Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Photo-Op #423 - Homeward Bound


- Background/Decor -

Brocante - Tractor Gacha - Brown

Dragon Magick Wares - Aegir Old Well

Dragon Magick Wares - Myra Cottage

@ SL18B Shop & Hop  June 17 - July 6 

Hive - Fir Tree 

HPMD - Shrub03 

HPMD - WildGrasses

Jian - Chicken Collection 

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Bale with lights

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Bell

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Churn

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Pole and Saddle

Krescendo - Oakdale Ranch - Tools

Pitaya&Tropix - Harvest Truck  Decor 

Raindale - Littlewoods Wagon House

Raindale - Millcreek Bridge

Raindale - Millcreek Home sign

Raindale - Millcreek Fence 1 W/lights

Raindale - Millcreek Tub 

Raindale - Millcreek Water pump 

Raindale - Millcreek Windmill

@ Arcade June 1-30 

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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