Monday, November 14, 2016

Adventure# 45 - The Playhouse That Was Really A Mansion!

Little Miss Trudy has a new playset!

[Trudy whispers]

It's a mansion!

It is rather cute and well... pink.

[Trudy whispers]

It's a pink mansion!

She has been rather excited about it. She had me take pictures from almost every angle.

[Trudy whispers]

It's a humongous pink mansion and its all mine!

She had me set up her cute little playhouse outside while she arranged the cute little furnishings inside her friend's home for ...yes...more pictures.

Mr British Narrator Guy! It's not a playhouse! It's a man-sion!!!

Yes, yes, Miss Trudy. It is a mansion!

[Trudy gives a vindicated little huff]

Trudy's wearing...

Due - Tomonaga

Meshy Me - Pink Safari Outfits (in Blue and Pink)
Comes with bow, dress, jeans and boots

Zenith - GACHA - Elephant Bag


Booger's - Toy - Pull Elephant

Your Dreams - Puzzle Elephant - Previous Sanarae  Gift

Lil Scamps - Elephant Wall Hanging - Rare 1 and Rare 2 

Boomerang - Playhouse GACHA items

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