Monday, October 31, 2022

Photo-Op # 625 - Rorsarched Dame


- Wearing - 

Bespoke - Moth Luna Head

Cureless - Dragon Tears (used as hair)

Cureless - Innistrad Halo Drapes

Cureless - Flutterby Glasses

cinphul - Kit Earrings

@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23 - Nov 18

cinphul - Raptor II Gloves 

cinphul - Grace II - Scifi Boots

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7  

The Forge - Shiva Bodysuit 

Lilithe - Lukthu Tattoos

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7  

- Background -

Sacrilege - The Necronom Chair

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7  

Photo-Op # 626 - No Internet and A Little Stir Crazy.


- Wearing -

Doux - Sophie

Moon Amore - Teddy's Nightmare Coat

Moon Amore - Grunge Spirit Skirt

Crazy Kobold Creations - Evil Cleaver [Weapon]

The Guild - Hallows Aftermath Oct 1-31

Moon Rabbit - Blood for Body Head (gift)

- Decor/Background -

Dirty Rat - 80's Horror Movies

The Guild - Hallows Aftermath Oct 1-31

 DRD  - MM2 Haunted bookcase

Krescendo - Petrifying Pumpkins - Wifi - White

Krescendo - Doll Planters - 1 - Demon

In store for Hocus Pocus 2022 hunt which begins October 21st - Nov 1st!

Paparazzi - SKYBOX - Basement

Zerkalo  - Old Chaise Lounge Persian Edition 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Photo-Op #624 - Fire and Bone


- Wearing - 

Cureless - Dragon Tears (used as hair)

Contraption - Desideratus Sentinel's Crown
Contraption - Osprey Claws 

Ikon - Deadshine Eyes

Random Matter - Verity Earrings 

Vae Victis - Deathless Sovereign Gorget and Pauldrons

Haro -  Juno Bracelet 

Oblivis - Aether Fusion Core 

LuluB - Lux Fireballs

Cureless - Anatomical Venus / M / Mors Vincit ADDON Skirt
Cureless -  Anatomical Venus / M / Osseous Temple

Fallen Gods Inc - Thea and Metropolic face and body Tattoos

- Background - 

The Bearded Guy - Zombie Awakening Backdrop 

Friday, October 28, 2022

Photo-Op #623 - Serpentine Inclinations

- Wearing - 

Monso - Beth Hair 

Miura - Ecate Headdress

Sacul - BerhaneVeil 

 Nar Mattaru - Moody  Eyeshadow

Reverie - Darkstar Lipstick

Pendulum - Ilbryn Neckpiece 
Pendulum - Auric Claws

Belle Epoque - Haizea 

Euphorie - Medusa Earring

CODE-5 Snake Armband R V.0.01

Musa! - Hand Pose set 01

Haro - Juno Bracelet

A Breakfast Convo - Chunky Chain Belt 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Photo-Op #622 - Steam Novelty Dinning


- Background/Decor -

Architect - Porto Sideboard #1

DRD -industrial lights - string bulbs

Dictatorship - Vernian - ALTO AND MOTO Picture Set

Figure 8 - Industrial Chandelier Gold

Krescendo - Caddy Couch 

Kunst - Industrial Liqueur Dispenser
Kunst - Zafir Anejo Bottle 

Merak - Barman's Bottles
Merak - Decorative Tray
Merak - Home Bar Tray

MRDR - Juke Audio Jukebox

Oblivis - Aether Fusion Core 
Oblivis - Power Cell Pillar Old Copper 

What Dreams May Come - Steam Punk Clown 3

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Photo-Op # 621 - Working From Past Mistakes


- Decor - 

Architect - Hot Air Balloon Chandelier

Dirty Rat - The Last Pig 

3 - DRD - Asylum - Sidetable Books
4 - DRD - The Reanimator - Hutch
5 - DRD - The Reanimator - Dr Stein's Desk
10 - DRD - The Reanimator - Circuit Breaker 
13 - DRD - The Reanimator - Skull 
16 - DRD - The Reanimator - Work In Progress

Hextraordinary - Steampunk Angler Fish Lamp

Howl - Spider Lamp
@ The Warehouse Sale Oct 23-Nov18

Linkrave - Cryo Chamber 
Linkrave - Wormhole Suitcase - Aged Brown

Oblivis - Power Cell Pillar Old Copper 

RnR - Bubble Burner
RnR - Lab Frame A
RnR - Lab Frame B
RnR - Spectosplicerator
RnR - Suspicious Fluids
RnR - Teselactorator

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Photo-Op #620 - Green Splendored Fae

- Wearing - 

Trap - Nova Helm

Egosumaii - Fae Wings
Egosumaii - Moss Moth Demon Horns (Black Moths)

Ikon - Deadshine Eyes

Velour - Michelle Evil Fantasy Skin

cinphul -  Merjan II Barrette
cinphul - Wolfsbane

Static - Lakelurk Collar

Sixx - Underworld Outfit

Nebur Cyborg - Corrupted Veins

Nefekalum - Fairest Tattoo
@ We Love Roleplay Oct 4-28

Neutral Tones - Twisted Boots 
@ Dubai Event 


Friday, October 21, 2022

Photo-Op # 619 - Love At First Sight


- Wearing -

Quills and Curiousities - Emotivision

Butanik83 - Causality Stabilizer

Toksik - Gracious Dress 

Insomnia Angel - Witch Wand Umbrella 

- Background & Decor -

K&S -  Deadlock Backdrop

What's Lost Spirits  - Fear Build 7

What's Lost Spirits - TV 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Photo-Op #618 - Frankleen Stein's Smashing Steam Diner


- Wearing - 

Butanik83 - Causality Stabilize

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

S - Club - Esther Hair 

Zibska Celio Headpiece (used as pauldrons)

