Sunday, August 30, 2020

Photo-Op #324 - Give 'Em Hell...Godess Helle


-Wearing -

Exile - Something Wicked

Zibska - Steph Headpiece

Lilithe -  Onatah Tattoos (head and lips)

Lilithe - Sith Tattoos (body)

Pumec -  Last Hero Mesh Ears

Unstable - Neon Strings Halo - Nanite System

Ambix - Plasmorphic Wings

Ersch - Daela Dress 

Renegade - Xanthe Pumps

- Decor -

The Bearded Guy - Orange Love Backdrop

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Photo-Op #323 - Guardian O' De Moors


- Wearing - 

Magika - Darkness Falls

Zibska - Aniko Mask

Egosumaii - Fae Wings  

Petrichor - Viscivorus Skin

Belle Epoque - Chlorophyll GACHA - Arm Ivy Summer
Belle Epoque - Chlorophyll GACHA - Bodysuit RARE
Belle Epoque - Chlorophyll GACHA - Crown Summer
Belle Epoque - Chlorophyll GACHA -  Leg Ivy Summer

Clover - Vine Wrap

- Decor - 

Banana Peel -  Dragon O' De Moors (summer badger)

Banana Peel -  Dragon O' De Moors (aurora) RARE

@ Enchantment Aug 8-31

DRD - Apocalyptic Hideout - Grass

HPMD - Garden Tree10

HPMD - Shrub03 (summer)

HPMD - Sunlight(2014)

Raindale - Littlefalls Natural Pool + Patio (past decocrate item)

Raindale - Wondervine GACHA -  Petal Hanging Chair (red and yellow)

 Raindale - Wondervine GACHA - Daybed

Friday, August 21, 2020

Photo-Op #322 - Digitized DJ

- Wearing - 

Cinphul -  Jem Earrings

Vain - Blind Cyber Eyes

Seka - Cyberlita Face Screen

Dotty's Secret - Drag 101 - Comedy Queen - Brows/Eyeshadow/Lashes

Luxrebel - Truly Madly Deeply Lipstick (dark)

Zibska - Usha Deux

 (digitized items orginally for arms/hands; copied and reattached to legs in this blog)

@ Flourish Aug. 23 - Sept. 15

Nocturnal Couture - Elena Suit (black plastic)

Grima - Novus Dominus Boots

- Backdrop -

The Bearded Guy - Cyber Places GACHA  - Steel Dome 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Photo-Op #321 - BadAss Diva


Doux - Elijah Hairstyle

Val'More - MonoSteamGlass (groupgift for L'Homme Magazine)

Lux Rebel - Winter Glam Eyeshadow

Sintiklia - Mirror Lipstick

Kunglers - Aphrodite Earrings 

Diram - Kimky Shoulder Coat

Liziaah - Wren Outfit
Liziaah - Samara Bracelet

Promagic - Kaali -Necklace 

Schadenfreude - Maintenon Heels

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Photo-Op #320 - Carnivale Du Apoca-Freak - Annie "Annihilation" Jigzawski - The Showstopper


"No applause? I'm insulted!"

- Wearing - 

Zibska - Adva Headpiece

Awear -  Clown Face with Red Lipstick (face swirls)

Dotty's Secret - Filth Set - Blush & White Base
Dotty's Secret - Filth Set - Black Eye Shadow
Dotty's Secret - Filth Set  - Pointy Nose
Dotty's Secret - Filth Set - Red Lipstick

Lilithium - Kiss My Curl Hairbase

Koii - Biohazard Earrings

Antinatural - Carnival Freaks GACHA -  Clown Outfit (red)
Antinatural - Carnival Freaks GACHA - Circus Gloves RARE
Antinatural - Carnival Freaks GACHA-  Ringmaster Epaulets

Val'More - Apocalypse Knife

Lilithe - Sith Tattoos (thighs)

Seka - Caged Waist

Curemore - Star Gals - Supreme Commander Boots RARE
Curemore - Star Gals - Supreme Commander Cape RARE

- Pose -

Stun Poses - Set #139 Qu33n 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Photo-Op # 319 - Carnivale Du Apoca-Freak - May "Mayhem" Jigsawski (Ringleader)


"No Guts, no glory right?"

- Wearing - 

Antinatural  - Carnival Freaks GACHA - Ringmaster Tophat (black)
Antinatural  - Carnival Freaks GACHA - Ringmaster Outfit - RARE
Antinatural  - Carnival Freaks GACHA - Circus Boots (black)

Awear -  Clown Face with Red Lipstick (cheek swirls)

Aii - Radioactive Eyes

Contraption - Canivorous  Smile - Bloody Canines Tattoo Smile

Cinphul - Mongrel Saw

Lilithium  - Hella Goode Set - Beauty Mark
Lilithium - Hella Goode Set - Black Brows
Lilithium - Hella Goode Set -  Brown EyeShadow

Graveyard -  Poison Pressure Mask - Black & White

Zibska - Eridani (neck collar accessory)

- Decor - 

Antinatural  - Carnival Freaks GACHA House OF The Freaks  RARE (interior)
Antinatural  - Carnival Freaks GACHA - Magician's Secret
Antinatural  - Carnival Freaks GACHA  - Target Practice

Von Noir - Gone To Hell 

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Photo-Op #318 - Family Is What We Make It


Sometimes, family is just a couple of lonely souls who are just looking for a place to fit in 

- Decor - 

22769 - Cube Crate
22769 - Rectangle Crate
22769 - Wreck Hideout

Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Baby Drone
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Bork Bork
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Fancy Jr.
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Panda Bot
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Robochonks
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Rover
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Socket Bot

WASD - Gonk - Animesh pet

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Photo-Op # 317 - A Slytherin - Trudence Petrichor

