Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Photo-Op # 424 - Beginning The Day

- Background/Decor -

Acrid - Proud Cup 

Dust Bunny - Kitchen Clutter - Cutting Boards

Dust Bunny - Tiered Hanging Baskets 

 Figure 8 -  Bite Me Mug 

Kalopsia - Junie's Curtain

Kopfkino - Farmhouse Flair - Clock 

KraftWork - Alexa's Farm Kitchen Clutter  - Book Holder

KraftWork - Alexa's Farm Kitchen Clutter - Chicken&Eggs

KraftWork - Alexa's Farm Kitchen Clutter - Table Fruit Basket

KraftWork - Chalk Fridge (group gift)

Krescendo - Pizza Oven

Krescendo - Tipton Toaster w/Plate of Waffles

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter - Baking Dishes

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter -  Cannisters

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter - Grinders

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter - Knife Block

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter - Pans

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter -  Pot Rack ULTRA RARE

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter -  Mixer RARE

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter -  Silverware

MudHoney - Kitchen Clutter - Utensils

Your Dreams -  Doma Kitchen - Island Cabinet 

Your Dreams - Kitchen Acessories

Your Dreams -  Thursday House - Interior and  Kitchen

Zenith - Piggy Chalkboard 

Photo-Op #423 - Homeward Bound


- Background/Decor -

Brocante - Tractor Gacha - Brown

Dragon Magick Wares - Aegir Old Well

Dragon Magick Wares - Myra Cottage

@ SL18B Shop & Hop  June 17 - July 6 

Hive - Fir Tree 

HPMD - Shrub03 

HPMD - WildGrasses

Jian - Chicken Collection 

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Bale with lights

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Bell

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Churn

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Pole and Saddle

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Tools

Pitaya&Tropix - Harvest Truck  Decor 

Raindale - Littlewoods Wagon House

Raindale - Millcreek Bridge

Raindale - Millcreek Home sign

Raindale - Millcreek Fence 1 W/lights

Raindale - Millcreek Tub 

Raindale - Millcreek Water pump 

Raindale - Millcreek Windmill

@ Arcade June 1-30 

Monday, June 28, 2021

Photo-Op #422 - Frankie's Monsters


- Wearing -

Reliquary - Lead Head Helmet

Monso - Choi Hair 

Cubic Cherry - Insight Mask 

The Warehouse Sale June 23 - July 18

Lilithe' - Onatah Tattoo (lips)

Voluptas Virtualis - Ravyn Top and Panties

@ The Warehouse Sale June 23 - July 18

Nefekalum - Restriction Tattoo (arm/torso)

Mewsery - Bloody Tips (fingers)

CerberusXing - Vargr Harness

CerberusXing - Enochian Succuba GACHA - Jacket A, RARE

cinphul -  Rorschach (pants)

The Warehouse Sale June 23 - July 18

Human Glitch - Nchrgx Boots 

-  Backdrop/Decor -

Clover - BloodStalker

The Warehouse Sale June 23 - July 18

Violetility - Cargo Corner 

The Warehouse Sale June 23 - July 18

Thursday, June 24, 2021

Photo-Op - #421 Symphony Sing-Sing For Your Entertainment


- Wearing -

Letluka - Briannon Head (with included make up/gloss options)

Zibska - Cecile Hat

@ The Liason Collaborative June 22 - July 10

Zibska (in-store) - Martine Headpiece/Shoulder pieces (used as dress accessories)

Garmonbozia - Constraint - Nose Cuff - Black

@ The Warehouse Sale June 23 - 

Yummy - Emma - Necklace & Rings

Nylon Outfitters - Dita Style

@ Collabor88

Livia - Shattered Nails

Moon Elixir x Muse - Queen of Everything - Sleeves

Eternus - Leila Coat

Le'La - Pasion Pearls Gown

- Background/Decor -

BellePoses - Amazing Backdrop

Kalopsia - Robot Prometheus

Unkindness - Sea Life Bubbles v3

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Photo-Op #420 - Fairy Glam


- Wearing - 

Zibska - Euanthe Hair  

@ Hair Fair June 18 - July 4

Zibska  - Silje Set - Headpiece and Collar (copied and reattached to form half skirt too)

