Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Photo-Op # 637 - Bringing My Creations To Life

- Wearing -

Beusy - Vida Hair 

Tentacio - Pink Visor

Emotional Circus - Ophiuchus_Halo_Pink

Carpe Noctem - "Planetary" Rotating Earrings

Seka - U.P Shoulders

PsychoByts - Infinity Arms 

MoonAmore - Oddysey2081 - TripOut Dress - RARE

- Background Decor - 

3rd Eye - 5 - Pandoras Verdure Musicbox

 Cubic Cherry - PetRock (animesh and decor)

Banana Peel - Magical Perfume Cauldrons

Winter Wizarding Faire - Nov27 - Dec 8

Krescendo - Bewitched Bedroom - Crystals 

Krescendo - Bewitched Bedroom - Tarot 

Krescendo -  Bewitched Bedroom - Vanity

Krescendo - Witchy Washy - Tall Plant

Krescendo - Potion Tree 

@ Winter Wizarding Faire - Nov27 - Dec 8

LuluB! - Cielito Lindo - Storm.

Makokoi - Chess -  Galaxies & Stars Set

Piper and Rue - Sugarquills

Winter Wizarding Faire - Nov27 - Dec 8

Raindale - Daemyar Altar v2 

Raindale - Daemyar Crystal (triple) 

Monday, November 28, 2022

Photo-Op # 636 - Chow Time For Master

- Wearing -

Angelicus - Star princess Head gear

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

Cerberus Xing -  Sceleratis Ears

Celesticat - Ritual Eyes 

@Sabbath Event Nov 21 - Dec 11

Loa - Trance Face Paint 

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

Jangka - Lilith Headdress and Outfit

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

Aerth - Saturnalia Body Tattoo 

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

Psycho Byts - Grayas Tongue 

Chingon - Distimia Tattoo Faded (arms)

@Sabbath Event Nov 21 - Dec 11

PFC - Northern Cape Fur

Constraint - The Jagged Edge (dagger)

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

This Is Wrong - Corrupted Tattoo and Shine

- Background -

Dirty Rat - Altar of Cthulhu

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

Old World - Set of Potions v3 

We Love Roleplay Nov 4-28

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Photo-Op #635 - Primadonna Snake Charmer

- Wearing - 

Nefekalum - Old Gods Horns 

Nefekaum Aquatic (face tatoo)

Nefekaum Piscean (body tattoo)

Rekt Royalty - Dissected Circuits Black Tattoo 

Soleil et Lune - Elegant Cyber EvoX - Onyx

DRD - Wasteland Helmet - Metal Mohawk

Pixel Art - Nova Star Earrings 

@Sabbath Event Nov 21 - Dec 11

Celesticat - Ritual Eyes - 10 

@Sabbath Event Nov 21 - Dec 11

Shiny Stuff - Daemon Kiss Lipstick

Soleil et Lune - Elegant Cyber (eye tattoo)

Ash - Allusa Pasties 

Cubic Cherry - Aira face Rig 

Contraption - Lazerblade Spine

Violent Seduction - Pythia - Legacy (CyberGreen)

Ersch - Vamy Sleeves 

Seka' s - U.P. Shoulder (pauldrons)

Seka's - Wreck Leg (tights)

InZoxi - Nanite Light Streaks

-Background -

Quills & Curiosities - Retro Reflections (Panels - 5)

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Photo-Op #634 - Eve's Full Potential

- Wearing - 

Zibska Adva Headpiece
Zibska Loki Ext Headpiece Left

Random Matter - Fayeth Earrings

Cureless - Nepenthes Gown

Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms

Vae Victis - Abyssal Maw - Jaw Brace 
Vae Victis - "Impera" Cosmic Greatsword

Random Matter - Shinobu Mantle

Moon Rabbit - SNEK
@ Kustom9

- Background -

Sanctuary Hell Backdrop - The Bearded Guy

Random Matter - Confesser's Corner - Booth 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Photo-Op #633 - A Feast To Behold

- Wearing - 

No Match - No Tendencies  Hair 

Camo - Sellah Dreads 

Poema - Sigrid Skin

Rise Designs - Vortex Earrings

Sigil - Dynasty Necklace

Glyph - Emma Gown 

- Decor -

Angelicus - Dragon Counter 

Dragon Magick Wares Taigh Cottage - Dark (interior)

DRD - Autumn shelf (gift)

