Hello there! Your friendly neighborhood Mister British Narrator Guy here. Little Miss Trudy woke up in quite the pleasant mood. Why, you say? Well I do believe she acquired herself a brand new bedroom! It has made her feel rather...fortunate
[Trudy is observed standing in front of the mirror with hands resting on her hips while she shakes them to some unheard beat]

Who's that saucy thang standing over there
It's Meh! Standing in the mirror
What's that icy thang sitting on my head?
It's gold and pink! Show meh some respect!
I thank God everyday
That I woke up feelin' this way
And I can't help loving my self
And I don't need nobody else ...except my Mama and Aden, The Bloodmoons, all my frands and pets
Cause they give me huggles, laughs and candehhhh!
Trudith... Rose ...Monae!
[Trudy pauses her dance to look over innocently]
What? I said I don't need nobody else but my family and frands! It's not like I said I don't need nobody else!
[BNG facepalms while Trudy can be heard giggling all the while dancing around her brand spanking new room]
Trudy is wearing ...
Junk Food - Spinning Crown - Princess
Analog Dog - Proud Mary Hair
Little Big Me - From As Time Flys By Outfit - Watch Pendant Necklace
Enchantique - Gold Diva Dress (from a prior Ninety-Nine Event)
Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelet GACHA - Angel (RARE)
Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelet GACHA - I <3 Pizza
Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelet GACHA - Sick
Dream - Rose Sandals (prior group gift)
Sugar & Spice - Love Pink Bedroom Set
Now at Once Upon A Child
AR - Princes And Knights Set - Rug
Birdy - Little Chi GACHA - Bath
Birdy - Little Chi GACHA - Wardrobe
Half-Deer - Bone Shaped Dog Bowl - Pink - Kibble
Half-Deer - Bone Shaped Dog Bowl - Pink - Water
Half-Deer - Lighted Pathway - Heart - Single
Jian - Lively Labs GACHA - Chocolate - Companion
Now a Arcade Sept. 2016
Sallie - Beaute De Sallie GACHA - Lip Gloss - Peach
Now at Chapter Four
Sallie - Beaute De Sallie GACHA - Nail Polish - Lame
Tres Blah - BonVoyage GACHA - Stacked Suitcases