Friday, November 18, 2016

Adventure #46 - The Sisterhood of Ni Ni Pillows!

Little Miss Trudy and her sisters were in the back bonding via camping and roasting marshmellows. Yes...those are rather large marshmellows. They take the art of making smores rather seriously.

 It was a little cool outside so the siblings were certain to be dressed warmly, especially Miss Trudy! She doesn't care a bit for cool air.

It seems, though, that the girls had a visitor who also wanted to partake. A little raccoon appeared out of no way and grabbed up a few marshmellow sticks  the girls were saving for later. He caught sight of the greater prize being held by the girls and he pounced the nearest tot in efforts to gain a giant marshmellow for himself.

Poor Archer!  A greedy raccoon was trying to shake her down for her giant marshmellow.

Sleepy Kai didn't seem to notice that they had acquired a pesky admirer determined to get his paws on some chewy snacks.

And mischievious Miss Trudy was over on that side laughing her little head off.

Trudy is wearing...

BoWillow - Ni Ni Pillow

Blues - Hair - Celine 

Tiptoes - Deer Hoodie - Fawn

Gimmick - Marshmellow Whackers

BoWillow - Thanksgiving Cozy Leggings

Sugar & Spice - Boots  (Old group gift)


Fawn Kisses - Burnt Marshmellows


Breaux Jr. - Bean Bag Chairs (comes with multiple poses)

Tentacio - Marshmellow Break (Candy Fair gift)

Monday, November 14, 2016

Adventure# 45 - The Playhouse That Was Really A Mansion!

Little Miss Trudy has a new playset!

[Trudy whispers]

It's a mansion!

It is rather cute and well... pink.

[Trudy whispers]

It's a pink mansion!

She has been rather excited about it. She had me take pictures from almost every angle.

[Trudy whispers]

It's a humongous pink mansion and its all mine!

She had me set up her cute little playhouse outside while she arranged the cute little furnishings inside her friend's home for ...yes...more pictures.

Mr British Narrator Guy! It's not a playhouse! It's a man-sion!!!

Yes, yes, Miss Trudy. It is a mansion!

[Trudy gives a vindicated little huff]

Trudy's wearing...

Due - Tomonaga

Meshy Me - Pink Safari Outfits (in Blue and Pink)
Comes with bow, dress, jeans and boots

Zenith - GACHA - Elephant Bag


Booger's - Toy - Pull Elephant

Your Dreams - Puzzle Elephant - Previous Sanarae  Gift

Lil Scamps - Elephant Wall Hanging - Rare 1 and Rare 2 

Boomerang - Playhouse GACHA items

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Adventure #44 - The Many Faced Tot

A girl is not able to sleep. If a girl is not able to sleep, an imaginery friend may not rest as well.

So a girl asks an imaginery friend to take photos of a girl's latest projec--

Trudith Rose Monae ! That better not be your hand reaching into your Halloween candy bag! No wonder you can't sleep!

[Trudy gives a little huff]

A Many Faced Tot was promised Candy. An imaginery friend may not tell a girl when to eat such a thing!

[Trudy stuffs her mouth with a piece of chocolate, a triumphant grin on her little face]

Trudy is wearing ...

Due - Hair - Tomonaga

Action - Button Eyes

BoWillow - Harlequin Outfit


BoWillow - Face of Walls

Junk Food - Boo Jars

Lady Bunny's Fantasy - Halloween White Candles 

Tiptoes - Ghost Plushie

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Photo-Op# 34 - Tru DeVille - Evil never looked this cute!


Trudy is wearing...

Laviere - Hair -  Momo  (Old Hair Fair Gift)

Enfant Terrible - Necklace - GACHA -  L'Odeur du Cuir Necklace - Black

Tiptoes - Evil Puppy Snatcher Costume - Cruella Coat

Meshy Me - Halle Dress - Red and Black

Tiny Trinkets - Vampire Child Veil Hat
Exclusive Tous Les Enfants gift till Nov 15. 

Claire de Lune - Shoes - Ruby Slippers (Previous Enchantment Gift)


Mishmish - Scawy Monster - Diablo

BunBun & Dream - Halloween Party GACHA - Red Devil Cupcakes

Rama - Backdrop -#Selfie GACHA - Red Stock

Darkend Stare - Sheeplings GACHA - Devil, Bloody

Snips & Snails - GACHA - Retro Pedal Car - Black

Friday, November 4, 2016

Photo-Op #33 - ButtonStache in Autumn Colors

Look #1

Analog Dog - Proud Mary
  Purplemoon - Earrings -  Imani Set (Fresh Pantone)

Le Morte - Disasterology Glasses - Gold

ButtonStache - Autumn  Wool Scarf 

ButtonStache - Dark Knit Sweater - Black  
(Sold in a pack of three, 25 only being sold)

 That's So Kyoot  - Shoes - Noah Unisex Bebe Boots

Jian  - GACHA - Lively Labs - Black Companion Pup

Look #2

Boon - Hair -  ZPO133 - retired

ButtonStache - Ribbed Knit Sweater (color change with hud)
(Jeans seen in both photos is an applier hud available in this set)

ButtonStache - GACHA - Patterned Scarf - RARE (color-change hud)

Flite - Pyrric Boots - Olive

Photo-Op#32 - Three Looks In One

Here we see Little Miss Trudy modeling yet some more colors that look rather darling on her, don't you think?

Trudy was over visiting her big brother Aden and was posing here with some of the house pets. I'm not sure who is  cuter in this case, the pups or Trudy!

She so enjoys taking photos!

Trudy is wearing...

 Wasabi Pills - Hair - Coral

Purplemoon - Earrings -  Imani Set (Fresh Pantone)

Maxi Gossamer - Necklace -  Pearl Daisies - Pink Pearl - Medium Silver.

Dorks - Autumn Dress - Cardigan, scarf, dress and shoes all included

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Photo-Op #31 - Orange and Black Beyond Halloween

The holiday has come and gone but that doesn't mean Little Miss Trudy has lost the Halloween spirit!

She had me take a shot of her in yet another orange and black themed outfit.

I'm rather certain you'll find her in the mood for some ghoulishly themed shots between now and Thanksgiving! Look at that face! Adorable!

Trudys' total look...

Foreign - Headphones  - Solo Wireless 0L gift at Trunk or Treat
Till Nov 4.

Wasabi Pills - Hair - Coral

ButtonStache - Skulls Snood Scarf (previous ATP gift)

ButtonStache -  Hallerween Shirt - 0L gift at Trunk or Treat
Till Nov 4.

Adolescents - Biker Leggings

Vale Koer - The Vasiform - 0L group gift

Trudy was happily sprinting through Halloweeen Town

Photo-Op #815 - A Radiant Lurking

- Wearing - Celesticat - Cosmic Eyes Vae Victis - "Atropa" - Eye Flower Vae Victis - "Moloch" - Diabolic Horns Vae Vict...