Thursday, March 31, 2022

Photo-Op # 534 - Wiccan and Chill


- Wearing - 

Dahlia - Belladonna - Bat Clock - Gold 4 C/M

Dragon Magick Wares Celeste Hearth

Dust Bunny & Con - Cider Sunsets - Vintage Trunk

Dust Bunny - Lunar Craft - Cape Stand

Eclectica Curiosities - It's a gold vase! (past gift)

Elm -Emi Decor - Hanging Stars #4 [Black/Gold]

Fancy Decor: Poulsen Mirrors

Foxwood - Amelia - Armoire - Wood

Foxwood - Dark Puggy - Laze

Foxwood - Incantation - Potion Chest

Foxwood ~ Little Wicked ~ Rug Raven

Krescendo - Hamster Hangout - Bowl
Krescendo - Hamster Hangout - Cage
Krescendo - Hamster Hangout - Wheel

Static - Cursed Page - Binding Rite

Vespertine - Spring Rose Arrangement (beige tones)

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Photo-Op #533 - Private Party


- Decor - 

No.59 - Gin funky and vienna on tray

BackBone - Venice Bed PG

Celeste - Phantom's Retreat Skybox

Constraint - Fenris Wall Art (timber)

Eclectica Curiosities - It's a gold vase! (past gift)

Eudora3D - Old Radio

Figure 8 - Les Chandelier 

Krescendo - Kinky Cushion
Krescendo - Seduction Seat &Table - Fabric

Krescendo - Tough Love - Black

Lemme - Golden candles
Lemme - New 20's Trolley Table // Marble

Majesty - Lucite Floral Arrangement (gold)

Raindale - Nightgrove Candles 

Vespertine - Spring Rose Arrangement (beige tones)

Monday, March 28, 2022

Photo-Op #532 - Tinges of Gold

- Wearing -

Doux - Jenna Hair 

Aii - Ibaraki Horns (BOM)

Rahra by Poema - Ariel Skin

Core&Gore - Ansu Earrings

Promagic - Lamour Earrings 

Rise Designs - Manchester Necklace

Zaara - Umrao Anarkali Outfit

Bueno - March Bag (pattern)

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Photo-Op #531 - Gryffinda Raveno


- Wearing - 

Zibska - Dania Headpiece

Zibska - Lirain Headpiece and Collar

@ Engine Room March 20 - April 20

Bliensen + MaiTai - Vilde Tiara/Helmet/Headpiece 

We Love Roleplay Mar 4-28

Bespoke - Gargoyle Head, Brimstone Skin

@ The Warehouse Sale March 23 - April 18

Ederigon - Guru Tattoo

Noble Creations -  Fantasy Feathers Shawl 

The DeadBoy -Devoradora Body 

cinphul - Tilt Bangles

@ The Warehouse Sale Mar 23 - April 18

cinphul - Raptor II Gloves and Boots

LR Weapons - Chi You Blade 

We Love Roleplay Mar 4-28

C L A Vv  -  Dragon Wings - RARE

- Decor -

Celeste - Phantom's Retreat Skybox

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Photo-Op #530 - Just Passing Through


- Decor - 

Banana Peel -  Pygmy Doe (fox) RARE

Dragon Magick Wares - Taigh Cottage - Light

HPMD - Shrub03 - Summer b

HPMD - Garden Tree11 - E/root

Vespertine - Garden Pebble Pathway 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Photo-Op #529 - A Place for Invention and Preservation


- Decor -

Architect - Porthole Seaweed Green (bronze)

CrocoDoggle -  Billingsgate  Trunk 

DaD Design - Industrial Fan Floor Lamp

Dirty Rat - Mermaid Tank

DRD - Asylum - Papers B, C
DRD - The Reanimator - Circuit Breaker
 DRD - The Reanimator - Dr Stein's Chair
 DRD - The Reanimator - Dr Stein's Desk 

Dynasty x Anxiety - Mirthful Dining - Dinner Hall RARE

Jane&Finch- Outer Satellite Display Cabinet

KMGM - Steampunk Aquarium - Angle Pipe
 KMGM - Steampunk Aquarium - Aquarium Circle
KMGM - Steampunk Aquarium - Aquarium Square
KMGM - Steampunk Aquarium 
KMGM - Steampunk Aquarium 
KMGM- SP Aquarium Shelf
KMGM- SP Aquarium Lantern New B
KMGM- SP Aquarium Tank Shrimp 

Krieger - RetroTech Helmet

Maru Kado - Mermaid Doll 

Random Matter. - The Haunting - EMF Reader
Random Matter - The Haunting - Ghost Box 

Random Matter - Golden Age - Radio (dark)

Sayo - Edison Drafting Schematics
Sayo - Edison Drafting Scrolls

Friday, March 18, 2022

Photo-Op - # 528 - Lady of The Night


- Wearing - 

Just Yaska - Xin Head Halo

Monso - Natalia Hair 

Insomnia Angel - Kayla Big Bow Headdress

Insomnia Angel - Big Puff Sleeves

Quills & Curiosities - Starfall Cape

Rise Designs -  Lilith Earrings and Necklace

Kosmii -  Amour Mask (silver)

Toksik - Descent Dress

Random.Matter - The Countess Hand Fan
Random.Matter - Verona - Telescopic Cigarette

