Thursday, November 3, 2016

Photo-Op #31 - Orange and Black Beyond Halloween

The holiday has come and gone but that doesn't mean Little Miss Trudy has lost the Halloween spirit!

She had me take a shot of her in yet another orange and black themed outfit.

I'm rather certain you'll find her in the mood for some ghoulishly themed shots between now and Thanksgiving! Look at that face! Adorable!

Trudys' total look...

Foreign - Headphones  - Solo Wireless 0L gift at Trunk or Treat
Till Nov 4.

Wasabi Pills - Hair - Coral

ButtonStache - Skulls Snood Scarf (previous ATP gift)

ButtonStache -  Hallerween Shirt - 0L gift at Trunk or Treat
Till Nov 4.

Adolescents - Biker Leggings

Vale Koer - The Vasiform - 0L group gift

Trudy was happily sprinting through Halloweeen Town

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