Saturday, May 14, 2016


Mister British Narrator Guy!!? Mister British Narrator Guy! Look at me!

[BNG looks over to note Trudy wearing a lovely peach colored dress]
I got  another dress that is gonna be at the PENUMBRA Fashion Week. Isn't it pretty?? Just LOOK at all the roses!!!

[He nods in agreement as she poses this way and that.]
Oh, yes, quite lovely.
And look!


[She appears to rip the long flowing skirt into two ...with surprising ease]
Miss Trudy! What did you do that for??


[Trudy raises one cute little eyebrow, then rolls her eyes]'s velcro, Mister British Narrator Guy!
Yesh! It's versatile!!
[BNG did NOT know she was familiar with the word. Trudy has already moved on to admire her reflection in a mirror.]!!!
Trudy is  wearing...
Outfit by Toddleteez
Fleur Cherie (Headband, earrings, necklace, flower basket and shoes included!)
Baby*Glam Summer Glasses
Toddleteez*Glam Retro Glasses-Gold GACHA
Toddleteez showcase - Wednesday May 18, 2016 @ 4:30PM              
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