Saturday, March 3, 2018

Photo-Op #147 - A Chinese Wedding and A Tale!

Oh my! Little Miss Trudy was invited to attend a wedding. She found a way to entertain herself as she always does in that TruTru way.

The Tale of The Sleeping Sushis as told by little Trudy Monae at a wedding to which she was invited.

"This tale is about the Sushis and their struggle against the Wicked Wasabi Witch that for some reason liked  living beneath their children's bed. The creature had them under a temporary sleep spell you see. The Witch was hot tempered and didn't have any friends. So she wanted to make everyone else as miserable as her by denying them the joy of the favored Sushi triplets, the prince and princesses.

 The poor Sushis were beside themselves. They  brought all the wise sushimen to try to rouse their enchanted little darlings lest they remain inanimate forever and be mistaken for REAL sushi! Ack! Won't someone break the curse!!? "

Trudy is wearing featured item

Boutique #187 - Circles Earrings
 @Whimsical - Febuary 17 - March 18

Sprinkles - Mei Outfit


Boutique #187  - Origami Tree (texture change)
[Previously @ Chapter Four]

Boutique #187 - Cute Sushi GACHA
Onigiri 1
Onigiri 2
Onigiri Salmon
Onigiri Tuna
Shrimp 1
Shrimp 2
 Soja Sauce*
Sushi Salmon
Sushi Tuna
 Tray Hug - Seed Of Inspiration*
 Tray Giant RARE
  Tray Sleep RARE*
[Previously @ The Gacha Garden]

Dust Bunny - Darling Sectional Cushion - Yellow

Half-Deer - Chinese Lantern - White
Half-Deer Chinese Lantern - Red

Half-Deer - Pomeranian GACHA - Chinese New Year  - Epiphany Reward (no longer available)

PAN - Paper Crane Wedding Set
Paper Crane Draped Torii Paper Crane Cake
 Paper Crane Cake Slice
 Paper Crane Fork Tray

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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