Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Photo-Op#24 - Music's Got Me Feeling So Free!

Little Miss Trudy was in the mood for some music and dancing..Daft Funk...or something or other.

It's Daft Punk Mr. British Narrator Guy!!!

 Yes, yes! Daft Punk!

You would think I'd have gotten it by now. She's been playing it ALL morning and boogie-ing down non-stop!

 You can't fault the girl for having some serious style! Just look at that smashing little suit!

I've got swag, Mr. British Narrator Guy. You have to say swag!!

[BNG sighs]

If you say so Little Miss Trudy!

[Trudy can be heard giggling from beneath the lit helmet]

Trudy is wearing...

Vale Koer - Daft Punk Helmet

Foreign - Blazor Classic Dork Outfit - Red

Vale Koer - Shoes - Vasiforms

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Photo - Op #23 - Geek Looks Good On Me

 Trudy is wearing...

Boon - ZP0133 Hair

Izzie's - Little Flower Earrings - (Previous Epiphany gift)

Le Morte - Disasterology Glasses - Gold
Real Evil Industries - Legend Scarf

ButtonStache - Nerd Alert V1. - Yellow Shirt
 ButtonStache - From Nerd Alert Outfit V2. - White Shorts

Muschi - M_Bag2 - 0L freebie

Vale Koer - Vasiforms - 0L freebie


Half-Deer - Celestial Set - Stars - Gold

Baby Burp - The Baby Gamer GACHA - Crash Fox 2  TV (RARE), Gamestation, Gamestation  Gameshelf, Rug (Pokeball), Magic Cube and TV Shelf.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Photo-Op #22 Sweet T Is In The House!

Featured : Snaphappy Poses - Gretchin3
Now at Ninety-Nine

Trudy is wearing...
Analog Dog - Gabby
Sweet Thing - Strawberry Chocolate Charm Set - Earrings and Bracelet
Sugar & Spice - #Hashtag Outfit
[Comes with dual color options for 
 all items: beanie, full shirt/sleeveless shirt, jeans and sneakers]
Now at Ninety-Nine until 9/30

 Yummy- Chunky Heart & Key - Gold
Casa Del Shai- Dapper Dog -College Hoodie Blue
Swallow - GACHA - Stereobag 02

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Photo-Op #21 - Dressed For The Streets

Trudy is wearing ...

[First Outfit]

Hxnor - White Sneaky Curved Caps

Due - Tomonoga Hair

Junkfood - #Nope Sweatshirt

Adolescents - Biker Leggings - White

Vale Koer - Vasiforms Texture Change Sneakers - 0L - Group gift (Free to join)

Sabotage - Turtle Backpack

[Second Outfit]

Blues - Thea W/Bangs Hair

Junkfood - Hoodie - Bonfire Red
Tiny Trinkets - Leggings from #Love Outfit - (Texture-change Hud) 
Decor ...
Boogers - Skateboard & Bat From American Bedroom Red Set

Remarkable Oblivion - Junkyard Dogs - Wall 1

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Photo-Op #20 - Her Royal Fiveness And The Royal Pet, Chichi

Trudy is wearing...

Wasabi Pills - Coral Hair

Taboo Irresistable - Princess Tiara Royal GACHA - Gold

Vicarious Youth - Royal Fiveness  Top

Adolescents - Biker Leggings - Black

RealEvil Industries - Dreah Earrings

Plum -  From The Intro Outfit - Gold Sandals 


Birdy - Royal Pets GACHA - Chihuahua - Cream (comes with hold, display and walk versions)

Astralia - VIP Backdrop

Photo-Op #19- Kawaii Lil Bunny

Magika - Honey Whiskey Hair

 Half-Deer - Velven Bunny Ears GACHA - Stardust Blue

Stray Kitties - Kawaii Rabbit Back Pack GACHA - Rainbow (RARE)

Stray Kitties - Kawaii Rabbit Jumper  GACHA - Rainbow (RARE)

BoWillow - Puppy Lightups - Blue

Toddleedoo - Hand Poses

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Adventure #36 - The Beary Best of Friends and the Roaring Ram

I was hanging out with my twinny, Kai and her big bro Elan.  He let out a big roar (even though rams don't roar.)

I don't know why he was tripping though! Everyone knows that rams don't eat honey! Bears do!

Trudy is wearing...

Due - Tomonaga Hair 

Amorous - Hellig Earrings
Boomerang - Teddy Bear Rompers - Rainbow Splash (Rare)
Decor ...

Mishmish - A Bumblebee Friend
Babysteps - Honey Pot Pose Prop

Friday, September 9, 2016

Photo-Op #18 - Fashionista By Day, Katana Girl By Night

Trudy is wearing...

Analog Dog -  Proud Mary Hair

Remarkable Oblivion - Sandstorm Goggles - Redout - Closed

Body Factory - Katana Sword Devil - Red Silver

Amorous - You Bracelets

Adolescents - Bunny Crossbody Bag - Pink (additional 5 colors not shown)

Adolescents  - Cami Undershirt - White (additional 4 colors not shown)

Adolescents  - Biker Leggings - Red (additional 5 colors not shown)

Adolescents  - Split Mesh Shirt - Black (additional 5 colors not shown)

Kyoot - Noah Unisex Bebe Boots - Plain Black


Bur - Juggernaut Motorcycle

Trudy visited Junktown

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Photo-Op#17 - Back To Home School With Snacks!

