Friday, December 31, 2021

Photo-Op #489 - An Xmas Darkly - Dark Tidings I Bring

 - Wearing - 

Tableau Vivant - Seelie and Unseelie Hair - Nat I

Reliquary - The Aristocrat's Pendant

Nefekalum - Rowan Set - Eyes, Crown and Face Markings

Heaux - Marina - Dark Elf Skin

  Mea Tenebra - Lick Me, Monster!

Zibska - Preon Set

Cureless - Christmas Nightmare - Skeleton Suit - RARE
Antinatural - Carnival Freaks - Circus Gloves

Just Tony- Black Christmas - Star Ornament (right hand)

VaeVictis - Saint's Fire Lantern(left hand)

- Decor/Background -

Architect - Teacup & Saucer (gunmetal)
Architect - Marchetti's Fireplace (black)

Black Nest - Enne Wall Mirrors

Broken Arrows - Spooky Tray 

BunBun & Dream -  HalloweenParty - Cauldron Punch RARE (no longer available)

Cureless - Christmas Nightmare - Killer Wreath

Dahlia - Belladonna - Macaron Box

Dahlia - Lestat - Sette - PG

Dope/Mercy -  Skull Retro Poster Box_Silver

Foxcity - Gothic Chandelier 

Foxwood - Cozy Kitty 

Half-Deer - Christmas Set - Noir (christmas tree, some ornaments, snowflakes and plaid tree skirt)

Half-Deer - Giant Christmas Bulbs

Lillithium - Merry Hexmas Set - Gingerbread Church, Ornaments and Coffin Gift Box as seen here

K&S - Fallen Table Setting Set - Box of Roses, Rose w/Petals, Plates, Wine Glasses

Krescendo - Eden Chair 

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter - Mixing Bowls

Petrichor - Spidra Table Black

Zerkalo - Grand Piano

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Photo-Op #488 - Merry Digital Xmas

- Wearing - 

A&Y Cyber Ghost hair (Female) - Black

Unicorn - Holovisor Head Blue

Unholy -Nieves Skin (vip group gift)

This Is Wrong - Animatronix Tattoo

Gutchi- Cyberpunk 2094 Visors 

A.D.D.Andel! Golden Eyes -Blue-No Gold

Linkrave - RAMware - Eyebrows

A&Y Neon Cyber Leg Booster

RS Store - Cyber Platinum Cyborg Legs


SEKA's CuteBOT Panty

SEKA's Cyberlita Top (Maitreya)

SEKA's Cyberlita Hand 

SEKA's Hand Wrap

- Background/Decor -

Bamse - Gamer - ReCharge Cans

Cerridwen's Cauldron -  Nightgaunt Plushie (sitting decor, green)

Disorderly - Gift of Light (giftboxes)

Hilted - Gym Bag (L'homme Edition gift)

Isil - Holographic Christmas Tree

Nomad - TV Bed

Nomad -  Wired Monitors

Pitaya.Tropix - Cyber Club - Luminary

Pitaya -Tropix - Cyber Club - Skybox RARE 

Random Matter  - Cyber Doc - Hacking Station - RARE (back)

Random Matter  - Cyber Doc - Robotic Arm (green)

Random Matter - Cyber Doc - Med Table

Rezz Room - Cyber  Greyhound Animesh(companion) Small

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Photo-Op - #487 Mission - Sabotage

- Wearing -

Rise Design -  Exodus Fauxhawk

BeSpoke - Rodent Carla Head

Gloom - Intergalactic Eyes - Red

Butanik83 - Scavenger Mask

Quirky - Risky Spiked Choker 

 LOB - Chnology Jacket 

Violation - Machine Goggles

AsteroidBox - Survivor Shirt 

G-SHOT - Nefera Shorts

Clover - Rope gun

Psycho - Byts - Fury Burn Knee Pads

The Forge - Aftermath Boots

AiiZawa - Chainsaw Zweihander 

- Background/Decor - 

Fantastical Notion - Reactor Tower

Monday, December 20, 2021

Photo-Op @486 - A Ninetail Bound

- Wearing - 

Aii & Ego -  Iron Nimbus Horns (Sinner Magic)

Aii & Ego - Oculus Patch

Salvage Station Nov 20 - Dec 20

Aii & Ego - Aether Suit

Doux - Medarda Hair

Aurealis - Medarda Metal Earring

Val'more - Mistery Mask (instore freebie)

Static - Fetters (chains)

TURB - Inquisitor Armor 

 Quills & Curiosities - Sothelian's Staff (Shoulder)

Quills & Curiosities - Surging Whorl Aura

Reliquary -  Orryn Candleabra

Petrichor - Fluna Tail

- Backdrop/Decor - 

Pitaya - The Ritual Background

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Photo-Op #485 - Your Hostess

- Wearing -

Zibska - Leka Deux Headwear

Salvage Station Nov 20 - Dec 20

A.D.D.Andel - Bionic Eyes-Blue

Salvage Station Nov 20 - Dec 20

Sole -  SA - Glasses Penta CP 

The Warehouse Sale ends today, December 18 

Sole - STD-P Collar (Black)

:::SOLE::: STD-P Ribs Belt

Sulfur -  Snap Top

The Warehouse Sale ends today, December 18 

Sixx - Cyber Tubes 

Pixa ~ Senshi Ribbon 

PH - Garbage Couture - Skirt 

Salvage Station Nov 20 - Dec 20

L'Emporio&PL- *Cyber Pulse Gloves

cinphul -  Reincarner Boots

The Warehouse Sale ends today, December 18 

Kensho - Cyberpunk Glowing Tattoo

This Is Wrong - Apocalypse Wings

Salvage Station Nov 20 - Dec 20

- Background/Decor -

Broken Arrows - S.T.A.R.K Labs  - Aqua (Black)

Nomad - Neon Halo (type 1)

The Warehouse Sale ends today, December 18 

Pitaya/Tropix - Cyber Club - Couch

Pitaya/Tropix - Cyber Club - Head Neon (pink)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Photo-Op - #484 Last Stand: World Go Byebye!

