Thursday, November 30, 2023

Photo-Op #760 - Under The Sea Exploration


Funkystench - Spike Hair 

Bespoke - Moth Luna Head

Static - Elst Eyes - Light Tails 

cinphul - Jlt Crown and Accessories (In World Group Gift)

cinphul - Jlt Gloves and Boots

@ The Warehouse Sale Nov 20 - Dec 18 

Izzie's - Body Mermaid Scales purple

Antaya - Body scales - BOM - Blue

 Antaya - Scale Bra - Siren

Enfant Terrible - Circe Collar and Staff (past gift)


 Krescendo - Snowflake Rug - PG (used as coral)

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Photo-Op #759 - Standing Guard Till Sunset

- Wearing -


Contraption - Necrotic Monarch Crown 

En Pointe  - Disturbian Helm

Static - Aetherscale Epaulettes 

Turb - Dark Archbishop Cloak 

Vae Victis - Barbatos - Executioner Axe

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Ghosted - Dracularis (blood) Skin 

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Evil Baby - Agnola Bodysuit

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Evil Baby - Seraphine Boots 

Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms 

- Decor -

Vae Victis - Sepulcrum Tombstone Set (previously at spookzilla)

Photo-Op #758 - Obsessed With The Scare


- Wearing -

The Horror - Nightmare Hornz

Flaks - Fuzzface Killer Mask 

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Axia - Earring Scream (gift)

Mewsery - Scrunchie Collar

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Almate - Scare Bag 

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Muu - Shriek Cookie

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Dernier - Evil Cloak

Worn - Disruption Top 

Sabbath - Nov 21 - Dec 11

Imperia - Ghoulies Panties 

Sabbath - Nov 21 - Dec 11

Litten - Paul Gloves 

@ Sabbath - Nov 21 - Dec 11

Moda - Torn Tights 

- Decor -

BackBone Halloween String Lights - Ghosts (curved)

Dirty Rat - Billy's Memories

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Dirty Rat - 80's Horror Movies 

Fable Stable - Doom Bear (Decor)

Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

The Horror - Posterz - Creepy Crew (past gift)

The Horror - Posterz - Spook (past gift)

Paleto - Nightmare Backdrop

Pink Soul - Skull Ottoman

@ Abnormality : Sleepover Nov 7-28

Monday, November 20, 2023

Photo-Op #757 - Woodland Darkling


- Wearing -

Zibska - Alga Deux (horns)

Zibska - Achlys Headpiece and Shoulders

Zibska - Chiara Collar 

This Is Wrong - Belial Horns (eyebrows)

Evil Baby x CTRL + Z - Glory of Mictlantecuhtli (tattoos and piercings)

Avarosa - Dacia HD Lips (halloween edition

Not A Peep - Tumble Eyes

Not Found - Lilith Mask

cinphul - Erzts Jaws

Static - Blackthistle Set (bolero, body suit, handguard and shinguard)

- Background - 

Lore - Chonky Bramble Bent [forest]

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Photo-Op #756 - Lilith Amasser of Fools

- Wearing -

Agape - Callisto Halo 

Lelutka - Lilith Head

Void - Flutter Lashes

Not Found - Lilith Mask (head skin)

Suicidal Unborn - Sacred Heart Earrings 

1990 - Ethereal Tattoo

Unholy - Vesicarum Rings

Buffy's - Tiff Outfit 

Vae Victis - Solomon Livery Chain

Sacrilege - Daily Card - Major Arcana 

Maze.Mods - Soft Thighs

Graal - Celtic Hand Cross

- Pose - 

Pixit - Amor Tenebris (skeleton included)


Saturday, November 11, 2023

Photo-Op # 755 - Transient Study


- Wearing - 

Azaran - Valkyrie Halo

Verboten - Morgan Hat

Venus Flytrap - Eshe Eyeshadow 

Nefekalum - Cybele Tattoo

Insomnia Angel - Doll Piercing 

Cruel - Asmodeus Outfit
Vae Victis - Solomon Livery Chain

Celesticat - Ouiji Nails

Inhumation - Suspira Heels

- Decor - 

Dots - Spellbook - Blood

Vae Victis - "Black Temple" - Backed Candle Votive
Vae Victis - "Black Temple" - Standing Candle (Crescent)

Monday, November 6, 2023

Photo-Op #754 - Neon Horror


- Wearing -

Cryptid - The Maw Head

Sugarcult - Wildender Mod Ears

Muu - Stella Tattoo - Pink - Black w/ Shadow (face)

Killjoy - Luxe Bodysuit

Anxious Angel - H4x0rHound- Skin (pink)

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Photo-Op # 753 - Priestess of Aur


- Wearing -

Krova - Dreamer (helm)

Azaran - Zara's Halo

Azoury - Nocte Bellus - Forehead - Gold/Onyx

 Landgraff - 03 - Chromalis Neon (eyelid tattoo)

Celesticat - Surveillance Eyes 

Lelutka - Lilith Head

Leronso - Michaela Skin

Effervescence - Jarvan Tattoo

Shanghai - Empress Shoulder Black

Antaya - Poision Bra and Shoulder Pads

Vae Victis - Veritas Crest and Tears 

Eliavah - Manticore Mecha Arms

Cureless - Astaroth's Inquisition Cape 

Dernier - Metallic Face and Body

- Background/Decor -

Vae Victis - Black Temple Standing Candles

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...