- Background/Decor -

Anc - Giant Beads Flower 

Celeste  - Arch Arcanum

Eclectica Curiosities- Twisted Garden - Table, Chairs and Tea Set

Eclectica Curiosities- Twisted Hall Mirror

Jane&Finch - H.E.X. Dark Wall Panel 

*HEXtraordinary* Dragon Fire Lights - Pearl

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Photo-Op - #527 - Half Orc, Half Dragon-Fae Warrior

- Wearing - 

Reliquary - Draconic Diadem - Headpiece, Mandible

Reliquary - Morbid Pauldron - High-Ridge

Bespoke - Goblin Skin - Green Blood

Aii - Fantasy Bento b.o.m. Ears (Long) 

Clover - Pact amulet

Rekt - Hariberu Chest 

Atmos Designs - The Knight - Pauldrons (gold)

Atmos Designs - RARE - Asmodeus Skirt (burgundy)

Kosmii - Strider Armor - Gauntlet

Nefekalum - Arise Tattoo

Toksik - Invasion Cape

Valr (**Now Level9)  -  Damask - Duelist Sword (w/poses)

Hextraordinary - Fae Drake - Onyx 

- Decor -

Clover - Crystal Altar 

HPMD - Shrub03 

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Photo-Op #526 - Goblin Dragon Mage


- Wearing - 

Bonbon - Yubi Hair

Aii - Fantasy Bento B.O.M Ears 

Pendulum - Ravaphine Eyepatch

We Love Roleplay Mar 4-28

Bespoke - Goblin Eyes and Skin (natural)

We Love Roleplay Mar 4-28

AxisMundi - Heavymetal Mage Outfit (w/ staff)

We Love Roleplay Mar 4-28

- Backdrop/Decor - 

Jane&Finch - H.E.X. Dark Wall Panel

Spires Society - Memento Mori Statue

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Photo-Op #525 - Breaking My Fast

- Wearing - 

Blaise /Ladybird  - My Blvck Hat

Etoile -  Aaron hairstyle - 190222 

Sacrilege - Eternal Damnation  (eye veins, bloody mouth and hands)

Nefekalum - Hush (blank mouth tattoo)

KuZ - Neck Leash // Female

Sulfur - Fader Earrings

Sulfur - Snap Top

Cerberusxing - Headphones (event group gift)

Cerberusxing - Cerb's  Year-End Delight (subscriber store gift)

Hotdog - Power jacket 

Grixdale - Trinket - Pleated Skirt - Mono 2

Moda - Torn Tights

- Backdrop -

Paleto - Labx2

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Photo-Op #524 - Dark Damsel


- Wearing - 

Bonbon - Deviant Hair

Song - Pinja Eyes

Lilithe - Aurine Tattoo

Voluptas Virtualis - Amaranth Collar

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Laura Dress

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Verano Coverup

Rawr - Heavy Metal Nails and Ring Sets

- Backdrop -

Varonis  - "Don't go out!" Backdrop

Monday, March 7, 2022

Photo-Op - #523 A Little Rustic, A Little Wiccan


- Background/Decor-

- Dragon Magick Wares Taigh Cottage - Dark (Exterior)-

    Constraint - Fenris Wall Art
Half-Deer - Grass Rug 

HPMD - Garden Tree10 (GreenMix)

Koukla - Gem Lantern (Steel, Magenta)

Raindale - Lonespire Gate With Bell and Lanterns

- Dragon Magick Wares Taigh Cottage - Dark (Interior) -

Disorderly - Potion Study - Table
Disorderly - The Great Library -  Bookshelf w/scrolls 

Dust Bunny - Wiccan Artistry - Smudge Sticks
Dust Bunny - Wiccan Artistry - Dried Flowers - RARE

Krescendo - Kattegat - Cup and Jug

Harshlands - Skull Candle
Harshlands - Viking Bench

HEXtraordinary - Grand Brass Dragon Fire Lamp

MoonSha - Rustic Kitchen Cabinet 

Myrrine - Alchemists Gacha - Bookcase 1
Myrrine - Alchemists Gacha - Bookpiles w/ Candles 
Myrrine - Alchemists Gacha - Scrolls purple

Nutmeg - Rustic Chair and Table 

Old World - Medieval Chest w/Furr

Old World - Medieval Hammock w/Furr

Old World -  Medieval Furry Carpet

Old World -   Wood logs Backpack 

Puke Rainbows - Sparkling Moonlight

Raindale - WitchySpring Brooms rack

Random Matter - Cottage Life - Wood Stove - RARE

Friday, March 4, 2022

Photo-Op #522 Pillars of This City


- Background/Decor -

Cubic Cherry - Sion TileableBackdrop 

CKC - Styigan Ruins Set

The Guild: Atlantis Mar 1- 31

A Fantastical Notion - Flux Crystal 2.0 - Mythic 

A Fantastical Notion -  Hands of Corruption 

A Fantastical Notion - MagiTek Grand Crystal (White)

Linkrave - Light Emitter - Type-A - Blue Light

Linkrave - Light Emitter - Type-C - Blue Light

Linkrave - M'yar Captured Monolith

Reliquary - Pillars of Ancestry

@ The Guild: Atlantis Mar 1- 31

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...