Monday, October 28, 2024

Photo-Op # 810 - A Variant of an Angel

- Wearing -

Aii & Ego - Holy Hell Halo & Horns 

Ederigon - The Alchemist's Hood 

Cryptid - The Observer (head)

Static - Moirae Veil - Lachesis 

Static - Harbinger (Wings)
@ Nightshade 18-28

Vae Victis - Kaine Hunter's Cross Necklace 

Vae Victis - Barbatos - Executioner Axe

cinphul - Raptor Gloves and Boots

Cureless - Lachesis Suit

- Background/Decor -

The Bearded Guy - Demons Temple - Sins & Miracles Backdrops

Vae Victis - Art Deco Tombstone

Vae Victis - Black Temple - Altar Candle (1LI)
Event : Trick or Treat Gift @ Okinawa Panic of The Pumpkin

Vae Victis - Black Temple - Hierophant Altar

Vae Victis - Kaine - Hunter's Cross - Decor

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Photo-Op # - 809 Glam Major



Zibska - Three Hat
Zibska - Aracelis Mask
Zibska - Imke Shoulders

Addon - Boop Hairbase

Jeys - Moyear Mask

Random Matter - Quyen Earrings

Madame Noir - Engine Coat and Pant Set

Pure Poison - Agatha Nails and Rings

- Pose -

Dovely - Tulip
Dovely - Peony 
Dovely - Wisteria

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Photo-Op #808- Gothically Tragic.

- Wearing -

Addon - Ava Hairbase

Tear - Foxy Eyelashes 

Heaux - Mikaela Skin (in Dracula)

Lelutka - Avalon Head

UniCult - Shroomie -  Blush and Nose Tip Blush

Lovelysweet - Kyootie  Freckles 

Miss Black - Black Light - Tattoo Ink

Pumec - Coba - Choker + Necklace 

Hayatih - Cari Shape 

Oxysins - Silk Blouse

Cureless - Miss Romeo Pants 

- Pose Pack -

Dovely - Wisteria

- Background -

Synnergy - Downtown Backdrop


Photo-Ops # 807 - Drunken Hijinks aka The Untold Horrors of Being A Plushie


- Wearing -

Addon - Luna Hairbase

Lovelysweet - Avalon Eyes 
Lovelysweet - Kyootie  Freckles

Hayatih - Cari Shape Lelutka Avalon - Legacy

Saint - Sublime Lip Latex

Swallow - XL Gauged Ears

Codex - Theron  for XL Gauged 

Unholy - Kur for XL Gauged 

Cruel - Killacunt Shrug

Delta - Dark Opium (bodysuit)

Scandalize - BOM Fishnet 

Black Lotus - Myra Boots

- Pose Set -

Dovely - Peony

- Decor/Background -

BackBone - Halloween Balloons

Krescendo - Coffin Couch 

Mona - Black Beer (bottles and carton)

Vizarte - Spookie - The Ghost Plushie

Friday, October 11, 2024

Photo-Op #806 The Collector's Daughter

- Wearing -

KMH - Hair F266 

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

The Forge - Balthazar Goggles

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Logo - M.A.B.E.L 6 Cybernetic Head

Misunderstood - Farnese Eyes

Event: Soft Era Sept 15 - Oct 15

Everfaery - Lirael Outfit

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

 Dark Agony - Tardi Bubble (animesh)

Event: Soft Era Sept 15 - Oct 15

Yummy - Pearl Cascade Earrings and Necklace

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Effervescence - Atsushi Implants - Gold (chest)

Effervescence - Charline Leather Pants (BOM)

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

- Pose Set -

Pixit - Drusilla

Event: Sabbath Sept 21 - Oct 11

- Decor and Background -

AntiSocial - Pumpkin Mimic

Event: Sabbath Sept 21 - Oct 11

Cabalpier -  Jackal Shrine Set

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

ChiMia - Dorchester Fireplace

ChiMia - Leda Armchair PG

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Dirty Rat - Auclair's Drafting Stool 

Dirty Rat - The Auclair Drafting Table 

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Eclectica- Steampunk Wall Clock 1

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Lore - Cauldron Stack 

Event: Sabbath Sept 21 - Oct 11

Random Matter - The Dark Arts [I] - Story Scroll 

Random Matter - The Dark Arts [I] - Library Stand 

Static - Astraeus Dial

Static - Cryptex 

Event: Engine Room Sept 20 - Oct 20

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Photo-Op #805 - Manifesting Goddess


Seydr -Timelord Horns (headpiece)

Moon Amore - Ethereal Mask 

Moon Amore - Chronos Aeterna Outfit

Voluptas Virtualis - Esbaa (finger jewelry)

VoluptasVirtualis - Moth (neck/shoulder jewelry)

Yasum - Queeny Earrings for Swallow XL Gauged Ears
@ Arcade

Someone - Dove  (face) 

Someone - Divinity (body)

Vae Victis - "Veritas" - Crest + Tears - Gold
Vae Victis - "Veritas" - Cuffs - Gold

Cubic Cherry - Dollie Legs


Krescendo - Lagos Seat

Noble Creations - Ancient Arch

Static - Astraeus Dial

Vae Victis - Scholar Candles 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Photo-Op #804 - The Semblance of a Gentleman


- Decor/Background - 

Antinatural - Doctor Crow - Doctor Bag (no longer available)

Architect. D'Arcy Steampunk Armchair (cinnamon)
Architect. Hot Air Balloon Chandelier (Static)
Architect. Porthole Coffee Table (dark) 2LI

Dahlia - Entomology Wall Art Set

KuddelMuddel - Victorian House Backdrop 

Madras - MaximiLion Statue Brass
Madras - Namo Rug

Merak - Barman's Collection

Random Matter - Antique Shop II -  Oil Lamp II [Copper]
Random Matter - Antique Shop II - Telephone 
Random Matter - Cabinet of Curiosity - Gramophone 

Random Matter - Welcome Home - Walnut 
Event: The Engine Room - Sept 20 - Oct 20

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...