Sunday, June 19, 2016

Photo-Op #5 - Gurls Like Us, Baby, We Were Born To Blog!

Hiii! It's meh, Trudeh! Sometimes the simplest shots are the best. Who needs a reason to dress up and take photos? Not meh!
I was born to be a cutie! Don't you agree??

I'm wearing ...

Analog Dog*Mash Hair
2PM*Need Me Band-Red 
Bowtique*Edith Earrings
Madison Baker*Red Handkerchief
Toddleteez*Kinsey Nail Art Hud 0L Gift @ Color Me Cute 
Toddleteez*Kinsey Outfit now @ Color Me Cute

Decor used:

DaD Design - Shabby Chic Patriotic American Flag 
Birdy - Lil Bull BB - Spiked-Brown

I was visiting The Mill

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Adventure #30 - The Girl Has Got To Dance!!

[A happy squeal is heard in the back ground]

 Yes, well, that is little Miss Trudy. She went shopping today and bought a new THREE different colors. Can you tell she's excited?

"Look at meh, Mr British Narrator Guy!!!"

"You look fantastic, Miss Trudy!"
Suffice to say, that went on even when we arrived home. She was a rather excited little bee!

"Go outside and play, Miss Trudy!"

And so she did. She played in her latest playhouse. 

 Or I should say she DANCED. Inside, outside, and around! She just couldn't stay still!

"I've got the good soul in my feet, Mr British Narrator Guuuuuuy! I gotta daaaaaaance!"

Something had to be done! My little Miss Trudy had to dance and dance she would!

So I took her to a diner of all places... with a jukebox!

 Oh she loved it! She danced on the seats (and gave me a near heart attack!)

She danced to the jukebox and made up words to the tunes that were playing.

[Trudy is heard singing] 

"There's a gurl named Tru-deh!

She knows just how to boo-geh!

There's a gur-ur-url named Tru-deh!

She knows just how to boo-geh

Tutti Frutti

Gurl, boo-geh


Like a true fashionista, little Miss Trudy NEVER misses an opportunity to take a few photos!

Ah yes. It was a good day!

Trudy is joyfully wearing...

Analog Dog* Li Hair

Baby Princess*Glam Summer Glasses

Bowtique*Edith Earrings 

Toddleteez*Posh Poodle Dress (neck bow included) now @ Ninety Nine

Dream*Rose Sandals (previous group gift)


Once Upon A Toy Box* Toddler Cute Little Playhouse now @ ATP
Animated swing sits two, Xeolife enabled indoor rug with props

Trudy was visiting the Flamingo Court Diner

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Adventure # 29 -The World's Greatest...At Napping

 Little Miss Trudy was extremely excited to get a new bed today!

As she never met the late Mohammed Ali, this adorable bed allows her to feel even just the smallest degree of the man's energy in the ring.

Naturally she had to accessorize with some proper gloves to go with the bed!

And then, she was off bouncing and tumbling, laughing with such glee as she threw little right jabs till she wore her little body out.

[The British Narrator Guy can be heard softly singing]

[ Sung to R.Kelly's TheWorld's Greatest]
She's that tot rolled on her side
She's that tot whose sleepy-eyed
Hey she made it! (To bed)
She's the world's greatest (at napping!)

Ah...sleeping like a baby 

[Trudy rolls over in her sleep, murmuring]

I'm...Zzz...Not...Zzz...A...Zzz...Baby. I'm...Zzz...Five...Zzz! 

Trudy is wearing...

Analog Dog* Li Hair
Boomerang* (Boxing Gacha) now @ Playroom (gloves pack a punch, literally ^.^)
Kylee's Place*Ira Outfit-Girl (texture change with 4 combos) now @ Tous Les Enfants (Last day June 15th) 
Decor shown...
Apple Fall*Victoria's Armoire (Gacha)
AR* Rug From 'Princes and Knights' Set
Birdy*Lil Bull BB - Brown (Gacha)
Boomerang*Vintage Boxing Bed, RARE - Boxing Gacha  now @ The Playroom
Cute Bytes*Bernie The Bear Sugar RARE, (Gacha)
Cute Bytes*Bernie The Bear Lavender (Gacha)
Lil Cathy's*Octopeas-Brown Bear (Gacha)
Sammich Fixins* Frames From Poppy's Room Gacha

Monday, June 6, 2016

Adventure # 28 - These Boots Were Made For Bloggin'!

