Thursday, February 29, 2024

Photo-Op #774 - Cursed Red


- Wearing - 

Stoic - Hellhound Ears and Tail

Doux - Sophie Hair

Moon Rabbit - Woolfy Mask

Viena - CrazyLover Lashes

Event: Sabbath - January 21- March 11

Hexed  -  Malevolent Scars - Right  - Healed 

Event: Sabbath - January 21- March 11

Random Matter - Fayeth Earrings and Collar

Insomnia Angel -  Death Coming Hood 

Toksik - Enamor Cape (hood down)

Miss Black - Oni Tattoo

Event: Sabbath - January 21- March 11

Emotional Circus - 2000's Gloves

Badwolf - Draculina Lucifer Handbag 

Event: Sabbath - January 21- March 11

Unholy - Malevolent Hands

Noble Creations - Baroque Black 

- Pose - 

Insomnia Angel - Break You Pose 

- Background - 

What's Lost Spirits - Crooked House 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Photo-Op #773 - Brooding While Awaiting His Lady

- Wearing -

Vae Victis - Tyrant Crown Horns (BOM enhanced)
Vae Victis - Pandora - Blood-letting Dagger
Vae Victis - Marbas -  Winter Fur Boa (M
Vae Victis - Montresor - Ringmaster Boots 

Hexed  -  Malevolent Scars - Right (healed)

Azoury - Walkyries (headpiece)

Azaran - Staux Face Mask

Miss Black - Genesis Eyes Gore 

The Skinnery - Sugar Skin( Velour - Dracula)

Noble Creations - Masquerade Jacket 

Contraption - Dapper Dandy's Gloves

cinphul - Rorschach Pants

- Background/Decor -

Architect - De Castelli Wall Panel (burnt1) 
Architect - Teacup & Saucer (gold)

 Eclectica -Steampunk Chocolate Pot
Eclectica Steampunk Chocolate Server

Lore - Aeturnus Crystal Stand

Lore -  Modern Moon Chair w/ Studded Tables

Random Matter - Classic Vanity Set

Random Matter - Reading Room Display Case and Bookcase

Random Matter - Death Day Party - Cheese Platter [Gold]

Raindale - Starbloom Rug 3

Friday, February 23, 2024

Photo-Op #772 - Flawless Majestic Valentine


- Wearing - 

Monso - Anya Hair

Petrichor - Sylaine Horns - Regal

Cole's Corner - Blood Moon Illuminated Beam Aura 

Curemore - Cupid's Serenade - Headdress

Curemore - Cupid's Serenade Attire 

Event: Anthem

Emotional Circus - Crystallized Love - Heart Jewel (cheeks and chest)

Random Matter - Evri Choker [I] [Warm Tones]

Event : Collabor88

Pendulum - Ilbryn Neckpiece

Pendulum -  Auric Claws


Insomnia Angel - Big Puff Sleeves 

Black Lotus - Mia Heart Purse V2 - R1 

Event: Sabbath - January 21- March 11

- Decor/Background - 

Broken Arrows - Love Potion - Tray - Red

Event: Collabor88

Eclectica - Twisted Sofa 1

Sayo - Medusa Mirror - Copper

Photo-Op #771 - Filthy Wicked Heart Breaker


- Wearing -

Filth (formerly XO) -  Anti-You Wig - Red/Black

Filth - Anti-You Shadows - Flame (eyeshadow)

Landgraff -  01 Chromalis Neon Red (eyeshadow)
Landgraff - Crack Down Makeup

Void - Flutter Lashes

 VelvetVue - The Ultimate Goth Makeup - Lipstick 

13Act - Seere Tongue

Miss Black - Genesis Eyes Gore 
Miss Black - Touch of incubus 50% (hands)

Stoic -  Gel Heart Nails

Random Matter - Halo , Collar and Chains

Swallow - XL Gauged Ears 

Insomnia Angel - Captured heart Belt (Bracelets)

Insomnia Angel  -  Captured heart P iercing (for Swallow Gauged XL Ears )

Pixel Art - Spiked  Shoulder

Cruel - Killacunt Shrug

Wraith - Belted Bra

Black Lotus - Bonnie Hand Harness

Unholy - Vesicarum Rings

Moon Rabbit - Strawby (animesh, left hand)

Absence -  Desolate Pants

Lavu - Shereka Heels

- Decor/Background -

BackBone Modular Lounge Sofa - Triple - PG

Krescendo - Cupid Mail

Krescendo - Heart Pouffe - PG

Krescendo - Hollywood -  Champagne Button

Krescendo - Self Love Club Rug

Krescendo - Wicked Wheel - Red

Monday, February 19, 2024

Photo-Op #770 - Ready To Slay


- Wearing -

Oblivis - Shattering Sun Halo

Oblivis - Artifact Aquamarine and AmethystDagger

Formerly at Midnight Order

Nefekalum - Ciaran's Crown 

Event: We Love Roleplay Feb 4-28

Nefekalum -Lenora Eyeshadow

Mana - Pandora Eyes

Formerly at Midnight Order

Usagi Society - Aquarius Hair 

Formerly at Midnight Order

DOBS - Gargoyle Horns V1.0

DOBS - Gargoyle Wings V1.0

 DOBS - Gargoyle Tail V1.0

Formerly at Midnight Order

Cryptid - Solemn (corset/chest)