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

NeFekalum - Perfection eye and chest tattoo

Insomnia Angel -  Honoria Mono-goggles

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Arts & Gear - Iron Fan

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Atrophia -  Steamvape 0.4 

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Drunken Brokkr - Bratha Harness

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Blue Moon Enterprise -  Librarian Gown Rust 

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Wicca's Originals - Barclay Hand

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

- Backdrop/Decor - 

8f8 - La Petite Joie Cafe - Espresso Machine RARE

Andika - New year Cake display with Swees/chocolatte

Andika -Sake Glass

Apple Fall - Confetti Balloon (Gold)

Architect - Hot Air Balloon Chandelier 

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Dahlia - Bare - Cappuccino - Mocha

Dictatorship - Vernian - MOTO Picture Set 

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Eclectica Curiosities - Neon Steampunk Table

Eclectica Curiosities - Steampunk metal flower vase_anodised

Eclectica - Steampunk Dining Set

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Oblivis - Power Cell Pillar (old copper)

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Murder -  Juke Audio Jukebox

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Monday, October 17, 2022

Photo-Op # 617 - A Night In Fear City


- Wearing - 

Cubic Cherry - Ornament Horns (used as hair)

Suicidal Unborn -  Aneira Eyebrows 

Repulse -  Hatchling Eyes 

Zibska - Nerya Headpiece

Zibska Sini Earrings

Zibska - Osip Eye and Lip Makeup

NK - Vulca Implant Mask

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7  

Aii & Ego - Monster Pelt 

Aii & Ego - Holy Hell FullBody Feathers 

Ash -Allusa Corset 

EngineRoom Sept 20 - Oct 20

Muu - Vulpes Callidus (tattoo, face, body)

@ The Guild  - The Hallows Aftermath Oct 1-31

Val'more - Hunt Revolver  Prototype

@ EngineRoom Sept 20 - Oct 20

- Background/Decor -

What's lost Spirits - Fear Build

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7 

Monday, October 10, 2022

Photo-Op # 616 - Crimson Cassandra


- Wearing -

 Hair Hell (Aii) - Necromantic Hair 

Vae Victis - Abyssal Maw- Jaw Brace 

Vae Victis - Bad Moon Rising - Bannered Horns
Only available as a hunt prize during Hallow Manor start Oct 14

Aether - Crystaline Corruptor  Blood cult (eye makeup)

Soulstone - Polyopia Eyes (body)

K.Beauty - Blood Lips

Muu - Vulpes Callidus (black and red body tattoo)

Venge - Birghir (chest tattoo)

Evil Baby - Mantis Pasties 

cinphul - Argos Cincher 

Curemore - Voodoo Tribe - Ngami Halo - RARE
Curemore - Voodoo Tribe - Inkosazana Bottom RARE

Chris Two Designs - Hand Axe Valhalla 

AxisMundi - Crucifixium

Friday, October 7, 2022

Photo-Op #615 - The Guardian of Aur


- Wearing -

Repulse - Autonomous Eyes 

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Sonata Hair - Hair Hell

@ The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

LuluB! - Suspiria - With Lights - Golden

Vae Victis - Tyrant  Crown Horns 

Oblivis - Aether Fusion Core 

 Infiniti - TDK - Pauldrons - Silver 

Evil Baby - Aetherpunk Doll Prosthetic Parts

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Fallen Gods Inc - Legacy of Maul

Fallen Gods Inc - Metropolis - Rust Prototype

Fallen Gods Inc - Thea -  Rust Prototype (Engine Room - Gift)

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Quills & Curiosities - Galvanic Limbs

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

- Background/Decor -

Spires Society - Chamber Of The Wicked Skybox

Oblivis - Power Cell Pillar Black and Gold 

The Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Photo-Op #614 - Harvester of Wretched Souls

- Wearing -

Clover - Charmed hair (Ponytail)

Cureless - Corvus Mask

Cureless - Corvus Manteau w/ Pauldrons


This Is Wrong - Infernal smoke 

CerberusXing - Sceleratis Ears

Loa - Spooky Face Paint 

@ We Love Roleplay Oct 4-28

Insomnia Angel . spooky mouth

The Guild: Hallows Aftermath Oct 1-31

Contraption -  Vox Diaboli Neck Corset

Quills & Curiosities - Plentiful Harvest 

The Guild: Hallows Aftermath Oct 1-31

Vae Victis - Gruesome Relic - Soul Reliquary

Available through Madpea's Spooktacular Halloween Hunt October 1-Nov2

Human Glitch - NCTHR  (body tattoo)

Antinatural -  Carnival Freaks - Circus Gloves - RARE

Static - Grimace (teeth on body)

@ The Guild: Hallows Aftermath Oct 1-31

cinphul - Excess (boots)

- Background/Decor -

Moon Rabbit - Toothie

What's Lost Spirits - Gallows

@ We Love Roleplay Oct 4-28

Monday, October 3, 2022

Photo-Op # 613 - Darkling Princess


- Wearing - 

Monso -Billie Hair 

Aerth - Creature Genetics 5 

Ikon - Deadshine Resurrected Eyes (BOM) - Dark Natural

Cerberusxing  Merneith (Silver)

Cerberusxing - Enochian Succuba - Jacket A 

cinphul - Tempest Hairstick

cinphul - Tempest III Crown

@ The Warehouse Sale Sept 23 - Oct 18

Nefekalum - Nuit (Black) - Tattoo

Nefekalum - Torso Tape (Black) - Tattoo

Moon Amore - PlastiKa Shorts 

Cureless - Corvus Manteau 

- Background -

Cubic Cherry - Sion Tile Backdrop

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...