Friday, May 6, 2016

Adventure#20 - The Little Princess

Trudy was saddened to know that Prince passed away. I'm surprised she even knew who he was!!
Suffice to say, she imagined he was in Purple Rain heaven, where the sky is cosmic purple with puffy piglet clouds, rocking out with family, friends and all his fans. 

Here she is decked out in all her purple perfection performing a concert for her adoring fans. Could she be, the most adorable tot in the world?


Hold that Pose, Trudy. Yes! A little Princess indeed!
Trudy is wearing...

Blues*Bonao Hair (existing groupgift)
Mandala*Ohoshisama Earrings
Bowtique*Sash Accessory*Necktie-white
Foxes*Fur Stole -White*Feelin' Myself Gacha available now @ The Gacha Garden
Little Diva*Purple Rain Outfit RARE*I'm A Star GACHA available now @ ATP
Nan Tra* Purple Guitar (Comes as part of pose 5 in Lets Go Crazy GACHA available now @ The Gacha Garden

High V. All Prince Paraphernalia shown (currently free)
Bug-A-Boodle*Diva-V.I.T Director Chair GACHA
Adoring Public ^.^ ...
Boogers*XO Bear RARE, Bear Jenkins  (retired, separate GACHA)
Cutebytes* Lavender - Bernie The Bear GACHA
Fawny* Décor 3 -Wonderful Pandas GACHA
MishMish*Cloudie Piggy
Silent Sparrow* Claire, Moshie and Oddity - Dragon Plushie GACHA

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