Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Adventure # 24 - Butterfly Wishes

Mr British Narrator Guy, is it true if you make a wish upon a star it comes true?Like in Pinocchio?

Hmm...Well Trudy, the truth is sometimes wishes come true,  and sometimes they don't. What's important is that your wish is coming from a good place, in this case, your heart, in effort to accomplish something wonderful. Did you wish on a star?

[Trudy nods, her sweet little face focused in recollection]

I think I wished on a star in my dream. Can I tell you about it?

Well of course, Miss Trudy! You are my tru-est friend. You can tell me anything you want. It's my pleasure to listen.

[This puts a smile on the little girl's face]

Well... in my dream, I was sleeping! I woke up with wings and a tiara! I think I was a butterfly princess! I was wearing this pretty dress and had the most beeeeea-u-tiful wings! An umbrella floated by and I reached for it. It was so pretty, like my dress. I caught it! But then it kept trying to fly away. I was waaaay up in the air! I could see the sky, it was a funny color.  

 It wasn't daytime or nighttime but there were lots of stars. I tried to make a wish but they were really really far and they went by really fast. I think I was crying...cause I couldn't make my wish. But then ....but THEN a big British voice asked me what was wrong. He kinda sounded like you! I looked up and it was a big blue fuzzy bunny. I told him I really wanted to catch one of those stars...but I couldn't fly close enough and I couldn't  make my wish. He was so nice, Mr British Narrator Guy! He lassoed a star down so I could touch it...and make my wish!

I wished that no matter what was making my family and friends sad, that I would always be able to make them feel betters, even if it was just for a little while.

Awww, Miss Trudy! That's a lovely wish!

Mmhmm, I know. I could have wished that Kaity's farts weren't walking-dead-toxic...or that Sami wasn't such a cheater  at Skippy...

Umm...Miss Trudy...?

Or that Cae wasn't a short, cootie colonizing---


 [Trudith just sits there with a big mischievious grin on her face]


Trudy is wearing...

 Candy Cloud*Francis White Lace Umbrella
Erratic* Pearl Earrings  EAE Gacha
Sammich Fixins*Wings - Butterfly Girl Gacha at Brick Lane
Stray Kitties* Lisabeth Dress @ Tous Les Enfants
 Swallow*Tiara (groupgift)

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