Thursday, June 2, 2016

Adventure # 25 - New Room, Anyone?

Oh hi!! It's your friendly neighborhhood Trudy. It's just meh! BNG is on vacation! He was going on and on about how I was stressing him out with my Diva-ness. Diva-ness!!! Can you believe that! I just ask him to take a FEW pictures of me looking awesome in the latest fashion I mean so what it's like a gazillion photos? Is it too much that he forgos sleep so I can build up my album of Trudy-rific awesomeness? I think not! But enough about that. You want to know about this brand spankin' new gacha bed set from Sammich Fixins!

 Now I know what you're thinking. Trudy, do you REALLY need more furniture? And the answer is yes...yes I do! I like variety and that's what you get with the Poppy's Room set, a variety of pretty patterned furnishings.

 Even my puppies love  the set!
 I like that the bed, chair and ladder come with poses.
 They make looking cute look easy.
 Speaking of cute, check out this squeal worthy 'fit called "Piggy" by  Lil Scamps (also includes shoes; not shown)

Get your fix of Sammich Fixins @ Tous Les Enfants now through the 15th of June! You can play for all of the following:

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