Friday, October 28, 2016

Adventure # 43 - The Fight For the Great Pumpkin Car

[Please note that Mister British Narrator Guy has now acquired the wonderful voice of the late Alan Rickman from this moment on :)]

Hmm yes... you're probably wondering what reason these two would have to be going at each other with giant marshmellow sticks. It is Certainly not with the intention of making some smores, I can assure you. You see that Boogers Pumpkin Car in the corner there?

These two decided only one of them would have the privilege of driving it for the first time. They were quite taken with the sound it  makes when driven, you see. Since I was available, Little Miss  Trudy requested (ordered) me to officiate their battle.

Now...while I know that little vehicle is available at Trunk or Treat as a delightful free gift that they both can acquire at the same time, I won't be the one to interfere with their fun.

Besides...while they are distracted, I get to help myself to these deliciously horrific treats! Mmm!

Trudy is wearing ...

Tiptoes - Little Skeleton
(Comes in multiple colors with a face paint applier for both cutebytes and bad seed heads)

Gimmick - Marshmellow Whackers - free gift @ Trunk or Treat
(animated - gently 'boops' your target)


Boogers -  Pumpkin Car 
(in adult and kid sizes) 

 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA - Halloween Party - Cauldron Punch RARE
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - Pumpkin Pie
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - Spiderweb Table
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - White Pumpkins
 Bunbun & Dream - GACHA -  Halloween Party - Traditional Donuts

Cutebytes - My Ballooney - BOO

Freebird - Halloween Cookie Plate

LostJunction - GACHA - Gothic Luncheon - Choco-Banana Ghosts
LostJunction - GACHA -  Gothic Luncheon - Spooky Cookies 
Prefabrica -Gift Box Set - full perm freebie 0L

Lagom - Spooky Ghosties - [Iamlight]
Lagom - Spooky Ghosties - Lights

Organica - Candy Parasol - Black & Orange

Pose ...

Click - Sword Fight

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