Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Photo-Op#42 - Happy Holidays!

Oh my gosh, you guys! We finally have snow!!!

[Cue adorable collective yay]

I'm wearing...

ButtonStache - Rich Red Snowies Scarf 
Available at Thimble, formerly Bricklane


ButtonStache - <3 Winter GACHA - Brown/Red Sweater 
Previously at TLE, now available in store

Baby Burp - Santa Hat - 0L gift 
Available at Snowy Village  

Vicarious Youth - Reindeer Booties - Rudy Red
 Now available in store


Mishmish - Cozy Little Bear (December Luxe Box)

Goose - Kayla Bench - Happy Holidays - 0L gift at mainstore

Apple Fall - Heritage Christmas Tree 
Available at Shiny Shabby

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Photo-Op # 41 - #Sleighing It!!!

Wassup! It's meh Trudy!
Santa said I can be his lil helper! He's gonna take me with him in his sleigh on Christmas!!

That means wearing the right colors to look festive.
I mean just check out the kitchen at my house! I know right? It's as festive as fudge!
 And you know how much I love fudge!

Quick! Come and do exercises with me! I gotta be ready to help Santa hand out gifts to all the good boys and girls. Except for Kaity Afterthought! She's getting her  room painted pink![The equivalent of getting a bag of coal for her ^.^]  She knows why!! 

I'm looking sporty wearing...

Foreign - Solo Wireless GACHA - Red/Black shoulders

ButtonStache -  #Team GACHA - Donner

Adolescents - Biker Leggings - Red

Vale Koer -  Shoes - Vasiforms (Still an awesome group gift!)


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Photo-Op #40 - Writing To Santa: An S.O.S For Hot Coco!

Trudy is wearing...

Tiny Trinkets - Deerest Headband - 0L gift 
Now available at the North Pole's Snowy Village

Vicarious Youths - Star Sweater GACHA 

Now available at the North Pole's Snowy Village

BoWillow - Lounge Socks GACHA 

Now available at Color Me Cute


8f8 - Granny's Winter Cottage GACHA - Christmas Tree 

BoWillow - Writing To Santa & More GACHA

Available now at North Pole's Snowy Village

BoWillow -  Holiday Thermos Gacha - Plaid

Now available at Thimble

Breaux Jr. - Box Car Kid Set

Now available at North Pole's Snowy Village

Kalopsia - Gabriel's Snowballs Basket - OL Gift

Schadenfreude - Plate of Ginger Pigs (Past Arcade gift)

Sweet Baby - Snowman Model 2

 Gifts are available on the tree (click on ornaments) and there's a hunt for additional freebies at the village!

Come join the fun guys! Look forward to seeing you!

Friday, December 16, 2016

Photo-Op#39 - Better Than Mellow Yellow!

Trudy is wearing...

Puft - Hair - Rhythm

Dorks - Elizabeth Jumper - Dijon
Now available in store!
Dork - Sarah Flats - Turquoise (From Autumn Dress Outfit)

Mandala - Ceekeeey Earrings - Red 
50-70% sale on marketplace
Mandala - Obi-Bow - Yamabuki/Yellow
Purplemoon - Imani Necklace C 

Zenith - Call Me Bag - Lemon


Floorplan - Happy Holidays Frame (past gift)

Tres Blah - Soiree Gacha -  Paper Fans

Vespertine - My Quirky Corner -Five O'clock

Vespertine - My Quirky Corner - Dresser

What Next - Gold Giftboxes (also comes with silver as well)

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Photo-Op#38 - Mama's Lil Helper

Trudy is wearing...

Puft - Hair -  Rhythm  

Glitter Junkie - Punky Christmas Outfit

Kawaii Couture - Chocolate Bar Earrings (0L freebie)

Sugarhaii - Nomnom Toastie GACHA - Honey Bear - RARE


Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Green Tree Base - RARE
 Available at ATP

Daintree -  Chrissy Gacha - Star - RARE

Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Deer Rug

Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Ornament Green 

Daintree - Chrissy Gacha - Boxed Balls (Blue, Red, Green)

Happy Dispatch - Star Stand Light 

Nostalgia - Fleur Cabinet - Walnut (0L gift)
Serenity Style - My Little Reindeer (Part of Madpea Advent Calender)
See Madpea Store for details

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Photo- Op # 37 - Glad to be in Plaid

Trudy is wearing...

Puft - Hair - Rhythm 

Mandala - Leather Feather Earrings - Red

 Kylie Marie Boutique - Nerd Fit - Red (includes hairbow, glasses, top leggings and shoes)
Now available in store !

Zenith - Winter GACHA - Tassel bag -  Red


BoWillow - Camp Pillow GACHA - Flannel Deer Pillows
Now available in store!

Meshy Me -   Natural  Christmas Dual Bed  (includes cute poses not shown)

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Photo-Op#36 - When You're Comfy, You're Comfy!

