Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Photo-Op#42 - Happy Holidays!

Oh my gosh, you guys! We finally have snow!!!

[Cue adorable collective yay]

I'm wearing...

ButtonStache - Rich Red Snowies Scarf 
Available at Thimble, formerly Bricklane


ButtonStache - <3 Winter GACHA - Brown/Red Sweater 
Previously at TLE, now available in store

Baby Burp - Santa Hat - 0L gift 
Available at Snowy Village  

Vicarious Youth - Reindeer Booties - Rudy Red
 Now available in store


Mishmish - Cozy Little Bear (December Luxe Box)

Goose - Kayla Bench - Happy Holidays - 0L gift at mainstore

Apple Fall - Heritage Christmas Tree 
Available at Shiny Shabby

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Photo-Op # 41 - #Sleighing It!!!

Wassup! It's meh Trudy!
Santa said I can be his lil helper! He's gonna take me with him in his sleigh on Christmas!!

That means wearing the right colors to look festive.
I mean just check out the kitchen at my house! I know right? It's as festive as fudge!
 And you know how much I love fudge!

Quick! Come and do exercises with me! I gotta be ready to help Santa hand out gifts to all the good boys and girls. Except for Kaity Afterthought! She's getting her  room painted pink![The equivalent of getting a bag of coal for her ^.^]  She knows why!! 

I'm looking sporty wearing...

Foreign - Solo Wireless GACHA - Red/Black shoulders

ButtonStache -  #Team GACHA - Donner

Adolescents - Biker Leggings - Red

Vale Koer -  Shoes - Vasiforms (Still an awesome group gift!)


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Photo-Op #40 - Writing To Santa: An S.O.S For Hot Coco!

Trudy is wearing...

Tiny Trinkets - Deerest Headband - 0L gift 
Now available at the North Pole's Snowy Village

Vicarious Youths - Star Sweater GACHA 

Now available at the North Pole's Snowy Village

BoWillow - Lounge Socks GACHA 

Now available at Color Me Cute


8f8 - Granny's Winter Cottage GACHA - Christmas Tree 

BoWillow - Writing To Santa & More GACHA

Available now at North Pole's Snowy Village

BoWillow -  Holiday Thermos Gacha - Plaid

Now available at Thimble

Breaux Jr. - Box Car Kid Set

Now available at North Pole's Snowy Village

Kalopsia - Gabriel's Snowballs Basket - OL Gift

Schadenfreude - Plate of Ginger Pigs (Past Arcade gift)

Sweet Baby - Snowman Model 2

 Gifts are available on the tree (click on ornaments) and there's a hunt for additional freebies at the village!

Come join the fun guys! Look forward to seeing you!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Photo-Op#39 - Better Than Mellow Yellow!

Trudy is wearing...

Puft - Hair - Rhythm

Dorks - Elizabeth Jumper - Dijon
Now available in store!
Dork - Sarah Flats - Turquoise (From Autumn Dress Outfit)

Mandala - Ceekeeey Earrings - Red 
50-70% sale on marketplace
Mandala - Obi-Bow - Yamabuki/Yellow
Purplemoon - Imani Necklace C 

Zenith - Call Me Bag - Lemon


Floorplan - Happy Holidays Frame (past gift)

Tres Blah - Soiree Gacha -  Paper Fans

Vespertine - My Quirky Corner -Five O'clock

Vespertine - My Quirky Corner - Dresser

What Next - Gold Giftboxes (also comes with silver as well)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Photo-Op#38 - Mama's Lil Helper

Trudy is wearing...

Puft - Hair -  Rhythm  

Glitter Junkie - Punky Christmas Outfit

Kawaii Couture - Chocolate Bar Earrings (0L freebie)

Sugarhaii - Nomnom Toastie GACHA - Honey Bear - RARE


Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Green Tree Base - RARE
 Available at ATP

Daintree -  Chrissy Gacha - Star - RARE

Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Deer Rug

Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Ornament Green 

Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Boxed Balls (Blue, Red, Green)

Happy Dispatch - Star Stand Light 

Nostalgia - Fleur Cabinet - Walnut (0L gift)
Serenity Style - My Little Reindeer (Part of Madpea Advent Calender)
See Madpea Store for details

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Photo- Op # 37 - Glad to be in Plaid

Trudy is wearing...

Puft - Hair - Rhythm 

Mandala - Leather Feather Earrings - Red

 Kylie Marie Boutique - Nerd Fit - Red (includes hairbow, glasses, top leggings and shoes)
Now available in store !

Zenith - Winter GACHA - Tassel bag -  Red


BoWillow - Camp Pillow GACHA - Flannel Deer Pillows
Now available in store!

Meshy Me -   Natural  Christmas Dual Bed  (includes cute poses not shown)

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Photo-Op#36 - When You're Comfy, You're Comfy!

Trudy is wearing...
Wasabi Pills - Hair - Claudette 

Sammich Fixins - Coziness


Tiny Trinket  - Moon Child (Comes with moon prop)

8F8 - Milk Bottles - (Previous gift)
Apple Fall - Christmas Cookies
Atelier - Cardboard Xmas Tree Brown
Boogers - Poor Abandoned Bear ( 0L gift under Xmas tree at Arcade)

BoWillow - Llama Night light 

Tres Blah - Bon Voyage - Stacked Suitcases

MishMish - Hammie & Stocking (Previous Arcade Gift)

Zenith - Cracked Wardrobe - Beige

Monday, December 5, 2016

Photo- Op # 35 - Look Who's Ready For Christmas

Trudy is wearing 
Puft - Hair - Rhythm

Buttery Toast - Penny Bow

M.I.X - Moco Earrings (Group gift)

Dorks - Imani Winter Coat in Berry, Coco, Mint and Ocean
Available now at ATP

Reign - Laced Moon Boots GACHA  - Naturals - RARE#1

Lil Scamps - Brown Plaid Leggings

Luas - Free Spirit GACHA - Bag Beige

Aphrodite - Gingherbread Cookies Basket

Birdy - Cabaret - Star String Lights (Gift under tree at Arcade)

Remarkable Oblivion - Home for the Holidays GACHA - Twill Chair

!Go - ChristmasElf 
Bags are !Go packaging
- Perky 
- Holly 
- Frost
- Christmas Tree w/ Rug - RARE

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...