Sunday, April 28, 2024

Photo-op #787 - Fae Dame MACHINations


- Wearing -

Azaran  - Ayla Crown and Halo

Zibska -  Sileas Headpiece 
Zibska - Sini Earrings 

Random Matter - The Countess Hand Fan (Updated, now in mainstore)

Nefekalum - Briar Tattoo (head)
Nefekalum - Aten Tattoo (eyes)

Shiny Stuff - Daemon Kiss
Shiny Stuff - Face Seam 

Kreep - Agnes Dress 
Kreep - Gorget (neck piece)

Buffy's -  Leanne Sleeves

Evil Baby - Majestic Wings

Unholy - Malevolent Hands 

Rebis - Blossomstride Prosthetic Leg

- Pose - 

Pixit - Tranchant  Poses (used in far off poses)

- Background -

Oblivis - Power Cell Pillar 

Friday, April 19, 2024

Photo-Op #786 - Steampunk and Magical Inclinations

- Weariing -

Azoury - Agushaya (helmet)

Moon Rabbit - Steam Glasses

Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20

 Luas - Henrietta Scepter 

Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20

Random Matter - Fayeth Earrings 

 Shard - Time Lord (wings)

Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20

Web Dew - Almira Outfit (w/boots)

Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20

Artemesia - Elementemporia Tome (book)

Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20

- Background -

Dirty Rat - Library

Friday, April 12, 2024

Photo-Op # 785 - Z-life - Night Run


- Wearing - 

Camo - Rue Braids 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Suicidal Unborn - Aneira Eyebrows

Hexed - Belial EyeShadow

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Violetility - Charon Coin Glasses 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Wuhein - Holy Choker 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Miss Black - Contrini (body tattoo)

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Worn - Beschadigd Dress

 Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Snookie Store - Help Day - Energy Drink + Medicine 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Andro - Tote Bag (Latex v2 Man eater ver.)

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Pixel Art - Knutr Gloves - Ebody

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Asteroidbox - Flora Boots

- Poses -

Pixit - So Goth Pose Set

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

- Background -

Tropix  - Ikusa Vending Machine 01

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Photo-Op # 784 - The Librarian - Move In Day


- Wearing -

Sempiternal - The Throne's Halo - animated  - No Longer Available

AntiSocial - Lux Cornibus (Horns)

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Monso - Ren Hair

 VelvetVue - Orion Saiph Eyes 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Graal Store - Skull Eyepatch 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Codex - Theron (Earrings for Swallow Gauge XL Ears)

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Nefekalum - Relic Makeup (Gold) 

Nuve - Dimples

Saint - Sublime Lip Latex (Lipstick)

Random Matter - Isaura Choker 

Noble Creations - Illuminati Necklace (past gift)

VoluptasVirtualis -  Esbaa (Finger Jewelry)

Macabra - Amaris Tattoo (arms)

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Madame Noir  - Jinebra Dress 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

Arkhive +Vae Victis - Nix Solis Staff

Lore -  Spellbook 

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

- Pose Set Featured -

Pixit - So Goth Pose Set

Event: Sabbath Event March 21 - April 11

- Decor/Background -

Elm - Emi Decor - Crystal Globe

KraftWork - Bellosguardo Ladder Dark

Raindale - Netherkeep Scroll 1

Raindale - Ravenspire bookcase (with books)

Raindale - Ravenspire Rug 2

Random Matter  - Precarious Plants - Bookstack

Random Matter - The Dark Arts I - Story Scroll 

Random Matter - The Watcher - Bird Watching Books

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Photo-Op # 783 - The Perfect Lure - Alien Abduction


- Wearing - 

Nefekalum - Sakura Headpiece 

Event: Neo-Japan March 23 - April 14

[NK*] Virtual Angel Cyber Mohawk (Feather Blue)

BeSpoke - Moth Luna Head 

cinphul - Shrn Brow and Third Eye ( part of a group gift set - mainstore)

cinphul - Thul Earrings and Necklace

cinphul - Shrn  II Boots

Event: Neo-Japan March 23 - April 14

Shiny Stuff - Neon Princess Eyeliner

Shiny Stuff - Daemon Kiss Lipstick

Creatica - Electroshock Body Aura RX-1 - UV Style2 

Sulfur - Aceso Lingerie @ mainstore

Aerth - Synergy Cybernetics Tattoo  

Macabra - Decode Tattoo (Fluorite 

Blaxium - Aura Nails

- Background -

Tropix - Game Room Scene 

Friday, April 5, 2024

Photo-Op - #782 - Rose Dragon, Private Dancer


- Wearing - 

Bonbon - Setsu Hair 

cinphul - Shihou Hairstick (tinted)

Suicidal Unborn - Aneira Eyebrows Black -Right Cut- (EVO X)

Not A Peep - Tumble Eyes

Moon Amore - BellyDance - Harem Veil-Onyx

Petrichor - Chrysophylax Midas Horn 

Random Matter - Kargha Chains and Kargha Fans

Aii - Rose Outfit -  Bodice, Collar, Sleeves, Shoes

Noble Creations - Yurei Kimono Fire 

Vae Victis - Dragos  - Dragon Back Tattoo

Effervescence - Jayuo Tattoo - Black Worn

- Decor/Background -

Lore - Aeturnus Crystal Column
Lore - Aeturnus Crystal Stand

Vae Victis - Black Temple - Standing Can

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...