Thursday, April 19, 2018

Photo-Op #155 - Monotoned Beauty

**Outfit 1**

 Artizana - Blessing VIII Gele Head Wrap

Mirri - Monotone Mix - Pattern Dress (in Bebe, TD and kid)
@ LTTL SMLL STYL April 13 - May 13 


Epicene - Surfboard GACHA- Kid - Escher Would
 @ LTTL SMLL STYL April 13 - May 13  
Fancy Decor - Printemps Mirror (antique gold)

Remarkable Oblivion - GACHA - Shade Mask

Sixtine - Gacha - #2  Cabinet  - RARE
Kokoro Pose - Soo Wan 2 

**Outfit 2 **

Beusy - Vida Hair
Mirri - Monotone Mix - Floral Dark Dress (in Bebe, TD and kid)
@ LTTL SMLL STYL April 13 - May 13 


Apple Fall - Fairfax Chair - Sunflowers

 Ariskea -  Sunflower (past arcade gift)

Black Bantham - GACHA - Neck SunFlower Wreath

 Di'Cor Ahana Spiral Wall Deco (wood)

 Petite Maison - Priyanka Trunks: Paisley
Pink Acid Floral Cupcake Decor Yellow

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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