Thursday, January 17, 2019

Photo-Op #204 - Gold N' Brown Glam

Trudy is wearing

Ersch - Emma Headband and Earrings

Amias - Sana Bracelets Gold

Doe - Vicky Hair

Jumo - Emanuelle Gown and Coat

Mandala - Kabuki Necklace/ Gotama Gold


Focus Poses - Holywood Glam 

Featured Decor

Raindale - Raindale - Bridgwood Daybed 

Raindale - Challor planter

Raindale - Elliston Bed 

Raindale - Evansford Table with Coaster and Ornaments

Raindale - Laverton GACHA Set
 Grandfather Clock, Gold Wall Branches, Mirror, Skybox Lootbox RARE

Raindale - Saundell bean bag chair 

Other Decor

Dust Bunny  - Present Pile

Fourth Wall - WoodlandsWatercolor Frame Collection

Foxwood - Amelia Set - Armoire - Wood

Foxwood -  Delilah - Fireplace with Fireguard - Light

Foxwood - The Artist - Canvas pile
Foxwood - The Artist - Desk

Foxwood ~ November Days ~ Tray decor

Foxwood - Petit Pom GACHA - Bowls - Light 
Foxwood - Petit Pom Lay - Tan lootbox only
Foxwood - Petit Pom GACHA - Toys - Light

Foxwood - Sleepy Tabby

Myrrine- Vintage Christmas GACHA - O4 Basket of  Decor
Myrrine - Vintage Christmas GACHA - 09 Chandelier
 Myrrine - Vintage Christmas GACHA - 05 Lantern
Myrrine  - Vintage Christmas GACHA - 06 Tin Tree
Myrrine - 02 Vintage Christmas - Wreath

Swallow - Shabby Chic Christmas Tree White

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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