Thursday, December 22, 2016

Photo-Op # 41 - #Sleighing It!!!

Wassup! It's meh Trudy!
Santa said I can be his lil helper! He's gonna take me with him in his sleigh on Christmas!!

That means wearing the right colors to look festive.
I mean just check out the kitchen at my house! I know right? It's as festive as fudge!
 And you know how much I love fudge!

Quick! Come and do exercises with me! I gotta be ready to help Santa hand out gifts to all the good boys and girls. Except for Kaity Afterthought! She's getting her  room painted pink![The equivalent of getting a bag of coal for her ^.^]  She knows why!! 

I'm looking sporty wearing...

Foreign - Solo Wireless GACHA - Red/Black shoulders

ButtonStache -  #Team GACHA - Donner

Adolescents - Biker Leggings - Red

Vale Koer -  Shoes - Vasiforms (Still an awesome group gift!)


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