Foxwood - Grandma's Kitchen - Table 

Insurrektion - Medieval Baking Set 

Insurrektion - Medieval Stews Set 

Laminak - Royal Goblet Tray

Old World -  Medieval Furry Carpet

MoonSha - Rustic Kitchen Cabinet 

Raindale - Darkcarol hearth with hood - promo

Random Matter - Cottage Life - Quilt

Monday, November 14, 2022

Photo-Op - #632 - Badass Bunny


-Wearing -

This Is Wrong - Mech Halo (nucleus)

E-Clipse Designs - Badbunn Mask

No Match - No Devotion 
60L Weekend Sale

Clover - Final Form Eyes

Reverie  - Fay Eyeshadow

Shiny Stuffs - Daemon  Kiss Lipstick

The White Crow - Diesel Ears

LuluB! - Cyber Crew - RR Z90 - Red (chest tattoo)

Evil Baby - Mantis Corset 

Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms

Fantastical Notion - Captain's Revolver

Fantastical Notion - Mecha Scythe

Evil Baby - Mantis Corset 

Nefekalum - Invasion (lower body tattoo)

cinphul - Reincarner Boots

Val'more - Prototype Monocycle

- Background -

Varonis - Redlight Backdrop

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Photo-Op # 631 - A Place of Tranquil Respite 2


- Decor - 

Alchemy - Forest Spellbook

Dust Bunny - Floral Archway With Curtain 

Dust Bunny -  Pink Petal Steps  

Foxwood - Draglette - Sky (sleeping and flying)

HPMD - Sunlight

HPMD - Shrubs03

Raindale - Ashvalor Pond With Rocks

Raindale - Farblossom Set (fountain tree, pond)

Raindale - Elphinstone Gazebo

Raindale - Skyvale Arch

Photo-Op # 630 - A New Kind of Predator


- Wearing -

Level9 - Xino Helmet

LuluB! - Cyber Crew - RR Z90 - Red (chest tattoo)

Evil Baby - Mantis Pasties and Corset 

Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms

Clover - Tentacle prosthetics 

Omise - Death Ball Bunny-B 

Verboten - Buyanne Prosthetic

Nefekalum - Invasion (lower body tattoo)

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Photo-Op # 629 - Bounty Hunter Valdis and Makilltosh


- Wearing - 

Ivy - Lyrae Fade (face tatto)

Zibska - Lilit Set

Soleil et Lune - Elegant Cyber (face tattoo)

Stargazer - Femme Perky F02 - Norrsken Violet Skin

Fantastical Notion - Mecha Scythe - Sheathed

FAS- Cyber Gliders

Neo Kitch- Vulca Respirator Mouth Implant

LuluB! - Cyber Crew - RR Z90 - Red (chest)

Rowne - Damir Sheer Dress - Onyx

A&Y - Neon Cyber Leg Booster

Seka's -  CuteBOT Panty 

Grima - Future Suit Boots

Cerberus Xing x BUENO - Welded Eye - Silver (nails and rings)

Static - Cosmic Meat Cube 

- Background -

Tropix - Cyber corridor 01

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Photo-Op #628 - War Changes You 6 - Pirate Queen Delphine Killjoy

- Wearing -

Zibska - Lilit Set (brows and collar)

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

Monso - Anya Hair  (hair 1)

Monso - Beth Hair (hair 2)

Heaux - Neon Creature Eyes

Legion - Undead Face Tattoo

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

Dreamcatcher - Necro-mask

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

Dreamcatcher - Symbol of Greatness Collar

The DeadBoy - Ssthycieth Legs

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

Unholy - Centauri Earrings and Weights

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

[NK*] - Vulca Implant Mask 

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

Ash - Ouki Suit

@ Necrotize Oct 7 - Nov7

Curemore - Voodoo Tribe - Ngami Halo / RARE

Human Glitch - NCTHR - Fully Body Tattoo

Vae Victis - "Impera" Cosmic Greatsword

@ Abnormality Nov 7 - 28 


Vaak - Animesh Demadog

- Background -

Dark Underground Backdrop - The Bearded Guy

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Photo-Op #627 - She Came From Below


- Wearing -

IVY - Lyrae Headpiece w/ Fade Tattoo ( face and chest)

Dreamcatcher - Necro-mask

Petrichor - Iktharus Pauldron - Reptila

Aii&Ego - Forbidden Ritual Animesh Tentacles 

Bespoke - Moth Luna Skin

Ersch - Ursien Bodysuit

Ersch - Babette Corset

This Is Wrong - Infernal smoke 

Raven Array - Face, Chest and Arm  Tentacle

The Forge - Krept Hands

The DeadBoy - Ssthycieth Legs

- Background/Decor -

Celeste - The Chamber Skybox
Celeste - The Pod

Celeste - Floating Crystal Sconce 

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...