Friday, April 14, 2017

Photo-Op # 72 - It's A Fiesta!!

Trudy is wearing

Puft - Rhythm Hair

Yokai - Star Earrings (Group Gift at The Gacha Guardians)

Cooley - Sweater Dress- Manattee

 Toddleeteez - GACHA Expression Bracelets  (not available)

Toddleteez - From Country Charm Outfit - Boots

 Juniper/Clove -  GACHA - 23. Fiestapuppets- set 1 - RARE
Coming at you from an Epiphany near you on 4/15 @ 10slt

Juniper/Clove -  Fiesta Time - GACHA - 7. Fiesta Senorita {Pinkie} Deco Pillow
Juniper/Clove -  Fiesta Time - GACHA - 8. Senorita {Sky} Deco Pillow
Juniper/Clove - Fiesta Time -  GACHA - 9. Senor {Sombrero 01} Deco Pillow
Juniper/Clove - Fiesta Time -  Stuffed Donkey - Epiphany  Exclusive 
Coming to you at Epiphany 4/15 @10 slt

Half-Deer - Dream Lantarn - Star (tinted as decor, modded for hair decor)

Half-Deer - Chihuahua GACHA - Play With Me!

Silent Sparrow - Pinata - GACHA - Papercut Banner - Skully

Silent Sparrow - Pinata - GACHA - Star

Bad Seed -Vintage Summer Car- GACHA - Yellow

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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