Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Photo-Op #606 - War Changes You 5


- Wearing -

Sintiklia - Hair -Kendra

cinphul - Grace Crown

cinphul - Excess boots

Seydr - Vegvisir Face Tattoo/Eye Shadow, Finger Tattoo

Swallow - Pixie Gauged S Ears (f) 2.0

Evil Baby x CTRL + Z - Glory of Mictlantecuhtl (piercing and ear plug set)

IKON - Deadshine Resurrected Eyes - Abyss Dragonfly

Curemore - Voodoo Tribe / Inkosazana Top and  Bottom RARE

Nefekalum  - Nordic Tattoo (face and body)
Nefekalum - Spiritus Astral Red

Conviction - Beast Claws

Clover - piercer jaw (jaw)
Clover - Serpent bow (quiver)

PFC - Raven Pauldron

- Background - 

Harshlands - The Runegate

Static - Dreamchime {Natural}

Friday, August 26, 2022

Photo - Op - #605 - Goddess Me


- Wearing -

Doux - Sophie Hairstyle 

Heaux - Mikaela - Dracula Tone 

IKON - Deadshine Resurrected Eyes (BOM) - Abyss Dragonfly

Random Matter - Fayeth Earrings and Collar

Ersch - Goddess Gacha Wand
Ersch - Goddess Gacha Collar

Shiny Stuffs - EvoX Face Seam 
Shiny Stuffs  - EvoX Kiss Sector 18a
Shiny Stuffs - EvoX Bloop Liner 8

Atmos Designs - Drusilla - Collar 

Moon Amore - Heaven's Gate -Tiara & Tiara

Oblivis - Aether Fusion Core (old copper)

Cubic Cherry - Delicatessa Arms 

Cubic Cherry - Aurum Doll Leg 

- Pose  Up Close -

Insomnia Angel - Fingerplay

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Photo-Op #604 - Rokara, The Thanagarian - Come Get Some!


- Wearing - 

Oblivis - Shattering Sun Halo

Not A Peep - Hoard Eyes - 11 - Garnet

Birth - Glimmer Eye System

Rise Designs - The Morrigan Headdress and Necklace

Atmos Designs - Wonder Armor - Helmet (gold)

Atmos Designs - Wonder Armor - Top ( RARE)

Kosmii - Strider Armor - Gauntlet, Pauldrons

Aii & Ego -  Starfire Angel Wings 

TURB - Dark Archbishop Gauntlet 

AsteroidBox -Azrael Pants 

Requisition - The Beasthunter's Electro Mace

- Poses -

Poseidon - Flight Poses

Monday, August 22, 2022

Photo-Op #603 - Of Darkness and Light


- Wearing -

Aii - Celestial Halo (Iustitia) (group gift)

Andore - Elf Mesh Ears

Zibska - Sini Earring 

Leronso - Efua Skin (face)

Nefekalum - Aten 38 (forehead tattoo)

Nefekalum - Briar Set - Crown, BOM Cap, BOM Eye Shadow, Bom Neck Tattoo

Ikon - Deadshine Resurrected Eyes - Dark Inferno

Shiny Stuffs - Face Seam (gold, prior gift)
Shiny Stuffs - Daemon Kiss 11

Ederigon - Guhu Skin

Vae Victis -  "Abyssal Maw" Jaw Brace - BOM

Sixx - Underworld Set (outfit)

Evil Baby - Majestic Wings

cinphul - Merjan II Barette (used as pauldrons)
cinphul - Wolfbane (claw)

- Background -

En Pointe - Fancy Armored Friend

Sunday, August 21, 2022

Photo-Op # 602 - Wee Forgotten Things - Thou Hast Forsaken Us

- Background - 

Disorderly - The Great Library / Bookshelf w/extra book

 DRD - Asylum - Electro shock treatement

DRD - Industrial Lights - String bulbs

 DRD - The Reanimator - Circuit Breaker c/m
DRD - The Reanimator - Dr Stein's Chair 
DRD - The Reanimator - Dr Stein's Desk
DRD - The Reanimator - Tower Vines - RARE
DRD - The Reanimator - Work In Progress 
KraftWork Once Upon a House . Scattered Papers

Level 9 Ninth Life Mask
Level 9 - Specimen Jar (Turtle)

LHP - Skeleton Floor Lamp

Nomad Chain Chandelier - Black

Rhyme Nor Reason - [RnR] - Violet Wand Set 

Dirty Rat - Machine of Memories 
Dirty Rat - Mermaid Tank [DECOR]
Dirty Rat - Mutant Flytrap

Spires Society - Lordhunter Crypt (Dark Catholic Mesh)

What's Lost Spirits - [WLS] - Bean Head
What's Lost Spirits - [WLS] - Steampunk Greeter 

