Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Photo-Op 207 - The Lonely Hostess


 Apple Fall - GACHA - Roses Jug

Dust Bunny - Kitchen Clutter Set -  Cutting Boards (canine)

Mudhoney - Kitchen Clutter GACHA Set

Mudhoney - Clio Kitchen

Mudhoney Charlotte Table Setting

Nomad  - Red Rose Petals 

Raindale - Larmare Bar Stool

Refuge - Sparks Lamp - Plain Gold

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Photop-Op #206 - Time For Bed, Lil Buns!


*AR* - Dossel  - Shabby Princess (light curtain over bed)

* AR *  Romantic Posh Set 
Bed, Crib, Lamp

Bananan  - Soponen Gacha - #8 Bow Wall Shelf RARE
Bananan -  Soponen Gacha - #`12 Bunny Lights RARE
Bananan -  Soponen Gacha - # 7 Rainbows/Unicorns Lightbox

Breaux Willow ~ Magic Unicorn Stool - White RARE
@ The Gacha Garden  (Coming Soon) Feb1- 28

Dust Bunny - Unicorn Donuts
Dust Bunny - Unicorn Planter

 Lagom - Cat-ccecories GACHA -  #11 Art Table
 Lagom - Cat-ccecories GACHA -   #7 - Yarn

Lagom - Unicorn rug - Roses

Lagom - FuzzBuns GACHA - MyLilBun #03
Lagom - FuzzBuns GACHA - Spoopy #07
Lagom- FuzzBuns GACHA - BunBox #06

Octopeas ( gacha item from Lagom's old brand )

- Made With Love - Unicorn Stringed Art

NACH - Pretty Things Vanity Stool

Pixicat - Sassy.Unicorn (Pink)

Sorgo - Elephant / GRAY RARE

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Photo-Op # 205 - The After Party

Trudy is wearing...

Analog Dog - Red Hair (gift @ dec. Gachaland)

Entice - Latex Love Dress
Maxi Gossamer - Necklace - Vallari Neck Collar
Shanghai - Brice Earring Amber

Slack Girl - Diane Heels
Yummy - Masquerade Mask - Gold
Zibska - Giuliana Headpiece

Birdy - Royal Pets - Chihuahua - Display - Cream

Disorderly - Fancy Glam GACHA -  Ornaments - Black
Disorderly - Fancy Glam GACHA - Decorative Bottles - Gold

Fancy Decor - Incense Urn

Fourth Wall -  Woodlands Bear Frame

Hive - Black Tie Balloons Floor

 Kalopsia - Decor Branches Vase - Gold

 Kosmii -  Rainforest Beetle Display

MudHoney - Clara Settee 

 Raindale - Larmare bar stool

 Refuge - Mali Chair
@ Equal10 Jan 10 - Feb 5
Refuge - Spark Lamps

Unkindness - Living Gold GACHA
Black Console,  Fireplace RARE, Lamp, Ottoman, Mirror, Screen
@ Epiphany 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Photo-Op #204 - Gold N' Brown Glam

Trudy is wearing

Ersch - Emma Headband and Earrings

Amias - Sana Bracelets Gold

Doe - Vicky Hair

Jumo - Emanuelle Gown and Coat

Mandala - Kabuki Necklace/ Gotama Gold


Focus Poses - Holywood Glam 

Featured Decor

Raindale - Raindale - Bridgwood Daybed 

Raindale - Challor planter

Raindale - Elliston Bed 

Raindale - Evansford Table with Coaster and Ornaments

Raindale - Laverton GACHA Set
 Grandfather Clock, Gold Wall Branches, Mirror, Skybox Lootbox RARE

Raindale - Saundell bean bag chair 

Other Decor

Dust Bunny  - Present Pile

Fourth Wall - WoodlandsWatercolor Frame Collection

Foxwood - Amelia Set - Armoire - Wood

Foxwood -  Delilah - Fireplace with Fireguard - Light

Foxwood - The Artist - Canvas pile
Foxwood - The Artist - Desk

Foxwood ~ November Days ~ Tray decor

Foxwood - Petit Pom GACHA - Bowls - Light 
Foxwood - Petit Pom Lay - Tan lootbox only
Foxwood - Petit Pom GACHA - Toys - Light

Foxwood - Sleepy Tabby

Myrrine- Vintage Christmas GACHA - O4 Basket of  Decor
Myrrine - Vintage Christmas GACHA - 09 Chandelier
 Myrrine - Vintage Christmas GACHA - 05 Lantern
Myrrine  - Vintage Christmas GACHA - 06 Tin Tree
Myrrine - 02 Vintage Christmas - Wreath

Swallow - Shabby Chic Christmas Tree White

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Photo-Op #203 - These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things

Trudy is wearing...

