Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Adventure # 49 - Attack of the Slime Slingers!

Little Miss Trudy is being rather unsettling at the moment. She seems to be under the mind control of these little creatures seen here upon her head!

Apparently they are here to take over the world by having Trudy slime everyone around her with their mind control goo!  It's enough to give me...Goosebumps!

[Trudy can be heard trying to influence BNG]

Mr British Narrator Guy, jooooooin us! Jooooooin us!

Now Miss Trudy, you cut that out! That's rather disturbing! I know for a fact you're just pretending. You're pretending aren't you? Aren't you??

[Trudy just giggles mischieviously]

Trudy is wearing...

Pink Hustler - 8154 Hair

BoWillow - Painted Goth Boots

Foreign - Crop Top  - Unicorn 

Foreign - Loose Ripped Jeans - Light

Silent Sparrow -  Lil' Slime GACHA - Green and Pink

Static - Bio Aggregate Earrings Space (texture change)

Junk Food - Splack GACHA - Slime Tosser (Seed of Inspiraiton


Bamse - Cubic Table Gamer

Gimmick - Doge Beanbag Chair - Booger

SNOT - SLime Pack

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