Friday, September 21, 2018

Photo-Op #170 - Beachside

Argrace - Kohaku Hair

 Bliensen + MaiTai - Dolphin Earrings

Prism - Key Largo Top, Bottom and Sarong
Zibska - Makeup
  @ Spoonful of Sugar festival
 Foxcity - Bebe Pose (comes with sarongs)

 Whims-A-Plenty -  Beach Entrance Decor
  @ Spoonful of Sugar festival

Whims-A-Plenty -  My Comfy Cabana - Boho
  @ Spoonful of Sugar festival

Raindale - Allington patio table with lights and chairs (SOS edition)

Meva -  Heidi Bento Rings (gift)

Besom - Pythia Hair  (VIP group gift )

Nanika - Snowflake Tattoo ( old event gift)

Luxe - Paris Innocence outfit
 @ Spoonful of Sugar festival

Whims-A-Plenty - Upcycled Fence Wall Shelf - Blue with Decor
 @ Spoonful of Sugar festival

The Spoonful of Sugar Festival is a charity event raising donations for the Doctors Without Borders organization.  On top of shopping opportunities that provide up to 100% of your purchase to the charity,  there are fashion shows, hunts and more to entertain you.

Please stay updated via flickr, facebook and SOS' website for all the latest and including fun blog spots!

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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