Colorful and Cute! That's meh and I'm ready for school. Home school that is!

And I got my juice box, pudding and lunchbag with other stuff!

Trudy is wearing...

Blues Hair - Celeste

 Boomerang - Rock N Roll  GACHA - Yellow Baby (comes with necktie and shoes)
BoWillow - Just Because ID Tag GACHA - Student


Half-Deer - Lighted Pathway - Stars 

Half-Deer - Panda Stool - Pink
Le Momo - Paint Mess -  0L gift 

Stray kitties - Back To School Bear Bags GACHA - Yellow Bow

Sugarhai - Juice Box GACHA - APPLE

Toddleteez - Pudding Cups GACHA - Delight (RARE)

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Adventure #36 - Pretty In A Pink Room

Hello there! Your friendly neighborhood Mister British Narrator Guy here. Little Miss Trudy woke up in quite the pleasant mood. Why, you say? Well I do believe she acquired herself a brand new bedroom! It has made her feel rather...fortunate

[Trudy is observed standing in front of the mirror with hands resting on her hips while she shakes them to some unheard beat]

Who's that saucy thang standing over there

It's Meh! Standing in the mirror

What's that icy thang sitting on my head?

It's gold and pink! Show meh some respect!

I thank God everyday

That I woke up feelin' this way

And I can't help loving my self

And I don't need nobody else ...except my Mama and Aden, The Bloodmoons, all my frands and pets

Cause they give me huggles, laughs and candehhhh!

Trudith... Rose ...Monae!

[Trudy pauses her dance to look over innocently]

What? I said I don't need nobody else but my family and frands! It's not like I said I don't need nobody else!

[BNG facepalms while Trudy can be heard giggling all the while dancing around her brand spanking new room]

Trudy is wearing ...

Junk Food - Spinning Crown - Princess

Analog Dog - Proud Mary Hair

 Little Big Me - From  As Time Flys By Outfit - Watch Pendant Necklace

Enchantique - Gold Diva Dress (from a prior Ninety-Nine Event)

Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelet GACHA - Angel (RARE)

Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelet GACHA -  I <3 Pizza

Toddleteez - Expressions Bracelet GACHA - Sick

Dream - Rose Sandals (prior group gift)


Sugar & Spice - Love Pink Bedroom Set
Now at Once Upon A Child 

AR - Princes And Knights Set - Rug

Birdy - Little Chi GACHA - Bath

Birdy - Little Chi GACHA - Wardrobe
Half-Deer   - Bone Shaped Dog Bowl - Pink - Kibble

Half-Deer - Bone Shaped Dog Bowl - Pink - Water

Half-Deer - Lighted Pathway - Heart - Single

 Jian - Lively Labs GACHA - Chocolate - Companion
Now a Arcade Sept. 2016

Sallie - Beaute De Sallie GACHA - Lip Gloss - Peach 
Now at Chapter Four 

Sallie  - Beaute De Sallie GACHA - Nail Polish - Lame
Tres Blah - BonVoyage GACHA - Stacked Suitcases

Monday, September 5, 2016

Photo-Op#16-Groovy Baby

 Little Miss Trudy is feeling downright groovy in this new release from Adolescents!

Trudy is wearing...

Analog Dog - Proud Mary Hair

Enfant Terrible - L'odeur du Cuir GACHA - Necklace (White)

Maxi Gossamer - Seluku Set - Disk Bracelet (Silver), combo 1 (Silver)

Adolescents - Crop Halter 

Adolescents - Flare Boho (Black)

Miss Maymee - Disco Ball 3

Tres Blah - Golden Cage GACHA - Peonis (Silver)
Now at Arcade Sept. 2016 
Jian - Puff Pups GACHA - White Puff

Anc - Comet GACHA - Table (White) 

Half-Deer - Fairylight Balloons - Garden Party - Single B

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Photo-Op#15 - Time For Some R&R

Little Miss Trudy has been working so hard lately! 

It certainly not easy trying to be the "most awesomesauce top tot model ever!"

But even this future top model needs some rest and relaxation.

Trudy is wearing...

Wasabi Pills - Coral Hair 

 Stray Kitties - Crabby Sunglasses Beachy Red

 Tiptoes - Sea Princess GACHA - Ocean Necklace

Buttonstache - EOS1 Tank 

Buttonstache - Nostalgia Book Bracelet

Forever Young - Blue Shorts from Trinity Short Set 

 Stray Kitties - Beach Words GACHA - Flip-flop (RARE)


Jian - Beach Corgis GACHA - Blue Merle Companion

Wimey - My Crabby Partner

Friday, September 2, 2016

Photo-Op #14 - Unapologetically Fancy

Good day to you all! 

Little Miss Trudy had requested that I make this announcement regarding the newest kid store on the block: Adolescents!

Get served with a whole plate of Diva with a side-dish of cute with this maxi dress that comes in 4 patterns, each with 2 tank variations.

Trudy is wearing ...
Artizana - Blessing VII - Gele Headwrap

Adolescents - Ball Maxi & Tank Print 4 (Version 1of 2 in a pack)

Mandala - Shippoah Jewelry Set

Trudy is wearing...

 Boon - FNQ123 Hair  
(20L Clearance sale till September 10)

Adolescents - XO Glasses
(7 colors to choose from) 

 Adolescents - Ball Maxi & Tank Print 4 
(Version 2 of 2 in a pack)

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...