Sunday, October 23, 2016

Adventure #41 - Join Us... at Trunk or Treat!!!

Oh my... Little Miss Trudy is simply excited about Trunk or Treat. It is opening  soon you know 12 midnight Oct 24, 2016. 

SO excited that she hosted a ghoulish sleep over with new friends.

Is it imagination or does that little boy doll, peeking out,  look particularly...frightened? So alive, eyes almost say "Help Me."  Alas...we won't hear a peep from him mouth sewn on after all.

[We hear Trudy giggling with sinister glee before saying in creepy sing song]

Boys...have cooties. He's lucky I let him ...joooooin us.

Trudy's wearing...

Doe - Quirk - Hair

Hebenon Vial - Skeleton  Key Earrings (Old gift)

Toddleedoo - CreepyDoll (freebie hunt item at store for a very short time)

Wildflowers - Lenore 
- Includes Skully hair clip, socks and Mary Janes
 - Comes in a pastel and dark pack, 10 colors in all!

Wildflowers - Ragamuffin - 0L gift 
Available now at Trunk or Treat

Decor ...

DRD - GACHA - MM2 - Jaimy's Pile of Junk

- From  Remarkable Oblivion - GACHA - Doll Maker -

Pram - rare

Cabinet - rare

Bloody Mary

Evil Lynn Doll

Eyeris Doll

Iva Plague  Doll

Misty Marsh - Doll

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