Friday, July 15, 2016

Adventure # 31 - Meeting The Fuzzies!

Little Miss Trudy was in the back yard this evening. Such an imagination on that little one!

Would you believe she was pretending to be on another planet, being greeted by the local population of Fuzzies?

Oh yes! They gave her an honorary rainbow crown apparently!

According to little Miss Trudy, they host their guests with apple bobbing parties. Who would have thought! (She was really at her grandma's apple farm!)

She apparently met this little creature, who is their leader.

Naturally, it was dinner time and little Miss Trudy had to come back down to earth but not before grabbing a few apples for her family members.

What a thoughtful girl!


Trudy is wearing...

Blues - Celine Hair 
available now at The Crystal Heart Festival

Sweet Baby - Kawaii Rainbow

Dear Deer - Donut Earrings

Lil Big Me - Slouchy Chevron Romper (comes with headband)


Once Upon A Toy Box - The Fuzzies - Blue, Green, Red and Yellow GACHA

Trompe Loeil - Geostar Chair - Rainbow  GACHA

Tic Tot Toe - Apple Tub 
available now at ATP

Silent Sparrow - Corgi! - Cosmo RARE  GACHA

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