Formerly at Midnight Order

cinphul - Raptor II Gruesome Gloves

- Background -

K&S -  Alchemy of Souls - Backdrop (dark)

Formerly at Midnight Order

Friday, February 16, 2024

Photo-Op #769 - Rebellious Taste


- Wearing -

Usagi Society - Aquarius Hair

Lelutka - Prim Head

Louseki - Jorja Skin

Random Matter - Meki Glasses 

Vae Victis - Montresor Ring Master Boots
Vae Victis - Ezekiel - Nighthunter's Hat (Short brim)

Toksik - Demille Set (outfit)

Level 9 - Hidalgo Espada Rapier
Level 9 - Hidalgo Espada Rapier Scabbard

- Background -

Dirty Rat - Coat Hanger 

Dirty Rat - Large Telescope

Eclectica- Gothic Fireplace- Bronze

Eclectica Curiosities - Steampunk Office Chair and Desk

Eclectica - Steampunk Plasma Lamp - Small Wall A Brassy

Quills & Curiosities - Feathered Familiar (perched)

Random Matter - Antique Shop II - Telephone
Random Matter - The Dark Arts [I] - Library 

Static - Astraeus Dial

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Photo-Op #768 - Bug Eyed Dame


- Wearing - 

Nefekalum - Ursuline (hairpins)

@ Enchantment Feb 7 - March 2

Bespoke - Moth Luna Head

Aerth - Creature Genetics V2 (face markings)

Madame Noir - Merida Hat 

Madame Noir - Merida Body Suit 

Axolotl - The Leshi Bolero 

Dernier - Evil Cloak

cinphul - Vultura Earring Puffs (event gift only)

cinphul - Vultura Hangbag

cinphul - Vultura Slippers

@ The Midnight Order Jan 20 - Feb 18

Zoom - Snake Ladies Watch

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Photo-Op # 767 - Out of This World Interior Decorator

- Wearing - 

Petrichor - Seseth Horn 

Nylon Outfitter - Marilyn Style

Effervescence - Atsushi Implants - Gold
Effervesence - Mushi Implants - Copper (EvoX)

Celesticat - Android Eyes

Zibska - Mneme Headpiece

Achroma - Wire Neck (gold)

Untold - Case Collar 

Syzygy - Emoji-Ko (right hand)

:ERG: - Neuro Enhancer Gun Pipe (left hand)

Ersch -  Sigma Bodysuit

Normandy - Gremar Boots 

- Background/Decor -

Architect - Bayo Fountain 
Architect - Lazzaro Mirror 

Eclectica Curiosities - It's A Gold Vase! (past gift)

Eclectica - Steampunk Radio

Eclectica  - Neon Steampunk Lit Occasional Table B

Eclectica - Steampunk Metal Flower Vase Anodised

Hidden - Soulframe 

LORE - Infinity Furniture  - Chaise, Coffee Table , Long Side Table

Oblivis - Mundane Antique Gothic Mirror

Scarlet Fey - Cyber Apartment


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Photo-Op # 766 - Biker Demon


- Wearing -

Nefekalum - Dominus Horns (Worn with both sided horns)

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

Val'More -  Prototype Project Mask 

Arana -  Sci Fi Tattoo  Face and Body BOM

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

Linkrave - RAMware - Forehead and Ears

Celesticat - Abyss Eyes

Sole - STD-P Choker (Red)

Sole  - SA - Hammer Tenchu v2 

Sole - SA - Greave V2 (red)

The Forge - Trelis Top

The Forge - Proto Arms

YaYa - Cyber Body Line Arm (arm rings)

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

Inkling - Vertebrae With Tattoo

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

Abyssal - Circuit 3D Fx Shine 

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

Abyssal - Enya Leggings

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13


Cerberus Xing & Sole - Pauldron

Sole - SA - Greave V2 (red)

[NK*] Virtual Angel Cyber Mohawk (Feather Red)

Seka's - NinjaTech Boots 

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

Hilted - Sky Rider - Black / Red (worn)

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

- Background - 

Beauty of Darkness - Hexa booth wall

Event: Mainframe Jan 20 - Feb 13

The Bearded Guy - Killah Space Crimsom Backdrop 

Monday, February 5, 2024

Photo-Op # 765 - The Bride

- Wearing -

RunAway - Shelley Hair

Doe: Heartbeat V2 Bangs 

Void - Flutter Lashes (Lilith)

Vellum - Corpus Animatum Makeup  
Vellum - Corpus Animatum - Body/ Tattoo Layer  

Absence - Essential Jacket

Promagic - Indira Boot Pants

Reliquary - The Gunslinger's Pauldron

Val'More - Prototype - Revolver

Random Matter - Verona Telescopic Cigarette

- Background/ Decor -

Black Bantam - Black Dracula Kitten Decor

DRD - Vlad's Blood Brews Cart 

K&S - Last Hope Harbor Backdrop w/o Lights


Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...