattoo (chest, arms, back legs)

N.A.P - Page Keeper Tail 

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

Alchemy - GACHA -  Budgie Mount (night) w/ Grub Stick

Banana Peel  - Pygmy Hippogriff  - Chickobo - RARE

Petrichor - Pari Trinket Box 

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

PFC - Northern Cape 

Topsicat - Melody Outfit (freya)

@ The [Mod]ify Event - May 1 - May 28

Prismatic - GACHA -  Bats - Monochrome Female Skin

- Background/Home Decor -

Dragon Magick Wares - Moonlight Cottage

@ Fantasy Faire on Ostara Region - April 22 - May 9

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Photo-Op #408 - Forest Fae Queen

- Wearing - 

-Petrichor  & Trap -  Kalari Hair 

Petrichor & Trap - Kalari Kors Skin - Vaarin

@ Fantasy Faire 

Trap - Shred Ears

Ikon - Immortal Eyes

Fika - The Sacrifice

Zibska - Chiharu Set - Shoulder Piece

Zibska Noemie Set - Headpiece and Shoulderpiece

Zibska - Ouida  Set - Brow, Headpiece, Shoulderpiece

Egosumaii - Fae Wings ( animated )

Kibitz - Alexandria Collar

Kunglers - Andora Bracelet

Kunglers - Margarita Earring 

Kunglers - Neema Necklace

Son!a-Edge - Athena Dress w/ Fur Stole

@ Center Ground Event 

Clover - Bubble Cap (animated)

@ Chronicles & Legends April 10 - May 2nd

- Background/Decor -

Darktales -Tree Creature 

DDD - Enchanted Pond

DDD Mystic Twinkling Ivy - Sprig

Hextraordinary - Elven Throne

HPMD - Garden Tree10 - greenMix B 

HPMD - Shrub03

Noble Creations - Rain Drop Ivy - Gold/Bubble Light Brown

Raindale - Wondervine Petal Hanging Chair (green)

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...