Saturday, October 1, 2016

Adventure#38 - Get Ready - Halloween Month Is Here

Psst! Hey! It's  meh, Trudy! I have to tell you something. I...Love...Halloween! I love it so much that I start celebrating it right at the beginning of the month! 

 It's the first of the month and there is a whole lot of Halloween coming to you! 

Speaking of which, I'm pranking my very good friends Kai, Archer and West.

They think that we're doing a trial run and training for an epic Trick or Treat night.

 Uh-uh... I'm gonna have my big bro dress up real scary and scare the pee outta them. Shhhhh! It's our lil secret! 

I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they turn around

[Snickers mischieviously] 

I love Halloweeeeeeeeeeeeeen! And Candy!

I'm wearing...

Buglets (Previous Halloween Heist gift) - Halloween Hat - Orange

Boon - FNQ123 Hair (Retired)

Tiny Trinkets - Skeleton Glasses (Group gift -100l fee)

Dorks - Little Coven -Burnt Orange Outfit (Mary Jane shoes included)
Fawn Kisses - Halloween Trick or Treat Bag (Texture change! 5 options)

Hextraordinary - GACHA - Pumpkin Puff - Bass (it sings with other puffs)

Decor (in first pic)

Mishmish - Pumpkin Decor - (previous Havenhollow hunt gift)


Get over to ATP for some epic Halloween Fun! The event runs from October 1st to 25th. Don't let the tame store scene fool you! If you're  adventurous  make your way to the end of the trail of stores where you literally drop in on another ghoulish world!!
Oh! Did I mention there are free group gifts! I didn't? Well shoot! Now you know what I know!
Bam! Tru knowledge laid on you! You're welcome!

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