Monday, May 2, 2016

Adventure #18 - Marie for a Day

 Good day to all! I'm usually off but little Miss Trudy informed me that I was "slackin'" on my duties so I was instructed to come take pictures of her adorable royal highness lest I be "fired for life."


And adorable she  is! I'm not entirely sure where she finds these outfits. I believe she was channeling Marie Antoinette today. She kept yelling "Let them eat cookies!" to all my inquiries -.- 

[Shakes his head] 

Hmm. The outfit is missing something...

Ah! Look at that! A fan! That's my girl! What panache!

Trudy is wearing...
Hair - Milana*Mint 
Outfit - Toddleteez* Marie Gacha (includes hat, RARE animated fan and RARE shoes)

Trudy is at the Spoiled One Mainstore

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