Friday, August 19, 2022

Photo-Op #601- Let Them Salivate


- Wearing - 

No. Match - No Desire (hair)
@ Enchantment

Reverie - Fay Eye Shadow

Leronso - Efua Skin

Top1Salon - Nightfall Lipstick

Gaury - Big Pearl Hoop Earrings

Neutral Tones - Dripping Crystals Top 
Neutral Tones -  Ankle Wrap Pumps 

Yummy - Y2K Galaxy Bangles 

Random Matter - Verona Telescopic Cigarette

Piece of Me - Claire Bag 

Piece of Me - Claire Shades 

A&Y -  High Panties (recent gift)

Blaxium -Aura Nails

Salem - Rebel Stockings 

- Pose - 

Gamma - Fight With Me (in second photo)

- Background -

Sempiternal - Heaven's Gate Skybox

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Photo-Op #600 - Andromeda: The Crystal Fox


- Wearing -

Aii - Celestial Halo

Ederigon - Sentinel's Helm

Salem - Apostle Cape - Silver 

A&Y Lornx Cybergothic Corset

A&Y - Neon Cyber Leg Boosters 

Grima - Iridium Arms

This Is Wrong - Litany Tattoo

AiiZawa - Boots of Andromeda Right

AiiZawa - Coralian Katars of Nirvash

- Background/Decor -

Paparazzi - Fade to Black - 2

Sau - Cuirassier (vehicle)

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Photo-Op #599 - Cyber Geisha Songtress

- Wearing -

 This Is Wrong -  Mech Halo (Piston)

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

cinphul - Diode - Kkanzashi.bow.blk

cinphul - Diode - Kanzashi.bigfork

cinphul - Diode -

Vae Victis - Tyrant Horns

Enchantment  Aug 13 - Sept 3

Doux - Sophie Hairstyle 

Helbourne - Hex.Exe Eyes 

LaGyo - Eva Collar 

Nefekalum  - Aten (Face tattoo)

Lilithe - Porrima Tattoos 

Lilithe - Kruonis Tattoos 

Shiny Stuff - Kiss Sector

Shiny Stuff - Cyber Face Seam (past free gift)

Clover - Soul Window

Fantastical Notion - Legacy - October Prosthetics - Arms and Legs

Neo Kitsch - Medtech Helmet 

Quills & Curiosities - Stellar Night Parasol 

Cerberus Xing - Enochian Succuba - Jacket A (Rare)

Ersch - Vamy Sleeves 

- Background/Decor -

3rd Eye - Tide Song Music Box Collection (resized for decor features)

@ NextUp Aug 1- 31

BackBone Cyber Bonsai - Black w/ Blue Leaves

Backbone - Holo Dancers 

Devinz Designers - Hippop Ottoman

Linkrave - Cryo Chamber - Male & Female

Nebur Cyborg -  Enison Plaza

Ombra - Cyberpunk Wall 

Piraya & Tropix  - Cyber City Gacha - Control Tower

Swamp - Space Festival Set (StageDrones, Microphone Prop, Pose)

@ NextUp Aug 1- 31

Vespertine - Garden Pebble Pathway 

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Photo-Op #598 - Jetlag: Incoming Threat


- Wearing - 

A&Y - Orbital Babe Hair 

Fika - Cyberdoll Helmet

Rainbow Sundae - Charum Halo 

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Linkrave - Ramware Eyebrow

Helbourne - Hex.Exe Eyes

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Shiny Stuffs - Cyber Face Seam (free gift)

Shiny Stuffs  - Kiss Sector

Shiny Stuffs - Skin Deep

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Butanik83 - Owl -296 Fukuro 

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Hopscotch - Cyber Chest Display

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Nova Top and Panties

Psycho Byts - Infiniti Arms

Sixx - Cyber Tubes

Antaya - Jet Legs

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Lilithe - Kruonis and Porrima Tattoos

Just Tony- Bunny Bot #12

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Ayaya -  X-54 Photon Greatsword (black)

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

- Background -

Zeroichi - Gate Backdrop

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Photo-Op #597 Protect This House -Upgrade

 - Wearing -

Contraption - Welded Barker Mask, Collar and Pauldrons (previous free gift )

Asteroidbox - Riley Outfit

Rotten Lab - Wytch Armor

Grima - Cyber Body and Legs

Struts - Wasteland Ripper  

- Background/Decor -

Hilted - W-Bot
Sau - Cuirassier (vehicle)
Sau - Military Crate (prop)

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Photo-Op #596 - Divanka Mothraine

- Wearing -

Exile - Something Wicked Hair 

Zibska - Elektra Horns

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Bespoke - Moth Luna Head

cinphul - Temperance Mask

cinphul - Ravage II Jacket

cinphul - Raptor Boots

cinphul -  Malaise Handbag

Reverie - Galactic Eyeliner #1

Shiny Stuff - Face Seam (free gift) 