Hello, hello! Mister British Narrator Guy back from a well needed vacation! It looks like Trudy spent the weekend with her Grandmother! I certainly hope she behaved herself...

[Trudy can be heard singing]

These boots were made for walking, and that's just what they'll do... one of these days these boot are gonna...

[An adult female voice can be heard yelling from the farmhouse]
Trudith Rose Monae! You better NOT be stomping around in the mud in your brand new Sunday school dress!!! Come inside, right now!

But Gramgram! These boots were made for...

I'mma show you what MY boots are made for if you don't get your lil' behind in this house!
[Trudy scrambles for the house, but not before turning around to give a mischievious  wink]
Trudy is wearing :
Riders' World*Riders Straw Country Hat (0L on marketplace)
 Analog Dog*Ring hair
Toddleteez*Country Charm available now @ ATP till June 25th
(Full outfit shown below; original flower crown resized and used as a necklace)
Trudy is visiting Netherwood

Friday, June 3, 2016

Adventure #27 - The Ballin' Fashionista!

Mmhmm. It's meh again! Trudy! You're probably wondering what I'm doing back so soon! Well, all that sweet country air must have given me a boost or something! I had to unleash it! I was feeling like going out and playing some hoops. Nope not hula hoops, basketball!

 So of course I got my sporty on with a bright yellow tank and cute long shorts. And you KNOW I had to accessorize and represent for my fashionistas right?

Suffice to say, my team played circles around the other boys and girls

 AND we looked good doing it! 

Tell me to JUST sit still and look pretty? You don't know who you're messin' with!

Fashionista for life!!

 I'm ballin' while wearin'...

Mandala*Yakushi Jewelry Set 
Jinx*Baller Tank top Yellow (Gacha) now @ ATP
Jinx*Baller Shorts RARE @ ATP
Kylee's Place*Lil Roman Sandals (Gacha)
Special Thanks to LeMomo for the fab, easy to use poses (Ball included!)

Adventure #26 - A Lil City In The Country

 Ohai! It's meh, Trudy! I was wandering about and found myself in the country side of things. Suffice to say, I brought the sunshine hardcore! It helped that I had just gotten my hands on some super cute dresses! ^.^

 Here I am by the apples which were ALREADY tipped over. I didn't do that.
 You didn't see nuthin' Mr Sheep!  <.<  ...  >.<  .... >.>
 Here I am trying to straighten up the dusty old country house. A librarian never looked this cute!
 Oh yea! That's my second favorite look. I call it Kiss My Sass! -.- No it's not the same as the Platinum Cutie! They are completely two different looks!!
 Ooo! Here I was trying to give Miss Duck some lessons on how to look pretty. But she wouldn't stop swimming around to listen to meh! Rude!
 But her ducklings are awwwdorable though! Like meh!
 Here I am wearing Tulip! The gas station man was really thankful that I showed him how to pose like a fasionista!
 Mmhmm! I think they folks in the country learned a lot from meh! I showed them how to use the camera to take pictures of meh.
I'm super helpful you know! ^.~

Each  Lil Caticorn Dress, Rose, Novalis, Paper Arrow and Tulip, come with matching shoes!
Exclusively @ Tous Les Enfants! 

I visited Netherwood!

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Adventure # 25 - New Room, Anyone?

Oh hi!! It's your friendly neighborhhood Trudy. It's just meh! BNG is on vacation! He was going on and on about how I was stressing him out with my Diva-ness. Diva-ness!!! Can you believe that! I just ask him to take a FEW pictures of me looking awesome in the latest fashion I mean so what it's like a gazillion photos? Is it too much that he forgos sleep so I can build up my album of Trudy-rific awesomeness? I think not! But enough about that. You want to know about this brand spankin' new gacha bed set from Sammich Fixins!

 Now I know what you're thinking. Trudy, do you REALLY need more furniture? And the answer is yes...yes I do! I like variety and that's what you get with the Poppy's Room set, a variety of pretty patterned furnishings.

 Even my puppies love  the set!
 I like that the bed, chair and ladder come with poses.
 They make looking cute look easy.
 Speaking of cute, check out this squeal worthy 'fit called "Piggy" by  Lil Scamps (also includes shoes; not shown)

Get your fix of Sammich Fixins @ Tous Les Enfants now through the 15th of June! You can play for all of the following:

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...