Friday, November 18, 2016

Adventure #46 - The Sisterhood of Ni Ni Pillows!

Little Miss Trudy and her sisters were in the back bonding via camping and roasting marshmellows. Yes...those are rather large marshmellows. They take the art of making smores rather seriously.

 It was a little cool outside so the siblings were certain to be dressed warmly, especially Miss Trudy! She doesn't care a bit for cool air.

It seems, though, that the girls had a visitor who also wanted to partake. A little raccoon appeared out of no way and grabbed up a few marshmellow sticks  the girls were saving for later. He caught sight of the greater prize being held by the girls and he pounced the nearest tot in efforts to gain a giant marshmellow for himself.

Poor Archer!  A greedy raccoon was trying to shake her down for her giant marshmellow.

Sleepy Kai didn't seem to notice that they had acquired a pesky admirer determined to get his paws on some chewy snacks.

And mischievious Miss Trudy was over on that side laughing her little head off.

Trudy is wearing...

BoWillow - Ni Ni Pillow

Blues - Hair - Celine 

Tiptoes - Deer Hoodie - Fawn

Gimmick - Marshmellow Whackers

BoWillow - Thanksgiving Cozy Leggings

Sugar & Spice - Boots  (Old group gift)


Fawn Kisses - Burnt Marshmellows


Breaux Jr. - Bean Bag Chairs (comes with multiple poses)

Tentacio - Marshmellow Break (Candy Fair gift)

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