 @ Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Sulfur - Fader Earrings

Sulfur - Snap Top

VaeVictus - Seeds of Ruin - Bloom of Ruin - War (group gift)

Lilithe' - Latona Tattoo (chest)

 @ Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Lilithe' - Alcmene Tattoos (hands)

Lilithe' - Brigh Tattoo (stomach)

FAS - Moth Lunar Wings

 @ Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Seka - Cytech Shorts (straps hidden)

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Curemore - AsylumVillains - Kitty's Whip


Varonis - Red Light District - Backdrop

Monday, August 8, 2022

Photo-Op #595 - Guardian of Argent

- Wearing - 

Nefekalum - Helmingr Halo 

Nefekalum - Helmingr Tattoo

Halftime item @ Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Nefekalum - Aten Horns 

The Warehouse Sale July 23 - Aug 18

Bonbon - Hannah Hair 

@ Kustom9

Birth - Glimmer Eye System

Shiny Stuff -Bloop Liner 

Shiny Stuff - Face Seam (free gift)

Shiny Stuff - Kiss Sector (lipstick)

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Psycho:Byts - KAY-1NFC3D Mask

Evermore - Biji Septum (Group gift)

Muu x Prismatic - Pebs BOM (face)

Prismatic - Pebs - Night BOM (body)

Static - Order Gauntlets

The DeadBoy - Theria Legs 

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Aii - Avarice Tail

 Verboten - Seyren Scythe 

@ Mainframe - Jul 20 - August 13

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Photo-Op #594 - Teaching Order Within Disorder

- Background/Decor - 

Cubic Cherry - Eleos Grimoire Stand 

Disorderly - Crystal Study / Crystal Collection / Blue
Disorderly - Crystal Study / Examining Crystals / Multi
Disorderly - Crystal Study / Crystal Mirror / Multi

DRD - Mage's Den - Crrystal Magick
DRD - Mage's den - Suitcase Drawers
DRD - Mage's Den - Wizard's Desk

DRD - Wizards Classroom - Decorative cage

DRD - Wizards Classroom - Teacher Desk

Foxwood - Cupid skybox - Dark

Kore - Toil Wand

Kore - Zaira's Hanging Hat

Kore - Zaira's Shears, Open [Prop]

Raindale - Mistyspirit Cauldron 1

Raindale - Mistyspirit Book (blue deco)

Raindale - Mistyspirit Magic Lights

Raindale - Mistyspirit Mortar

Raindale - Mistyspirit Mushroom Jar

Raindale - Mistyspirit Potion

Raindale - Mistyspirit Test Tubes

Raindale - Nevermire potion (hunt edition)

Raindale - Nevermire Stack of Cauldrons (hunt edition)

Saturday, August 6, 2022

Photo-Op #593 - The Making of Something


- Wearing -

Quills & Curiosities - Cathedral Halo

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Quills & Curiosities - Enchanted Keys

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Quills & Curiousities - Ocular Lightning

Tableau Vivant -  Seelie and Unseelie hair - Colors

Nekelaum - Aten Makeup and Horns

@ The Warehouse Sale July 23 - Aug 18

Hellbourne - Skynd Tattoo (cheek to chin tattoo)

Ikon - Deadshine Eyes 

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Birth - Glimmer  Eye Overlay

Aerth - Apprentice Earrings

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Candle and Caudron - The Pact Pendant - Silver

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Insomnia Angel  - Pansy Gothic Dress 

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Torment  - Ryze (garters)

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Mizu - Alchemist Folly Flask V1.1

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

This Is Wrong - Litany Tattoo

(in store for Last Round of Epiphany

Static - Order Gauntlets 

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Val'More - Darkboots 


- Background/Decor -

Candle and Cauldron - Lestat Pendulum Lamp 

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

DRD - Wizards Classroom - Bookcase

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Eclectica- Twisted Boudoir Table

Midnight Order July 20-Aug 20

Pitaya - Laly's book - Book 01 (decor)

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Static - Dreamchime 

Static - Deathly Horse Skeleton Miniature

Static - Deathly Horse Skeleton Display

The Wizarding Faire  July 23 - Aug 6 

Spires Society - Lament of Innocence Skybox

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Photo- Op - #592 - Vladimira the Concoctionist aka Vlad The Impaler


- Wearing - 

S-CLUB Emily Eyemask -  200722 
S-CLUB Emily Hairstyle - 200722 

Arts & Gear - AntiqueUsachan[A2_Crack]

Candle & Cauldron - The Pact Pendant - Gold

Toksik - Serenade Jacket 

AsteroidBox - Azrael Pants 

Contraption - Dapper Dandy's Gloves - Chrome
Contraption - Distinguished Gaze (binoculars)
@ The Fifty 

Requisition - Avalon's Tear Rapier

- Background - Decor - 

DRD - Vlad's Blood Brews Cart

Varonis  - Dayport Backdrop Scene

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...