Blaxium - Meu Amor Lashes

Rarer - Femme Fatale Eyeshadow

Orsy Event June 9-23

Modish - Gleam Lipstick

Orsy Event June 9-23

Since1975 - Diomand Glasses-Black-Rainbow 

Bold & Beautiful - Adut (BOM Lelutka) - Cocoa. Black

LaGyo - Summer Vibes - Choker - Deluxe RARE

@ Collabor88

Garmonbozia - Pollution Earrings

Grima - Bomber Jacket

Grima - Giovanna Gloves Right Fishnet

LuluB! - Mariposa Wings - Night

@ Tlalli Event June 6 - 21

Black Owl - Niyah Dress - Latex

@ Orsy Event June 9-23

Veilance - Fly Girl Boots - Noir 

- Backdrop/Decor -

Clover - Purrsew

Dysfunctionality -  Mystic Twinkling Ivy - Patch

Lore - Geo Crystals 

Raindale - Tanglewood Mushrooms - blue

Raindale - Tanglewood Tree

Raindale - Wildspring Fairy Pond w/ Leaf

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Photo-Op # 419 - They Crossed That Line


- Wearing -

cinphul - Merkuri Wings
cinphul - Mongrel Saw 
cinphul - Traction Heel

 CX x SOLE -  Pauldron (Black) 

Sole - A-CON GACHA - Plasma unit Grab
Sole - A-CON GACHA - Plasma unit CH guard (Black) 

Sole - SA - Greave V2 (Yellow) (leg brace)
Sole  - SA - Helmet Kage (Yellow)

Sole - STD-P GACHA - Choker (Yellow)
SOLE - STD-P GACHA - Ribs Belt (Black)

Sole -  GIROV GACHA - Leg tech R-Top (Yellow)

Static - Thunder Goddess's Bolts

- Poses - 

Poseidan - Goddess of Death

- Background/Decor -

Howl - On the ground Backdrop RARE

Nomad - Bagged Body - Hanging
Nomad - Bagged Body - Rigor Mortis

Random Matter - Cyber Doc - Servers [1]

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Photo-Op #418 - Apocalyptic Pride


- Wearing -

Vrsion - SLS23 Cap w/ Hair 

Doux - Silent Hair

KuddelMuddel - Raijin Mask (rainbow )

LuluB - Cosmica - Chest Piece (purple)

@ Planet29 - May 29 - June 22

Promagic - Pizza Top (pride)

Tetra - Tokyo Puffer Jacket 

Seka - FiberHex Pants 

Mug - Electric Festival - #2 Spray Cans Right RARE

Solares -  Roboto Bag - Pride - RARE

- Backdrop/ Decor -

Ambix - Lava Lamp (pink)

AsteroidBox - Max Boots - Pride Edition

Banana Peel -  School Frenchies

@ School Day Event 

Hilted - Neon Dreamer 2.0 Collection - Chrome Adult Bed - Blue

Hilted - Future Food - Food Tray (chrome)

Krescendo - Rawr Light

Foxcity -  Photo Booth - The Hangout (Sunset)

Makokoi - Chess - Bubblegum & Rainbow Set

MoonRabbit - MaxKiki - Scooter (pride)

Random Matter - Cyber Doc GACHA - Hacking Station - RARE

Random Matter x Bonbon - Star Girl - UFO Lamp (blue)

Abreaction - Synthetic Safe House - Big Shelf  Decor

Abreaction - Synthetic Safe House - Work Clutter

Abreaction - Synthetic Safe House - Basket Clutter

Synnergy -  Pride Balloons (old gift)

 Zerkalo  - Cape Town Music Column

Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Photo-Op #417 - On Guard


- Wearing - 

Zibska - Adva Headpiece

Valkyr - Project Valkyria Helmet

Nefekalum - Intelligence  Tattoo (silver)

CX & Sole - Pauldrons (black)

Sole - A-CON -  Plasma unit Grab Hood (black)

Wicca's Original - Rune Top

Wicca's Original - Yuri Arms (rune edition)

Cyber Fair June 1 - 25

Wicca's Original - Cypher Pants (rune edition)

@ Cyber Fair June 1 - 25

Garmonbozia - Zabuza Sword (rusty)

Cyber Fair June 1 - 25

The Forge - Proto Arms

Cubic Cherry - Dalamud - halo (past gift)

Cubic Cherry - Dalamud Boots (black)

- Background/Decor -

Jeys - Cyberhunter GACHA - RARE01 Backdrop

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...