Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Photo-Op#24 - Music's Got Me Feeling So Free!

Little Miss Trudy was in the mood for some music and dancing..Daft Funk...or something or other.

It's Daft Punk Mr. British Narrator Guy!!!

 Yes, yes! Daft Punk!

You would think I'd have gotten it by now. She's been playing it ALL morning and boogie-ing down non-stop!

 You can't fault the girl for having some serious style! Just look at that smashing little suit!

I've got swag, Mr. British Narrator Guy. You have to say swag!!

[BNG sighs]

If you say so Little Miss Trudy!

[Trudy can be heard giggling from beneath the lit helmet]

Trudy is wearing...

Vale Koer - Daft Punk Helmet

Foreign - Blazor Classic Dork Outfit - Red

Vale Koer - Shoes - Vasiforms

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