Sunday, August 30, 2020
Photo-Op #324 - Give 'Em Hell...Godess Helle
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Photo-Op #323 - Guardian O' De Moors
- Decor -
Banana Peel - Dragon O' De Moors (summer badger)
Banana Peel - Dragon O' De Moors (aurora) RARE
DRD - Apocalyptic Hideout - Grass
HPMD - Garden Tree10
HPMD - Shrub03 (summer)
HPMD - Sunlight(2014)
Raindale - Littlefalls Natural Pool + Patio (past decocrate item)
Raindale - Wondervine GACHA - Petal Hanging Chair (red and yellow)
Raindale - Wondervine GACHA - Daybed
Friday, August 21, 2020
Photo-Op #322 - Digitized DJ
Cinphul - Jem Earrings
Vain - Blind Cyber Eyes
Seka - Cyberlita Face Screen
Dotty's Secret - Drag 101 - Comedy Queen - Brows/Eyeshadow/Lashes
Luxrebel - Truly Madly Deeply Lipstick (dark)
Zibska - Usha Deux
(digitized items orginally for arms/hands; copied and reattached to legs in this blog)
Nocturnal Couture - Elena Suit (black plastic)
Grima - Novus Dominus Boots
- Backdrop -
The Bearded Guy - Cyber Places GACHA - Steel Dome
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Photo-Op #321 - BadAss Diva
Sunday, August 16, 2020
Photo-Op #320 - Carnivale Du Apoca-Freak - Annie "Annihilation" Jigzawski - The Showstopper
Saturday, August 15, 2020
Photo-Op # 319 - Carnivale Du Apoca-Freak - May "Mayhem" Jigsawski (Ringleader)
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Photo-Op #318 - Family Is What We Make It

Sunday, August 9, 2020
Photo-Op # 317 - A Slytherin - Trudence Petrichor
Friday, August 7, 2020
Photo-Op #316 - A Nefarious Plan
[CX] & SOLE - Pauldron (Black)
Antinatural - Deathracer GACHA - Driving Glove - RARE
Haro - Insectum Cyber Hands
Haro - Wasp Wings
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
Linkrave - Edge Runner Trousers ( Now in maitreya!!)
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
Fika - Cyberdoll Legs
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
[CX] & SOLE - Pauldron (Black)
This Is wrong - Robotica (Tattoo & latex Shine. Skin tinted red)
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
Beautiful Dirty Rich - Nova Top and Panties
Butanik83 - Tail of Onaga v2
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
- Pose -
Sapa - Pose Set 87 @ Aenigma
- Decor -
Cerridwens Cauldron Creations - XB Pod Black
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
Cinphul - Massey (creature aka phallic toy ^.^) (69L Friday , Aug 7 only)
Oshiro - Bunker Backdrop
@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Photo-Op #315 - A Potter
Photo-Op #314 - Roundtrip Getaway
- Decor -
Monday, August 3, 2020
Photo-Op # 313 - Out for Fresh Air
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Photo-Op - #312 - Maneater
-Wearing -
Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking
- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...

- Wearing - Camo - Sauvanne F-Locs Lelutka - Prim Head Nuve - Dimples Random Matter - Bosca Earrings and Necklaces Random Matter - Hadiya ...
- Weariing - Azoury - Agushaya (helmet) Moon Rabbit - Steam Glasses Event - The Engine Room March 20 - April 20 Luas - Henrietta Scepter E...