Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Adventure # 42 - L'eggo My Sissums and Brobro!!

 You're probably tuning in at this moment and wondering, what in the world is happening here!?

Well Little Miss Trudy was playing in the back ground in her new fort.

She named it in tribute after watching a certain show as there was one JUST like it that she liked for some reason.

She stayed in there rain ...

 ...or shine for about an hour eating nothing but Eggo Waffles and milk because she said :

" I'm alone in the upside-down, Mr British Narrator Guy!"

I was rather worried, unsure as to what that meant, of course. Thank goodness her siblings rallied in and brought her more waffles and she was no longer alone. She perked right up upon their arrival to her fort.

But, oh my, it seems they've run into some sort of trouble!

And what's this??? 

Trudy has ...powers??

[SPECIAL THANKS : To my awesome sibs, Archer, Kai and West for truly coming to my rescue on this shot in a moment of blogger's block! Archer made my "back off" pose and they all took time to pose with me! Best sibs a tot can ask for!] 

**Shout out to Love Bugs for providing fun Stranger Things gestures that was part of my inspiration. Get you some at Trunk or Treat **

Trudy is wearing...
Mouthie - Waffle - Waffle  Nom Nom

Izzie's  - Nosebleed - Omega Applier

Cardigan and Dress - Sugar & Spice  - Gabbie 
(Comes as seperates, each in 3 colors)
For sale @  Penumbra Fashion
Sugar and Spice Fashion show at 3pm SLT 10/26/16

Fort - Junk Food - Castle Byers - Trunk or Treat Freebie! 0L
Furniture - Dustbunny - Darling Sectional Cushion w/blanket

Get your trick or treat on at  Trunk or Treat  till Nov. 4. Not only is there Halloween themed newness from some of your favorite kid brands, but each vendor offers a free gift. And wait...then there's a scavenger hunt!!!? Whaaaaaa? Mmhmmm!

Trudy was visiting the forest at Haunted Hills 

Brought to you by BoWillow and friends, you don't want to miss this spot for Halloween! Come over for a scary good time via a hunt featuring free stuff and additional cool items at 25l ! The fun is real!

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