Friday, April 16, 2021

Photo-Op # 403 - Pursuit of Happiness


- Wearing  - 

Exile - Something Wicked Hair

Garmonbozia - Interstellar Horns

Garmonbozia - Deva Halo

Coming to The Warehouse Sale April 23

Nebur Cyborg - Protective Gear

Astarothic - Lunar Earrings 

Orsy Event April 9 - April 23

Lilithe'// Tano Tattoos - Fresh

Addicted To Ink - Erica Tattoo (shoulders/arms)

Orsy Event April 9 - April 23

CerberusXing - Enochian Succuba - Choker (oil spill) 

CerberusXing -  Enochian Succuba - Jacket A - RARE

LeiMotiv - Brynn Short Dress

Cureless - Synthetic Angels - Gevurah Hands -  RARE

Grima - CyberTech Cyborg Boots

 Aii & Ego - Tsuchigumo Animesh Spider Legs 

@ Engineroom March 20 - April 20

Bohemia - The Probe

- Backdrop and Car -

Paparazzi - Cyberpunk Street Backdrop

Surplus Motors -  Carra 2 v7.0 Vehicle

Orsy Event April 9 - April 23

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...