- Wearing - 

Ersch - Harriet Gacha - Hat RARE

Ersch - Harriet Gacha - Eyepatch RARE

Nani - CatherineHair (Black)

Petrichor (Formerly Plastik) - Valadyna Earring 

Petrichor - Valadyna Potion (hand Held/Hover)

Altair - Artemis Dress

- Decor -

Banana Peel - Pygmy Hippogriff GACHA  - (snakehouse)

Cubic Cherry - Ornate Cauldron (bronze)

Disorderly Potion Study / Cabinet, Table

DRD - Elixer Emporium - Potion Cart

Random Matter - Precarious Plants - Bubotub
Random.Matter. - Precarious Plants - Devil's Snare

Pitaya - Magic Practice Skyebox (natural; interior)

Static - Nightmariner's Lamp - Startled Prop (not animesh)

Thor - The Wizarding Class Set - 
Always Books, Herblist Scale , Wizard Brew A, B, C, Wizarding Class Bench

Yokai - Owl Magic School GACHA - SlitherOwl

Friday, August 7, 2020

Photo-Op #316 - A Nefarious Plan


- Wearing -

Haro - Wasp Antennae (free gift)@ Mainframe

Linkrave - Deep Link Helmet - v1.0

[CX] & SOLE - Pauldron (Black)

Antinatural - Deathracer GACHA - Driving Glove - RARE

Haro - Insectum Cyber Hands 

Haro - Wasp Wings

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

Linkrave - Edge Runner Trousers ( Now in maitreya!!)

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

Fika - Cyberdoll Legs

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

[CX] & SOLE - Pauldron (Black)

This Is wrong - Robotica (Tattoo & latex Shine. Skin tinted red)

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Nova Top and Panties

Butanik83 - Tail of Onaga v2

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

- Pose -

Sapa - Pose Set 87 @ Aenigma

- Decor -

Cerridwens Cauldron Creations - XB Pod Black

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

Cinphul - Massey (creature aka phallic toy ^.^)  (69L Friday , Aug 7 only)

Oshiro - Bunker Backdrop

@ Mainframe - July 20 - Aug 13

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Photo-Op #315 - A Potter

- Decor - 

Foxwood - Floofy Kitty - Light

Granola -  Harry's Buttery Beer Display Glass

Kopfkino - Farmhouse Flair - Clock wood

Kopfkino - Leatherized Set - Bed
Kopfkino - Leatherized Set - Pouf
Kopfkino - Leatherized Set - Sneakers

Kore - Abigail's Broom

Nutmeg - Soul Collector's GACHA - Book1

Pitaya - What We Left  Backdrop

Raindale - Sparrownest - Cushion 1
Raindale - Sparrownest Set - Magic Book
Raindale - Sparrownest Set -  Magic Sparkles
Raindale - Sparrownest Set - Scroll

Random Matter - Precarious Plants - Devil's Snare
Random Matter - Precarious Plants - Mimbulous Mimbletonia

Sari-Sari - Luggage Cart

Static - Nightmariner's Lamp - Standing Prop

Second Spaces - Gamekeeper Clutter - Ceiling Rack 1
Second Spaces - Gamekeeper Clutter - Ceiling Rack 2
Second Spaces - Gamekeeper Clutter - Outdoor
Second Spaces - Gamekeeper Clutter - Indoor

Photo-Op #314 - Roundtrip Getaway

- Wearing -

Outfit 1 : 
Lizaah - Avery Top and Pants
Ison - Evening Shoulder Jacket

Outfit 2 :

   Nocturnal Couture - Nalla Maxi Dress

David Heather - Elta Bracelets

- Others -

ArisAris/B&W - Pamela with Scarf~HAT

Doux - Prudence Hair

Lilithium - Shadows Vol.VII - Lashes/EyeShadow

Shanghai - Acacia Earrings and Necklaces

BaiiMaii - Gloves

Phedora - Anemoni Heels

- Decor -

FoxcityInfluencer Photo Booth 

Raindale - Lostburgh M ap (wall) and Suitcase

Monday, August 3, 2020

Photo-Op # 313 - Out for Fresh Air

- Wearing - 

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Amara Crochet Swimsuit

Beautiful Dirty Rich -  Deka Turban 

Beautiful Dirty Rich - Korima Leg Accessory Maitreya Lara

Revoul - Babygirl Hairbase

Dotty's Secret  -  Summer Glam - Eyeshadow 

Izzie's - Body Mermaid Scales

Rise Design - Laguna Earrings and Necklace Set

- Decor -

Raindale - Octopoufs 

Raindale - Sundwell Floaties

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Photo-Op - #312 - Maneater

-Wearing -

Tableau Vivant - Seelie and Unseelie hair GACHA - Nat I

Ambix - Psi-Oni Mask

LuluB - Spacecrew - Witch - Darkness
Lilithium - Demonic Tattoo - Fresh (layered with Izzie's Mermaid Scales)

Izzie's - Genus - Mermaid Eyeshadow (gold)
Izzie's  - Body Mermaid Scales (gold - layered with Lilithium's Demonic Tatto)

Haro -  Nana Colllar - Kemono
Haro - Orc Ears 

Curemore - Voodoo Tribe / Inkosazana Top RARE

Ana Poses - Russian Dolls 1

- Decor -

DRD Victorian Musicroom - chandelier

DRD - Voodoo Shoppe - Bone Mobile - Long
DRD - Voodoo Shoppe - Ritual Mask
DRD - Voodoo Shoppe - Store Display

Pitaya - What We Left  Backdrop
Raindale - Darkmore daybed
Raindale - Darkmore lamp
Raindale - Darkmore table
Raindale - Darkmore books

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...