- Wearing - 

Haro -  Relict Tiara

No Match - No Tendencies Hair 

@ The Arcade 

Heaux - Shelby (face skin)

Mana - Hectic Scars

Garmonbozia - Pollution Earring

Nefekalum - Scavenger's Eyeshadow (Black) - Evo X Tattoo
Nefekalum - Savenger's Crafted Hair 

Nefekelaum - Liquid Tattoo

The Forge - Aftermath Outfit 

Seka's - Hand Wrap

Drot - A Very Naughty Baseball Bat (holiday)

- Backdrop/Decor -

Bondi - Nuke Table Soda Machine  (blue0

CrocoDoggle -  Newhaven Utility Tower
CrocoDoggle - Newhaven Maintenance Stairs

Dirty Rat - Bell Shelter 

FNY Designs: Refurbished Mannequins

Muniick- Pathetic Christmas Tree

Nomad -  Barbed Wire Fence 

Refuge - Wire Christmas Tree Green

Static - Glass Scrap Lantern 

Studio Dire - Merry Bucket 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Photo-Op #483 - A Den Of Vipers


- Wearing - 

Yomi - Zephyr Hair 

Rosier - Rika Eyepatch

Heaux -  Shelby Head Skin - (matching Velour's Sienna Body Skin) 

Garmonbozia - Fang Collar
Garmonbozia - Monster Horns (bronze)

Kuz - Monster Horns

Tardfish - Mystic Elven Bow
Animation 1
Animation 2

Lilithe - Artio Tattoos (chest, fingers)

Atmos Design - Andra Outfit

Atmos Designs - Tachibana Warrior - Thights

Toksik - Invasion Cape

Noble Creations - Chimera Viper Animesh  (groupgift instore with 10Lfee - totally worth it!)

- Backdrop/Decor

Khaos Muse - Walls - Deep Forest
Khaos Muse -  Forest Throne

Photo-Op #482 - Cause We Need A Little Christmas


- Backdrop/ Decor Exterior -

Alchemy - Little Log Pathway

Aphrodite - Holiday Tree S-1

Astralia - North Pole Directions Sign

( From Santa's Inc Event, Nice Package)

Dragon Magick - Wares Sabina Cottage - Rustic

01 - HERO - Christmas - Animated Stag (Touch to Start/Stop)

03 - HERO - Christmas - Christmas Dog

04 - HERO - Christmas - Snowman

The Yuletide Market - Dec 1- 31

 Little Bee - Christmas Castle - Castle

The Yuletide Market - Dec 1- 31

Raindale - Airvalley Balloon

Raindale - Sweetlight arch (snowy)

Raindale - Sweetlight -  Candy Canes Decor

Raindale - Sweetlight -  Lollipop Decor

Raindale - Sweetlight - Sled With Gifts (wood)

Raindale - Sweetlight  - Wooden Snowflake (dark)

Raindale - Sweetlight - Tree

@The Arcade December 1-31

- Backdrop/ Decor Interior - 

3rd Eye Perceptions - #13 - Winters Light Music Box (w/gingerbread house)

The Yuletide Market - Dec 1- 31

Apple Fall Star Light - Leaning

Lagom - The Christmas Gnomes [stocking]#10

Little Bee - Christmas Castle -  Christmas Tree, Sofa, Treat Table

The Yuletide Market - Dec 1- 31

02 - HERO - Christmas - Puppy in Santas Sack

16 - HERO - Christmas - Grey Mouse, White Mouse and Brown Mouse

@ The Yuletide Market - Dec 1- 31

Pitaya - Welcome Xmas - Box

Pitaya - Welcome Xmas - Old door

Pitaya - Welcome Xmas - Watering Can

Raindale - Frostsong - Gift Boxes

Raindale - Frostsong - Rocking horse 

Vespertine - Starburst light - ice white / short

What Next - Hot Chocolate Sierra Kettle & Mugs (red)

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Photo-Op # 481 - Let's Wreak Some Havoc!


Peek here for animated features:

- Wearing - 

Emotional Circus - Ophiuchus Halo (mix)

Monso -  Choi Hair

Heaux -  Shelby Head Skin - (matching Velour's Sienna Body Skin) 

Lelutka - Briannon Head

Song - Kaija Eyes 

Emotional circus - Spider Web Eyeshadow Style 1

Blaise  - Star Threader Earrings 

Eternus - Disharmony Necklace (freebie advent gift, Veles Shopping Center)

Toksik - Vortex Jacket and Top

Lilithe - Artio and Damona Tattoos

Aii & Ego - Starfire Angel Wings 

MODA - Tart Bodysuit - Fishnet

Le Fil Casse -  Evanora Belt Tie

Garmonbozia - Ghoul Hands

Seka - Evil Panty 
Seka - Simple Septum Ring (freebie)

Phedora - Hyun Unisex Boots

- Animation/Poses -

Clover - Hunter Spells (animation)

Guhit - Runes of Shadows (animesh)

Sapa - 147 Set - Walking Animations

Triggered -  Magic Lines Aura 

- Backdrop - 

Tropic - Alley Scene 2

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...