Thursday, January 10, 2019

Photo-Op #199 - Fantastic Pets and Where To Hide Them


* AR * - Preppy Wizardy Set includes:
Brooms, Bed, Desk, Drapes, Drawer, Frame Floating Candles, Lepidoptera Clavis Display,  Nightstand,  Rug(grey), Trunk - Preppy Wizardry

Birdy  - Foxes GACHA - Melancholy Grimoire - Gold

Comet - GACHA -  Demiguise w/ Occamy
Comet - Mooncalf
Comet - GACHA - Podgie Puff (hufflepuff and gryffindor)
Comet - GACHA - Niffler w/Chocolate - RARE

Half-Deer -  Forest's Tale - Sir Hootleby the Wise Owl RARE
Half-Deer - The Mad Scientist's Birdcage

Lovefox - Clow Carpet (no longer available)

Jian - GACHA - Chub Dragon - White

Junk Food - Lion Tree RARE

MishMish - Gemmies - Topaz

Refuge - Fairytale Mirror Gold

Sese - GACHA - Chibi Dragons Lying with pillow - (Part of Lootbox set)

Unkindness - Bewitched Corner GACHA - Conjuring Book
Unkindness - Bewitched Corner GACHA - Tomb Pentacle Rare (Interior )
Unkindness - Telluric Vase w/ Limbs
Unkindness - Telluric Candle Display

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Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

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