Sunday, March 15, 2020

Photo-Op #276 - A Lady and Her Shadow

- Trudy Is Wearing -

Maru Kado -  Suge Gasa (headgear)

Bonbon -  Huntress GACHA  - Hair A  RARE

Bonbon - Huntress Gacha - Dagger

Eliavah ~ Ripper Attire [Blood] *Panties*

RichB - Dex Eyepatch
@Cyber Fair

United Colors - Molly Corset

Eliavah -  Ripper Attire [Blood] - Panties

Insomnia Angel - Hentail Kimono - Kaori (Beni)

Psycho Bytes - Feel The Connection - Back Implant
@Cyber Fair

A&Y - Opiliones Cyber Heels

This is Wrong - Animatronix (Shine &Tattoo)

- Background & Decor -

Anxiety - September Backdrop (From 'Goodbye  Neon' Set)

Love Fox - Nightmare Kitsune GACHA - Inari - ULTRARARE (no longer available)

Refuge - Ren Lantern

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...