Trudy is wearing...
Wasabi Pills - Hair - Claudette 

Sammich Fixins - Coziness


Tiny Trinket  - Moon Child (Comes with moon prop)

8F8 - Milk Bottles - (Previous gift)
Apple Fall - Christmas Cookies
Atelier - Cardboard Xmas Tree Brown
Boogers - Poor Abandoned Bear ( 0L gift under Xmas tree at Arcade)

BoWillow - Llama Night light 

Tres Blah - Bon Voyage - Stacked Suitcases

MishMish - Hammie & Stocking (Previous Arcade Gift)

Zenith - Cracked Wardrobe - Beige

Monday, December 5, 2016

Photo- Op # 35 - Look Who's Ready For Christmas

Trudy is wearing 
Puft - Hair - Rhythm

Buttery Toast - Penny Bow

M.I.X - Moco Earrings (Group gift)

Dorks - Imani Winter Coat in Berry, Coco, Mint and Ocean
Available now at ATP

Reign - Laced Moon Boots GACHA  - Naturals - RARE#1

Lil Scamps - Brown Plaid Leggings

Luas - Free Spirit GACHA - Bag Beige

Aphrodite - Gingherbread Cookies Basket

Birdy - Cabaret - Star String Lights (Gift under tree at Arcade)

Remarkable Oblivion - Home for the Holidays GACHA - Twill Chair

!Go - ChristmasElf 
Bags are !Go packaging
- Perky 
- Holly 
- Frost
- Christmas Tree w/ Rug - RARE

Friday, November 18, 2016

Adventure #46 - The Sisterhood of Ni Ni Pillows!

Little Miss Trudy and her sisters were in the back bonding via camping and roasting marshmellows. Yes...those are rather large marshmellows. They take the art of making smores rather seriously.

 It was a little cool outside so the siblings were certain to be dressed warmly, especially Miss Trudy! She doesn't care a bit for cool air.

It seems, though, that the girls had a visitor who also wanted to partake. A little raccoon appeared out of no way and grabbed up a few marshmellow sticks  the girls were saving for later. He caught sight of the greater prize being held by the girls and he pounced the nearest tot in efforts to gain a giant marshmellow for himself.

Poor Archer!  A greedy raccoon was trying to shake her down for her giant marshmellow.

Sleepy Kai didn't seem to notice that they had acquired a pesky admirer determined to get his paws on some chewy snacks.

And mischievious Miss Trudy was over on that side laughing her little head off.

Trudy is wearing...

BoWillow - Ni Ni Pillow

Blues - Hair - Celine 

Tiptoes - Deer Hoodie - Fawn

Gimmick - Marshmellow Whackers

BoWillow - Thanksgiving Cozy Leggings

Sugar & Spice - Boots  (Old group gift)


Fawn Kisses - Burnt Marshmellows


Breaux Jr. - Bean Bag Chairs (comes with multiple poses)

Tentacio - Marshmellow Break (Candy Fair gift)

Monday, November 14, 2016

Adventure# 45 - The Playhouse That Was Really A Mansion!

Little Miss Trudy has a new playset!

[Trudy whispers]

It's a mansion!

It is rather cute and well... pink.

[Trudy whispers]

It's a pink mansion!

She has been rather excited about it. She had me take pictures from almost every angle.

[Trudy whispers]

It's a humongous pink mansion and its all mine!

She had me set up her cute little playhouse outside while she arranged the cute little furnishings inside her friend's home for ...yes...more pictures.

Mr British Narrator Guy! It's not a playhouse! It's a man-sion!!!

Yes, yes, Miss Trudy. It is a mansion!

[Trudy gives a vindicated little huff]

Trudy's wearing...

Due - Tomonaga

Meshy Me - Pink Safari Outfits (in Blue and Pink)
Comes with bow, dress, jeans and boots

Zenith - GACHA - Elephant Bag


Booger's - Toy - Pull Elephant

Your Dreams - Puzzle Elephant - Previous Sanarae  Gift

Lil Scamps - Elephant Wall Hanging - Rare 1 and Rare 2 

Boomerang - Playhouse GACHA items

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Adventure #44 - The Many Faced Tot

A girl is not able to sleep. If a girl is not able to sleep, an imaginery friend may not rest as well.

So a girl asks an imaginery friend to take photos of a girl's latest projec--

Trudith Rose Monae ! That better not be your hand reaching into your Halloween candy bag! No wonder you can't sleep!

[Trudy gives a little huff]

A Many Faced Tot was promised Candy. An imaginery friend may not tell a girl when to eat such a thing!

[Trudy stuffs her mouth with a piece of chocolate, a triumphant grin on her little face]

Trudy is wearing ...

Due - Hair - Tomonaga

Action - Button Eyes

BoWillow - Harlequin Outfit


BoWillow - Face of Walls

Junk Food - Boo Jars

Lady Bunny's Fantasy - Halloween White Candles 

Tiptoes - Ghost Plushie

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...