[Trudy can be heard squealing excitedly through the house]
Mr British Narrator Guy! Mr British Narrator Guy! There's gonna be a fashion show for adults AND For kids like me! Look! Loooooook!
[SWOOSH! She appears by a startled BNG's side holding up a notice, PENUMBRA Fashion Week boldly written at the top]
Can we go puh-leeeeease?
[Gives her most winning, dimpled smile as she stares up at him]
Hmm ...yes I suppose--
And look! I already bought the outfits
[SWOOSH! She's back before him again wearing a new outfit, BNG does a double-take]
When did you-?
And look this ALSO looks great on meh too!
[SWOOSH! She's changed yet again. BNG does a triple-take]
[Trudy drags BNG outside by the hand]
Take pictures of meh Mister British Narrator Guy! Puhlease!!
Miss Trudy!! Now listen here!!
[Flashes her patented Power Cutie look, cause she's really, really, really THAT ridiculously cute ^.^]

...With tea and crumpets on top??
[BNG can be heard sighing with reluctance, followed by the sounds of a camera flashing soon after. Trudy's infectious giggles fill the air]
Yayyy this is going in my scrapbook!! I can't wait to see the little tot models!! It's gonna be awwwwwesome!
Trudy is wearing
Outfits in order by BoWillow (comes with hat eyeware and shoeware)
Hi Felicia!
You Can Sit With Us
Hipster In Gray
Blues Hair*Bonao
Glamrus kidz* Earthy Waters - Sunnyflower Headband GACHA
Maxi Gossamer*Hampton Boho Earrings
Toddleteez*Pretzel Stick Chocolate (GACHA - mouth and hand version available) @ ATP
Meshy Me*Basseterre Bracelets
Glamrus kidz* Earthy Waters - Sunnyflower Headband GACHA
Maxi Gossamer*Hampton Boho Earrings
Toddleteez*Pretzel Stick Chocolate (GACHA - mouth and hand version available) @ ATP
Meshy Me*Basseterre Bracelets
Fashion Week Begins: Saturday, May 14, 2016!!
BoWillow Showcase on Monday May 16, 2016 @ 4:30PM
Penumbra Fashion Main Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/penumbrasl/?fref=ts
Penumbra Toddleedoo Experience Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/619604478189551/
Look forward to seeing you all there!
Penumbra Toddleedoo Experience Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/groups/619604478189551/
Look forward to seeing you all there!
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