Monday, July 5, 2021

Photo-Op #426 - Under The Sea Sisters - Ari And Ursa


Though we are sisters, Ari and I are like day and night. 

She is bubbly sealight, and goldfishes while I am all gloom mischief and dark twisty corals. Which I like just fine.

 Always hogging the ocean floor to herself any chance she gets.

All that incessant singing! She flippin' loves all that attention on her. See what I mean?

No scales off my tail though. I am totally fine with her taking the throne.Who wants all that responsibility anyway! Not me!

- Wearing -

Tableau Vivant - Seelie and Unseelie Hair - Colors RARE 

DreamCatcher - Halo Of Fins

Fika - Asherah Set - Crown & Bra

Moonphase - Half Mermaid Tropic Tattoo (Face)

Moonphase - Not Human Mesh Eyes

Cureless - Kimora Markings 

Static - Elst Eyes w/ Light Tails

Reliquary - Morbid Gorget

Clover - Piercer Jaw (teeth)

Voluptous Virtualis - Amaranth Arm Bracelets

Aii - Webbed hands

Nefekalum - Python Tattoo (torso)

Izzie's - Body Mermaid Scales Tattoo

Aerth - Umai Monotone Tattoo

Blaxium - Aura Nails

Aerth - Stellaris Staff 

Aii & Ego - Siren's Tail  

- Background/Decor- 

Air - Kinngyo (fish)

Cynefin - Coral Forest 

Foxwood - Jellyfish

Unkindness - Sea Life Bubbles

What's Lost Spirits - Giant Mermaid (shrunk down of course!)

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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