Sunday, April 1, 2018

Photo - Op #151 - Ballerinas and Unicorns - A Masquerade Party Fit For A Princess

**Featured Sponsor Items**

Aphrodite - Ballerina set - Ideal For A Baby Shower, Rezzday, or Birthday
 A humongous buffet with automatic attachment props system to eat the food or drink, decorations, animated chairs for adults, animated chairs for girls & toddlers, and gifts all included!
 @ Sense Event, March 15th - April 8th 

Aphrodite - Unicorn Easter Egg

 Paper Damsels - Melani Earrings 

P.O.S.E -  My Smartphone Pose (Toddleedoo Bento, phone included)

**Trudy is wearing**

Alchemy - Dreams GACHA - Filigree Mask (Pink)

Doe - Jamie Hair

Clair De Lune - Lolita Rose Dress (TD)

**Other Decor**

Apple Fall - Seasonal Hedge

Comet - Starry Unicorn GACHA  - (Pink)

 Half-Deer - Ice Cream Flowers - Strawberry Petals 

Half-Deer+ Rose Arrangement - Pink - Circle

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...