Miele - Winter Veil GACHA - Icy Princess - RARE
Miele - Winter Veil GACHA - Frozen Wand - Candy Cane
@ Roselline Event round tonight  Jan 15

LTD Christmas Gift Decor

Bygone - Swag Pepper & Pomegranate
ChicChica - Peach Caramel cake
Crate-Racer Sled Shelf
Eleventh Hour- Bear Bookcase (Christmas Edition)
Elm -  Christmas Cookie Bars [Classic]
Figure 8 - Candy Cane Courtyard Backdrop
Fourth Wall - Winter Watercolour Frames
Goose - Xmas Rocking Chair
Insurrektion - Peg Dolls Nativity
Junk Food - Winter Table Set 
Kix - Christmas Presents
Moss&Mink - Christmas Cookie Mix
Refuge - Bauble Photo Holder R Landscape Gold

Other Decor

Apple Fall - Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace (Black)

Crate - Fa La La  Handle -  Epiphany Holiday 2018 Gift

Dahlia - Holiday Glam - Antler Table Arrangement - .02 RARE
Dahlia - Festive Hot Cocoa - Red group gift

Dust Bunny - Season of Giving GACHA - Macarons and Roses -  RARE
Dust Bunny - Season of Giving GACHA  - Owl Plushie
Dust Bunny - Season of Giving GACHA -  Peppermint Treats

Half-Deer- Bottlebrush Christmas Tree - Traditional - Big

HPMD- Sunlight (2014)

Lagom - The Christmas Gnomes - #11 Ribbons - RARE

Myrrine - 07 Sixtine Gacha - Coffee Table

Nomad -  Loveseat - Red Velvet

Papermoon - Cozy Cottage Flannel Curtains: 05

Trompe Loeil - GACHA - Christmas Pillow Pile
Trompe Loeil - GACHA - Holiday Ottoman
Trompe Loeil - Yasmine Noel Deer Head Matte

UNA - GACHA - Christmas Belt(red)
UNA - GACHA - Star Belt - RARE

Violetility - Sled Table [Red]

What Next - Coffee Sierra Kettle & Mugs (red)

Your Dreams - Christmas Ornaments

Photo-Op # 202 Beary BEARY Beary Cute!

Milia - Annie Outfit

Delicate - Autum Babies Bag Bear

Delicate - Boho Boots 

Neomenia - Headband

Raindale - Enter the Forest - Tree with bench, Hanging lamp, Bench

Mishmish - Teddy bear

Breaux Jr - Comfy Winter Jammies

BoWillow - Beary Jamjams

BoWillow - Bear Cushions

Maple - Napqueen (textures shown available only in fatpack)
Roselline Event ending Jan 15

Photo - Op # 201 - Rock hard, Sparkle On!

Trudy is wearing...

Lunacy - Tainted Dream omega applier

Little Miss - Leather Jacket w/ Tee

Comet - Punkbun {white riot pocket critter}

Razzberry Inc - Sparkle Leggins 

Photo taken at Backdrop City

Friday, January 11, 2019

Photo-Op # 200 - Looking Cool!

Trudy is wearing

Buglets - Reindeer Headband (no longer available)

Little Clover - Bitty BunBun Scarf~Red

Razzberry Inc. - Cozy Cutie PJ Top - Pink

Lvskids - Candy Dreams Leggins

Babysteps - Reindeer Slippers 

* AR * - Activities Table - Heavenly Care

Dust Bunny - Season of Giving - Peppermint treats

Random Matter - GingerBread House

RazzBerry Inc. Chai Tea Latte (Pink)

Trudy is wearing:

Paper Damsels - Bunbun earmuffs - ALL

Ersch - Stellation GACHA - 15 RARE (earrings)

The Brat Pack - Whimsy Dress

Michan -  Baby Lights

MoonAmore - Mystic Star GACHA - Spiral Hair

Bang! - Uga Bugz GACHA - Flurry (penguin)
Roselline Dec25 - Jan 15

Bowillow - Polar Bear Hand Muffs (Gift of Inspiration )
@ Gachaland ends Jan 19

Half-deer - Beepercorn RARE, Beeper Moon RARE

Half-Deer - Dreaming Beep (no longer available)

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Photo-Op #199 - Fantastic Pets and Where To Hide Them


* AR * - Preppy Wizardy Set includes:
Brooms, Bed, Desk, Drapes, Drawer, Frame Floating Candles, Lepidoptera Clavis Display,  Nightstand,  Rug(grey), Trunk - Preppy Wizardry

Birdy  - Foxes GACHA - Melancholy Grimoire - Gold

Comet - GACHA -  Demiguise w/ Occamy
Comet - Mooncalf
Comet - GACHA - Podgie Puff (hufflepuff and gryffindor)
Comet - GACHA - Niffler w/Chocolate - RARE

Half-Deer -  Forest's Tale - Sir Hootleby the Wise Owl RARE
Half-Deer - The Mad Scientist's Birdcage

Lovefox - Clow Carpet (no longer available)

Jian - GACHA - Chub Dragon - White

Junk Food - Lion Tree RARE

MishMish - Gemmies - Topaz

Refuge - Fairytale Mirror Gold

Sese - GACHA - Chibi Dragons Lying with pillow - (Part of Lootbox set)

Unkindness - Bewitched Corner GACHA - Conjuring Book
Unkindness - Bewitched Corner GACHA - Tomb Pentacle Rare (Interior )
Unkindness - Telluric Vase w/ Limbs
Unkindness - Telluric Candle Display

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Photo-Op #198 - Homeschooled Fantasy

* AR *  - Heavenly Care Family Room 
 Activities Table 
 Cloud open stage 
Couch w/Blanket 
 Math Board

Bananan - Dreams GACHA - Wall Light Moon

Bananan - Narcisse GACHA - Journal

Bananan - Pupuli GACHA - Bunny Hat Bunny

Bananan -  Soponen GACHA - Plants

BoWillow - Starry Room - Pet Bed - Yellow Dots

BoWillow - Cutie Thermos'

Joolee Tee Designs - Baby Girl Dragon

Lunacy -  Crystal Desire

MishMish - Akemi Lamp (pink)

MishMish - Gemmies - Collection of Books (no longer available)

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...