Tuesday, November 30, 2021
Photo-Op # 480 - Out of This World Camp-in
Photo-Op #479 - Fashionably Late
- Wearing -
Lightwood - Top Hat
Zibska - Nava Headpiece and Collar
Madras - Spooky Pumpkin Decor (head)
Ersch - Babette Necklace
Nefekalum - Sluagh Tattoo
Nefekalum - Salvaged Inventory - Solar Crown
Nefekalum - Salvaged Inventory - Torso Tape
@ Salvaged Inventory Nov 20 - Dec 20
cinphul - Wolfbane Claws
cinphul - Rorschach Pants
cinphul - Mirvet Boots
Salem - Rama Cane
Ambix - Serrated Tail
- Background -
Nefekalum - Scavenger - Solar Crown (used as background)
Monday, November 29, 2021
Photo-Op - # 478 - Last of The Organics
Tuesday, November 23, 2021
Photo-Op #477 - Room for Growth
Reliquary - The Outlaw's Tea Set/ Caddy
Bespoke - Rodent Clara Head
@ Salvage Station - Nov 20 - Dec 20
Contraption - Atreus Waistcoat - Machina
Contraption - SP1NDL Prosthetic Arm
Elemental - Electric Hands Magic Aura System
Toksik - Bloodlust Pants
- Background/Decor -
Architect - Cappella Cabinet #2
Banana Peel - Magical Herb (spring)
Contraption - Solaire Chandelier (gold)
Krescendo - Hollywood - Sofa - RARE
Dynasty x Anxiety - Mirthful Dining - Dinner Hall RARE
Linkrave - Plant Isolation Pod - Blue Kuunka
Linkrave - Book - The Future of Botanical Engineering
@ Tokyo Zero Event, Ends Nov 25
Petrichor - Flora Observer Celestial
Petrichor - Flora Samples Celestial
Petrichor - Jiralyn Orb [Base] Decor
Petrichor - Masse Planter - Summer Night Sky
Petrichor - Metalspire Bottle
Petrichor - Moone Birdfeeder Celestial
Petrichor - Moonie Mirror Celestial
Petrichor - Opalle Bowl Celestial
Petrichor - Solis Hourglass Celestial
Petrichor - Tinnia Planter - Summer Night Sky
Saturday, November 20, 2021
Photo-Op #476 - Digital Hang
Reliquary - Synth-o Ear
Psycho Byts - Pazuzu Respirator
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
Linkrave - RAMware Set (head/face gear)
Sixx - Cyber Tubes
Normandy - Hibernation Outfit
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
AiiZawa - R.C.V.M Thigh Plates
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
The Forge - Proto Arms
Persephone - The 001 Injector
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
Requisition - The Aeronaut's Hoverpack
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
Torment - Bilu Halo (gift)
Torment - Bilu Capsule
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
- Background/Decor -
Cubic Cherry - Kharon Lantern (blacklime)
Krescendo - Frank the Dog Butler - Orange
Random Matter - Cyber Doc - Med Table
Random Matter - Cyber Doc - Servers 2
Random Matter - Cyber Doc - Stool (yellow)
Random Matter - Cyber Doc - Webrunner Chair - RARE
Varonis - "Level 03" Backdrop
Necrotize - Ending today, Nov 20
Friday, November 19, 2021
Photo-Op #475 - Tantric Space
- Wearing -
Doux - Medusa Hair
Pumec - Horizon Mesh Ears
Public Figure - Halima Skin (face)
Velour - Ipanema Body Skin
Nefekalum - Forsaken Tattoo (eyes)
Purple Beauty - Estelar Lippie (lipstick)
RS Store - Celestial Chord Lyre
Devious Mind - Celeste Outfit - Shoulder Halo, Outfit
Moon Amore - Ethereal Time - Chronos Arms
Scandalize - Nair Heels
Cubic Cherry - Orici Boots
- Background/Decor -
3rd Eye - Spellbound Music Box
3rd Eye - Spellbound Circle v3
Architect - Porto Sideboard
Architect - 'The Beamer' Column Shelf (silver)
Marmaladny Girl (MG) - Blue Peacock Set - Backdrop RARE, Hookah, Jar, Jug Tray, Long Lamp, Pillows, Sofa
MudHoney - Capiz Chandelier Dark - Zinc
Square - Fluid Canvas Wall Art (grey)
Petrichor - Sunray Mirror (noir)
Monday, November 15, 2021
Photo-Op # 474 - On The Prowl
- Wearing -
Evil Baby - Biomechanic Headpiece
BeSpoke - Centipede Head
Aii & Ego - Oomukade Centipede Animesh Body
Clover - Baby Maggot
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 18
