Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Photo-Op #318 - Family Is What We Make It


Sometimes, family is just a couple of lonely souls who are just looking for a place to fit in 

- Decor - 

22769 - Cube Crate
22769 - Rectangle Crate
22769 - Wreck Hideout

Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Baby Drone
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Bork Bork
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Fancy Jr.
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Panda Bot
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Robochonks
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Rover
Hilted - Baby Droid Gacha - Socket Bot

WASD - Gonk - Animesh pet

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