Wicca's Originals - Deacon Arms
Human Glitch - NCTHR Tattoo (torso)
cinphul - STQ Armor Chest
cinphul - STQ Armor Waist
Antaya - Monster Egg
- Background/ Decor -
Cerridwen's Cauldron - Eggplant
cinphul - Azrexok Set
Dysfunctionality - Enchanted Pond
Zibska - Pelagi Headpiece w/ Orbit (used as plants)
Thursday, November 11, 2021
Photo-Op # 473 - Magically Inclined Tayloring
- Wearing -
Nylon Outfitters - Marilyn Style Hair
Emotional circus - Spider Web Eyeshadow (Evox)
Triggered - Steatoda Glasses
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 17
Mandala - Yakushi Necklace
VoluptasVirtualis - Amaranth Collar
Blaise - Immortal Earrings
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 17
Insomnia Angel - Big Puff Sleeves
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 17
Zibska - Rhode Accessories (rose wires)
RAWR! - Reaper Long Nails
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 17
Beautiful Dirty Rich - Witching Hour Dress
Beautiful Dirty Rich - Witching Hour Web Hat
Pixa - Webbed Accessory
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 17
AsteroidBox - Stud Clutch Bag
Yummy - Demon Queen Ring Set
- Background/Decor -
Cubic Cherry - Ornate Cauldron
Silent Sparrow - Black Spid-eek! Spider
Merak - Magic Dress form
Merak - Reused Broom
Soy - Vortex Window Frame
Sunday, November 7, 2021
Photo-Op # 472 - Singles Gathering: Welcome Witches and Warlocks
- Background / Decor -
Adorably Strange Wares - The Crisanta Pathways
Architect - Floor Skull Cages Candelabra (brass)
Architect - Helio Chandelier II (gold)
Banana Peel - Dragon O' de Moors (aurora) RARE
Dahlia - Bare - Cappuccino - Tan
Dahlia - Belladonna - Macaron Cloche
Dahlia - Winter Solstice - Mini Blueberry Pies
Dahlia - Entomology Wall Art - Beetle - Black Gold
Dahlia - Entomology Wall Art - Moth - Black Gold
Dragon Magick Wares - Blessed Cottage (exterior)
Dragon Magick Wares - Celeste Hearth
Dragon Magick Wares - Magic Eye Rug
Foxwood - Starlight Bench
Half-Deer - String of Pearls - Large Chain (gold)
HPMD* Garden Tree10 - Autumn A (ground
HPMD - Shrub02 - red and yellow b
Kres - Date Night Cards (for an interactive date night within SL)
@ The Kink Event Oct 28 - Nov 22
LuluB! - Mars - Grey Day Stars and Clouds
Puke Rainbows - Sparkling Moonlight
Raindale - Everfae Sign (big)
Raindale - Moonlit Water Well
Raindale - Nightgrove Table
Raindale - Nightgrove Candles
Raindale - Nightgrove Coat Rack
Raindale - Nightgrove Goblet
Raindale - Sacredmoon Bottle
Raindale - Sacredmoon cake
Raindale - Sacredmoon Vased Pumpkin
Tuesday, November 2, 2021
Photo-Op #471 - The Transporter Part 1
- Wearing -
Level 9 - Xino Helmet
Dreamcatcher - Necromancer's Shoulder Pads
AiiZawa - R.C.V.M Sleeves
AiiZawa - R.C.V.M Thigh Plates
AiiZawa - Coralian Katar of Nirvash (weapons)
Human Glitch - NCTHR - Boots
Human Glitch - NCTHR Tattoo (red)
Human Glitch - NCHRGX Pants
The DeadBoy - Raxlas Claws
Static - Thunder Goddess's Bolts
cinphul - Mirvet Necklace [Cirque Du Mystere gift 2021]
Moon Rabbit - Toothie (creatures)
- Background/ Decor -
3rd Eye Perceptions - Spellbound Music Box RARE (used here as a water fountain)
@ The Secret Garden
Contraption Decor - Neudamm Deco Fountain (obsidian)
Fourth Wall - Mossy Rock Set
LovelyAlien - ShatteredCrystals
Requisition - The Aeronaut's Hoverpack
Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking
- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...

- Wearing - Camo - Sauvanne F-Locs Lelutka - Prim Head Nuve - Dimples Random Matter - Bosca Earrings and Necklaces Random Matter - Hadiya ...
- Weariing - Azoury - Agushaya (helmet) Moon Rabbit - Steam Glasses Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20 Luas - Henrietta Scepter E...